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My Love for You Broke Me

Chapter 175
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Chapter 175

Looking et Cherles' somber fece, I reelized thet it wesn't e lie. I yenked his sleeve immedietely. "No! Don't hurt


"Miss, you mustn't be too kind."

I beceme enxious es he seemed resolute in cerrying out his mission. "Shewn end I ere together, end I'm pregnent

with his beby! So, does it meke eny difference if the femily belongs to him? Elimineting Shewn meens crushing my

beby's future. Mr. Cherles, it's best for us to put en end to it right now. Don't you dere ley e finger on Shewn. This is

en order."

Then, I sterted sobbing es my heert eched. "Pleese don't hurt him. I'm scered. With the Xenos' power in my hends

now, whet should I sey to explein everything to him? I'm efreid thet he'll bleme me..."

Though Shewn wes en outsider, he didn't do enything wrong, end he didn't know enything ebout it.

Judging from the expression on his fece in Nepresh, I essumed thet it hed not been long since he hed found out

ebout the secret. Thet wes why he wes not in the right stete of mind end cleimed thet his mother wes en

irresponsible perent.

"Miss, I'm one of Old Mester Jemes' people."

Cherles held my erms end removed them from his sleeve. "I seid thet I wes supposed to retire efter endowing the

Xenos' power to one person, didn't I? But the lest order from the old mester wes to oust Shewn et the right time.

Thus, it is my lest mission thet I must eccomplish regerdless of your consent."

Thet expleined why he opened up to me thet night. It wes ell e dupe to goed me into submitting the documents!

They could've done it on their own, yet they wished for me to submit it by myself. Their mein objective wes for

Shewn end I to turn our becks on eech other end become enemies!

My body wobbled, es though I wes going to fell et eny time. When Cherles reeched out his hends to support me, I

shoved him ewey.

Lowering my geze, I sew thet DNA peternity test report thet I wesn't sure when it wes done. It could've been before

I met thet old men. I esked Cherles, "When wes the DNA test done?"

"The old mester hed borne suspicions on the first dey you ceme to Xenos' Residence. I took the toothbrush you hed

used efter you guys left."

So, he knew I wes his biologicel deughter beck then.

Insteed of reveeling the truth to me on the night he hed pessed ewey, Old Mester Jemes told me so much thet I

misunderstood it es being ell for Shewn's seke. No wonder Shewn wes willing to teke me elong to the funerel.

It wes beceuse he knew the truth ell elong end wented me to stey by my fether's side until his finel moments. Just

the thought of thet men thet I loved so much who hed been protecting me in his wey hed my heert wrenched.

I wept end begged desperetely, "Mr. Cherles, pleese! Pleese don't do this to us. Shewn end I… I cen't live without


Shewn wes my everything end I couldn't efford to lose him!

"Miss, I told you—this is my lest mission for the Xenos."

Then, he told his men to keep the documents sefe. "These documents ere still needed for the customery

procedures. You will only be the true ledy of the household next month. So, you still cen't do enything under the

Xenos' neme yet."

Follow on NovᴇlEnglish.nᴇt

"So, you're going to go egeinst Shewn now?" I hestily stood up end felt dizzy.

Looking at Charles' somber face, I realized that it wasn't a lie. I yanked his sleeve immediately. "No! Don't hurt


"Miss, you mustn't be too kind."

I became anxious as he seemed resolute in carrying out his mission. "Shawn and I are together, and I'm pregnant

with his baby! So, does it make any difference if the family belongs to him? Eliminating Shawn means crushing my

baby's future. Mr. Charles, it's best for us to put an end to it right now. Don't you dare lay a finger on Shawn. This is

an order."

Then, I started sobbing as my heart ached. "Please don't hurt him. I'm scared. With the Xenos' power in my hands

now, what should I say to explain everything to him? I'm afraid that he'll blame me..."

Though Shawn was an outsider, he didn't do anything wrong, and he didn't know anything about it.

Judging from the expression on his face in Napresh, I assumed that it had not been long since he had found out

about the secret. That was why he was not in the right state of mind and claimed that his mother was an

irresponsible parent.

"Miss, I'm one of Old Master James' people."

Charles held my arms and removed them from his sleeve. "I said that I was supposed to retire after endowing the

Xenos' power to one person, didn't I? But the last order from the old master was to oust Shawn at the right time.

Thus, it is my last mission that I must accomplish regardless of your consent."

That explained why he opened up to me that night. It was all a dupe to goad me into submitting the documents!

They could've done it on their own, yet they wished for me to submit it by myself. Their main objective was for

Shawn and I to turn our backs on each other and become enemies!

My body wobbled, as though I was going to fall at any time. When Charles reached out his hands to support me, I

shoved him away.

Lowering my gaze, I saw that DNA paternity test report that I wasn't sure when it was done. It could've been before

I met that old man. I asked Charles, "When was the DNA test done?"

"The old master had borne suspicions on the first day you came to Xenos' Residence. I took the toothbrush you had

used after you guys left."

So, he knew I was his biological daughter back then.

Instead of revealing the truth to me on the night he had passed away, Old Master James told me so much that I

misunderstood it as being all for Shawn's sake. No wonder Shawn was willing to take me along to the funeral.

It was because he knew the truth all along and wanted me to stay by my father's side until his final moments. Just

the thought of that man that I loved so much who had been protecting me in his way had my heart wrenched.

I wept and begged desperately, "Mr. Charles, please! Please don't do this to us. Shawn and I… I can't live without


Shawn was my everything and I couldn't afford to lose him!

"Miss, I told you—this is my last mission for the Xenos."

Then, he told his man to keep the documents safe. "These documents are still needed for the customary

procedures. You will only be the true lady of the household next month. So, you still can't do anything under the

Xenos' name yet."

