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My Love for You Broke Me

Chapter 186
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Chapter 186

Sensing the impotience in my voice, Nicholos osked coldly, "Whot? You don't even wont to onswer my colls


I rebuked, "Why would you think I wont to in the first ploce?"

Whot wos left of our relotionship hod been worn down by him until there wos nothing left. Presently, I hoted him to

the core ond wonted him to stoy well owoy from me.


He suddenly shouted my nome before continuing, "It wos me who let you down before, but I hove been trying my

best to moke it up to you! Even till now, I con't understond why you still loved ond forgove me even though I hod

hurt you so bodly! Yet, why did you leove me when I ogreed to Quinn's conditions in order to sove you?"

I hod thought obout this countless times myself.

The conclusion I come to wos—there wos no speciol reoson.

I reolly did love him, but ofter being hurt time ond time ogoin, I would olso come to reject this love. Besides, the

night before he ond Morio tied the knot, I wos lying on the bed, woiting for my deoth to come!

Truthfully, I hod lost oll hope by then. The only reoson I could forgive him ofter wos becouse my sickness got better.

I opened up to Nicholos becouse I needed someone to rely on ond o shoulder to cry on.

But in the end, he turned me owoy ogoin!

I hod worned him to not moke the promise with Quinn!

But whot did he do?

He went ogoinst my wishes!

Even if I knew he did this in hopes thot I would live, the bod blood between me ond Quinn wos… I reolly did not

need him to hurt him when he meont well!

Seeing thot Nicholos wos woiting for on onswer, I dronk the milk leisurely before soying, "I hod forgiven you for too

mony times ond the consequence of thot wos me getting let down eoch ond every time. When you ogreed to

Quinn's conditions, thot wos the strow thot broke the comel's bock! Now, I reolly don't wont to hove onything to do

with you!"

Besides, I hod forgiven him when he 'died'.

"Whot obout Shown?"

Mentioning him oll of o sudden, Nicholos soid, "Don't tell me he hod never hurt you before?"

Immediotely, I replied, "Never."

Shown hod never hurt me before!

Ironicolly, it wos me thot hurt him unintentionolly!

"If you soy so, then why would he leove you? Oh, don't tell me thot you both oren't disputing right now!"

Nicholos' words reveoled just how much he knew obout me—he even knew obout the hiccup between me ond


Yes, there were crocks in our relotionship ot the moment.

Follow on NovᴇlEnglish.nᴇt

One could even soy we were on the verge of breoking up!

Alos, this wos olso becouse of my octions!

Sensing the impatience in my voice, Nicholas asked coldly, "What? You don't even want to answer my calls


I rebuked, "Why would you think I want to in the first place?"

What was left of our relationship had been worn down by him until there was nothing left. Presently, I hated him to

the core and wanted him to stay well away from me.


He suddenly shouted my name before continuing, "It was me who let you down before, but I have been trying my

best to make it up to you! Even till now, I can't understand why you still loved and forgave me even though I had

hurt you so badly! Yet, why did you leave me when I agreed to Quinn's conditions in order to save you?"

I had thought about this countless times myself.

The conclusion I came to was—there was no special reason.

I really did love him, but after being hurt time and time again, I would also come to reject this love. Besides, the

night before he and Maria tied the knot, I was lying on the bed, waiting for my death to come!

Truthfully, I had lost all hope by then. The only reason I could forgive him after was because my sickness got better.

I opened up to Nicholas because I needed someone to rely on and a shoulder to cry on.

But in the end, he turned me away again!

I had warned him to not make the promise with Quinn!

But what did he do?

He went against my wishes!

Even if I knew he did this in hopes that I would live, the bad blood between me and Quinn was… I really did not

need him to hurt him when he meant well!

Seeing that Nicholas was waiting for an answer, I drank the milk leisurely before saying, "I had forgiven you far too

many times and the consequence of that was me getting let down each and every time. When you agreed to

Quinn's conditions, that was the straw that broke the camel's back! Now, I really don't want to have anything to do

with you!"

Besides, I had forgiven him when he 'died'.

"What about Shawn?"

Mentioning him all of a sudden, Nicholas said, "Don't tell me he had never hurt you before?"

Immediately, I replied, "Never."

Shawn had never hurt me before!

Ironically, it was me that hurt him unintentionally!

"If you say so, then why would he leave you? Oh, don't tell me that you both aren't disputing right now!"

Nicholas' words revealed just how much he knew about me—he even knew about the hiccup between me and


Yes, there were cracks in our relationship at the moment.

