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My Husband Is A Secret Billionaire By Wiuu

Chapter 183
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Chapter 183

Really, how could he be so fierce?

Jane looked at his black face that could squeeze out the ink and couldn’t help but secretly complain.

Didn’t this man have a good temper in the past, but recently, he has become more and more


Jane pursed her lips, and her honeless body softly pressed against him, and bursts of sweet fragrance

penetrated his nose.

Dominic’s will gradually disintegrated, and his temper was gone.

She said softly, “Tom Cruise did ask about my relationship with you, because after all, it was Manager

Howard who brought me in, and Manager Howard was your person.

Dominic m uffled..

He was the one who asked Manager Howard to say that.

As a result, saying this could elevate Jane’s identity and make the group of people in the studio dare

not look down on her.

Secondly, it was also a hint of his relationship with Jane.

Tom Cruise had already become a celebrity. Of course, he would understand the advantages and

disadvantages of this, so he would ask her questions during the interview.

But what did this little woman say?

“When he asked me, I didn’t say anything…” Jane smiled embarrassedly, and then defended herself,

“Although I didn’t admit it, I didn’t deny it either!”

“Oh,” Dominic looked at her thoughtfully, “You didn’t admit it or deny it?”

“Mmm!” Jane nodded, “I’ll leave room for him to imagine!”


Dominic’s eyes widened again.

How could she have such a high sounding rhetoric! Leave room, imagine?

When Jane saw that something was wrong, she immediately acted coquettishly and hugged his arm

and leaned beside him.

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“I admit that I am a little vain. I don’t want others to think that I relied on your face to invite Tom. Cruise

for an exclusive interview.”

She lowered her head and lowered her eyelids. She looked timid. From this angle, her delicate little

face was particularly charming and charming.

Coupled with her soft and sweet voice…

Dominic’s heart had already melted.

Then, a stille appeared on his cold face, and his big hand gently stroked her hair.

“However, I think it’s not good for you to let Tom cruise know too much, so I won’t say it!”

Dominic paused, and the corner of his mouth fell down again. He frowned slightly, “What do you


Jane showed a sly and playful look, and said softly, “You are very low-key in London. You can’t be sech

in the media. If you let Tom Cruise take this opportunity to get close to you, you can’t keep a low-

My Husband Is A Server Ellionaire

profile even if you want to keep a low profile.”

“…” Dominic could not refute.

For a long while, he squinted at her with a smile on his face.

“So, is it for my own good?”

“Mmm!” Jane nodded.

“But I’m not being recognized, and I still feel uncomfortable!” The man’s face was serious again. Jane

carefully observing his words and expressions, “Then how do I make you feel comfortable?”

Such a gentle question, paired with those big clear and innocent eyes, made Dominic’s charming

thoughts come alive again…

How can I be comfortable?

Of course, it was…the sauce was stuffed with….

The corner of Dominic’s lips twitched, and there was a hint of tenderness in his deep eyes.

He coughed lightly and whispered, “Buy me something.”

Jane nodded and laughed. “Okay!” Anyway, she had promised to buy him a pair of leather shoes. “Let’s

buy the shoes later,” he smirked. “I’ve set my eyes on a tie at DreamLand.”

“Ah?” Jane’s brain seemed to have been hit by something.

Dreamland or DL, is the premier shopping mall in Central City.

Not only was it magnificent and luxurious, but the decoration was dreamy, and the prices of the things

inside were even more dreamy.

have the

In short, Jane passed by there several times, but she did not courage to go in and take a look.

“What’s the matter?” Dominic raised his eyebrows. “You said that you would support me for the rest of

their lives, but now you won’t even buy a tie?”

“You…” How can you say that with a straight face!

Jane bit her lip. There was nothing she could do.

But did this man really have a vision, how could he be able to pinpoint her to pay her every time? She

smiled and took out her salary card. The numbers inside were about to be warmed up…

“Well, it’s not too bad.” Dominic reached out to get it.

Jane suddenly tightened her fingertips, desperately holding onto the thin salary card, reluctant to let


Dominic couldn’t hold back anymore. Before he could laugh, he pulled out his salary card with all his


“Bring it!” He looked at her proudly and smiled, “You said you wanted to support me!”

“Dominic, can you be reasonable!” Jane felt wronged. “You’re so rich, yet you still want me to support


“Ugh…” Dominic suddenly covered his stomach and bent down, his expression a little painful. Jane

was stunned and hurriedly asked him, “What’s the matter with you?”

“I didn’t tell you, I have a stomach problem?”



My Husband A Secret Billionaire

“It hurts a little now.”

Jane’s heart ached when she saw him in pain.

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“How do you feel?” She nervously held his arm. “I’ll call Henry and let him send you to the hospital!”

“No, I went to the hospital to see it.”

“What did the doctor say?”

“The doctor said, I have to nourish my stomach.” He looked at her and showed a smile that was not

easy to detect.

Jane nodded seriously. This situation had to be taken care of.

“But there is a way to cure it.”

Her eyes lit up. “What can I do?”

He laughed wickedly. “If you have a bad stomach, you have to cat soft rice!”


She knew that she had been fooled by him again, jumping to grab her salary card, but she could not

match the man’s height.

No matter how high she jumped, she was like a child in front of him. He held up her salary card with

one hand and gently pressed her head with the other.

In the end, Jane jumped with all her strength-


Dominic took the opportunity to hug her, bent over, and deeply kissed her lips.

Jane’s heart was pounding for a while. When he let go of her, she stared at his deep eyes.

“Mmm, it’s very soft.” He laughed h oar se ly, “It’s still very fragrant…”

Jane blushed, and glared at him fiercely.

“Soft rice is really delicious. I need to eat more!”

Henry waited outside the alley for a long time.

The company’s phone calls to Dominic came one after another, but he could only be anxious, not

daring to disturb the boss’s good deeds.

Finally, the two of them come out. However, when he looked at them, one smiled contentedly and the

other lowered her head with red cheeks… Henry coughed twice and looked away.

Anyone could tell what had just happened.

“Uh, Master.” Henry handed him the phone. “It’s basically from the company, but there are two

international calls, it should be from Manchester…”

“My mother?” Dominic frowned.

This was not a regular time for him to contact his mother, so why would he call at this time?