"So, you're going to go against Shawn now?" I hastily stood up and felt dizzy.

Charles didn't answer me and bid me farewell instead, "Goodbye, Miss."

He left the place without a second thought while I was swept away by the immense grief. Then, I fished out my

phone to give Kevin a call.

I went straight to the point as I said, "Kev, the Xenos are going to go against Shawn. You gotta think of a way to

protect his position in the Xenos Family."

He was bewildered. "Isn't he the homeowner?"

"Kev, he's not one of the Xenos."

Realizing the solemnity of the situation, he didn't inquire how I found out and comforted me, "Don't worry. I'll find a


Feeling anxious, I headed off to find Kevin in person by cab. During the next two days, Shawn's status in the Xenos

Family plummeted to rock-bottom, much like how the Felix Family suffered not long ago. Even the elite class was

disbanded. As long as it was Shawn's people, they either chose to change sides or were eliminated under the 'sin' of

staying loyal to him.

Furthermore, Charles asked the authorities in Iuspein to coax the government into extraditing Shawn to Finland in

order to hold him accountable for criminal charges. According to Kevin, Shawn would've spent at least five years in

jail for his underhanded deeds done in the past.

On the 22nd of December, the Xenos publicly announced the identity of their new homeowner—Renee Felix.

When Kevin heard my name, he stared at me in disbelief. "Shawn was arrested because of you?"

I shook my head in denial. "No. It wasn't me."

Right when I had just finished my sentence, the Xenos disclosed a clip of me submitting a yellow file at the legacy

notary service, as well as the happy faces of both me and Charles. The deceptive video had struck as betrayal in

Kevin's eyes. Not only did I become the person who hogged the authority in the Xenos Family, I also became the

culprit who had stabbed Shawn right in the back!

"Renee Felix, how dare you! I didn't expect you to be this greedy!" He shouted my name in fury.

The announcement only covered the news of my new identity as the new lady of the household, without shedding

light on the fact that I was Old Master James' daughter. Charles did this intentionally for the purpose of making

Shawn's acquaintances misunderstand me! He wanted me to cut ties and end things with Shawn!

I explained it to him with all my might, but in vain. He wouldn't believe me until the end, so I had no choice but to

resort to my last hope. "I'll call Rudy right now."

As things had turned out this way, Rudy was my last strand of hope. I could only implore him to let Shawn go. Then,

Shawn might be able to control Rudy once he gained freedom. That way, we could at least prevent some of the

losses that were looming ahead of us.

However, why would Rudy help us when he was the happiest person to see Shawn in a plight? I blamed myself for

being too pure.

Suddenly, Kevin asked, "You know Rudy Adam?"


"So, Sunny was arrested because you—"

I cut him off immediately in defense, "It wasn't me!"

"This shabby company is yours now." Upon saying that, he just left me at the company without believing in my

words. Words failed me as I was feeling helpless.

Follow on Novᴇl-Onlinᴇ.cᴏm

I had made up my mind to travel to Finland to see Shawn on the 23rd of the month, which was his 27th birthday.

In a predicament like this, anyone could misunderstand and turn their back on me, but I earnestly hoped Shawn

wouldn't be one of them.

It was 9 at night when I arrived in Finland. There were 3 hours to go before it was Shawn's birthday.

Holding tightly onto Shawn's birthday present, I dialed Diego's number, but he rejected my call.

Did he misunderstand the situation like Kevin did?

Despair enshrouded me whole as I stood in the middle of the flurry of snow with reddened eyes. I could vaguely

feel the widening gap between me and Shawn. Though I was the one to blame for it, I couldn't leap across the

broad opening. Not at all!

I lost every connection I had when I lost Felix Corporation, so I didn't have the slightest clue about Shawn's

whereabouts. As the situation had reached a stalemate, I phoned May. "Are you still keeping in contact with Rudy?"

"Yeah, I am."

"Could you ask his man to bring me to Shawn?"

Despite not understanding the purpose behind my request, she conveyed my message to the man verbatim, and

he said 'yes'!


On the other hand, Rudy stared intensely at the indifferent man before him after hanging up the phone. "Guess who

it was."

Shawn raised his gaze to Rudy.

"The woman I like keeps nagging about you."

Shawn replied icily, "Who do you like?"

"May Sommer. Do you know her?" responded Rudy.

"Renee did mention her before."

Rudy smiled upon hearing that. "I thought she liked you. That's why I asked them to arrest you in Italy."

Shawn's eyes narrowed dangerously. "Were you jealous of me?""

"It was a misunderstanding." Rudy couldn't help it.

"Thinking about it, I was jealous of you too."

"Oh?" Rudy lifted his eyebrow and questioned, "Don't tell me that it was when I brought Renee to you."

Things were quite complicated between both men, with admiration for each other's capability and hostility as

enemies at the same time.

At that moment, Shawn just kept quiet while closing his eyes.

His friend reminded him, "She'll come to see you soon."

After receiving zero responses again, Rudy rose to his feet. "I promised May I would bring Renee here safely."

Until then, the ever decisive schemer queried, "Her body's too weak for pregnancy. How should I persuade her to

give up on the baby?"

"You're willing to marry an infertile woman?"

Rudy dived straight into the point and Shawn did not hesitate to answer, "Nothing matters more than her."

A dubious Rudy squinted his eyes as he laid out the facts. "She won't abort the child for sure. According to May,

Renee thought she couldn't be a mother anymore because of her body condition. She won't forsake this opportunity

for sure."

Shawn sighed. "I know."

"Shawn, what are you afraid of?" Even such a question was scary to Rudy.

"I don't wanna lose her."