One could even say we were on the verge of breaking up!

Alas, this was also because of my actions!

It was me that single-handedly pushed our relationship to the precipice!

"It wasn't Shawn's fault," I said.

"But, you can't deny the problems between you two."

Since Nicholas' words rendered me speechless, I chose to close my eyes in silence when he suddenly said, "Come

spend Christmas with me in Bryxton."

Refusing him outright, I replied, "No way!"

Hearing this, he reminded me. "Your parents are still here."

I did not know what to say.

I had not discussed the subject of my parents for the past few days with Nicholas as I knew that he would not return

them to me.

Even if I were to mobilize the Xenos family's influence, it won't be enough since he did not care about anything.

Hence, I doubt it would be any use even if I wiped his family out!

It might even backfire by then!

Because I could not guarantee how cruel and cold-blooded his split personality would be, I could not afford this risk!

In spite of that, I also believed that he would not harm my parents for now!

After a moment of hesitation, I said, "I'll come later."

After hanging up, I called the handler of the Xenos family and told him my intentions before hearing him say, "We

will secure your safety, Miss. You just have to travel in peace."

I felt much better with the backing of the Xenos Family, as I saw three strong-looking bodyguards beside my car

when I came downstairs.

Approaching them, I smiled. "So, you all will be sticking close to me?"

Nodding, they explained, "We're the top bodyguards of the Xenos family. Prior to this, we used to follow Mr. Xenos

around. Just now, we had been waiting downstairs for your orders ever since we received the call from Mr. Kalt,


The current handler of the Xenos family was a man named Anthony Kalt.

After pausing, he then continued, "We have people from the family in Bryxton, so you don't have to worry about

anyone threatening your safety, Miss."

As these twenty over bodyguards protected me in secret, they rarely showed themselves, so even I had not fully

remembered them all.

I then gratefully said, "Thank you. These are some gifts for you."

Giving them a bag with twenty wrapped gift packs containing money, I said, "You guys can distribute them once we

arrive in Bryxton."

One of them then stepped forward and took it. "Thank you, Miss."

"Let's go to Bryxton."

I was fully prepared to meet Nicholas.

Follow on Novᴇl-Onlinᴇ.cᴏm

It was already evening when we eventually reached the city. At that moment, the setting sun illuminated the clear

sky. It's rare to see Bryxton's weather so nice!

After the bodyguards parked the car at the entrance, I got out of the car and looked at the massive manor with a

sense of strange nostalgia.

This was my ex-husband's home.

Inside were some familiar faces.

It certainly was very festive at their house, as the entrance had been decorated with all kinds of Christmas trinkets

and banners, which to my knowledge was personally designed by Chairman Forger himself!

"Go ring the doorbell."

Receiving my instructions, one of the bodyguards then rang the doorbell.

Soon after, someone came to open the door.

It was the Forger's butler.

He had treated me quite well in the past.

Perhaps the reason I got married to Nicholas was that the whole family treated me decently.

Shocked to see me, the butler then greeted me. "Mrs. Forger."

Correcting him, I replied, "I'm not Mrs. Forger anymore."

Returning to his senses, he then nodded. "Please, come in."

When I went inside, I was shocked to see Christopher and Olivia there, as well as the chairman and his wife, who he

had divorced for a long time now.

What a sight to behold. It's surprising to see them all gathered like this.

I suddenly realized that Nicholas wanted to invite me to celebrate Christmas together instead of troubling me.

Then, is Nicholas now normal?

Did he threaten me to come here on purpose?

Walking over, I asked him, "Where are my parents?"

Smiling, Nicholas asked, "Why are you in such a hurry?"

As I would never mistake Nicholas with Christopher again, I said in a low tone to him, "I want to see them. Now."

Reaching out, he tried to touch my face intimately, but I saw it coming and stepped back quickly.

He looked very hurt upon seeing my actions.

At that moment, he was humiliated in front of the big crowd.

Silently, I whispered to him, "Don't push your luck."

Hearing this, he said with a cold look, "Come with me."

I would never be alone with Nicholas again, as he frowned upon seeing the bodyguards follow me. "Can they just

stay put and wait?"

I replied, "They can't."

"Are you afraid that I might eat you up?" he asked.

This made me rebuke him by saying, "Do you think you're very trustworthy?"

Shocked upon hearing my words, he suddenly questioned me in front of Christopher, Olivia, and his parents. "Have

we become so distant now? Renee, are you going to harbor this hatred at me for eternity?"