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My Husband Is A Secret Billionaire By Wiuu

Chapter 164
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Chapter 164

Soon, a bowl of shrimp wontons was served.

Jane leisurely stirred the hot wontons with a small spoon. The aroma of shrimp and seaweed filled the

air, enticing Dominic’s nose.

He glanced at her again, but she didn’t return the p

His heart sank once more. gaze.

However, not long after, Jane suddenly stood up and brought an empty bowl over. She picked out all

the coriander and poured most of the wortons from her bowl into the empty one.

Then, she pushed the bowl in front of him. “You can have that.‘ She softly said after ignoring him and

not talking to him this entire time.

Dominic was taken aback, then he smiled. This was the first time she spoke to him after being

discharged, and he couldn’t help but feel excited.

He remembered when she invited him to The Crowne Hotel for a meal. She had little money at the time

but was willing to do anything for him, even ordering a plate of lobster fried rice despite her limited

funds. When the lobster rice arrived, she shared most of it with him, hardly eating any herself.

Dominic suddenly felt that even if he fell into destitution and had to her for something to eat, this

woman would still stand by his side.

But she could accept someone who had been in jail, so why couldn’t she accept him?

Dominic put down the spoon and looked at her seriously.

Jane, I need to talk to you.”

Jane’s movements froze, her eyelids flickered, and it took a while before she lifted her eyes slowly.

As their eyes met, she felt a bit uneasy and scared.

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“Da…” She almost called the wrong name, pursing her lips, and then gently called, “Mr. Campbell.”

Dominic’s heart tightened.

“What do you want to say, Mr. Campbell?”

“Jane,” his voice was low, “Are you trying to distance yourself from me?”

“I just don’t know what to call you.” She smiled bitterly. Tve been calling you Dan all this time, but


“Now you can still call me husband, he hurriedly said. “Just like before!”

“It’s not the same.” She felt upset. “You’re not my husband; I am someone else’s wife.”

Dominic was startled, feeling like his heart had dropped. Her stall hand suddenly pulled away from lils.

“Jane, It’s the same!” He stared at her intensely. “Do you remember what you told me before? You said

no matter how I change, you will always love me, the man I am! You made a promise in the church!”

Jane took a deep breath and desperately held back her tears.

She hadn’t changed, but facing this sudden identity switch, she didn’t know how to face him, especially

after knowing his true upbringing.

It felt like walking on a road, and one day the scenery suddenly changed, but you had no idea what

awaited you at the end of the road.

“I know I shouldn’t have lied to you.” Dominic anxiously held her stall hand. “Hut I was planning to tell

you everything when I came back from Central City this time. But Dan suddenly appeared. disrupting

my plan!”

“When he wasn’t there before, you had countless opportunities to say something!” Jane looked at him.

“But you never mentioned anything to me! Why didn’t you say anything?

Daminie paused, his emotions swirling inside him, leaving hit at a loss for words. He couldn’t believe

how much things had changed between them.

When they first got together, he never imagined he would fall into such a situation!

Back then, he was even planning how to get rid of her someday.

But life had a funny way of teaching lessons, and now she wanted to get rid of him, and he found

himself desperately wanting to mend what was brok

“Jane,” he spoke softly, trying to gather his thoughus. “Can you really not forgive me?‘

Jane’s eyes turned red, and her big eyes became watery,

“Dominic,” she said, her voice trembling slightly. It was the first time she called his name in front of him.

“This is a very unfamiliar name to me. You have to give me time to adapt to it”

“You know, I’m not impulsive…can you let me take things slowly?

Although he really wanted to take her back to Central City right away, he smiled and nodded firmly.

She was right. She needed time to adapt and recover. It was fine to take it slow. He doesn’t mind ast to

how much time she would take, he had the patience to wait for her.

At least tonight was a major improvement, she no longer rejected him.

Once the first step was taken, the second and third steps wouldn’t he that far behind.

Dominic stiled, lowered his head, and continued to eat the wantons. This was the most meaningful and

delicious bowl of shrimp wontons he had ever caten!

Several days later, Edward brought up the bidding for the land in the western suburbs of Central City

during a board meeting.

“We have almost prepared everything.” He smiled as he looked at Benedict. “The funds will be in place

soon, and as for the other competitors, they are not our rival!”

“Hmm…” Benedict listened quietly, his weathered face showing to expression. He had been playing

with a mahogany walnut in his hand, which had already developed a layer of polish.

Edward was about to continue the discussion when Benedict cleared his throat and asked in a deep

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voice, “I remember that land. Dominic had made plans for it too.”

“Oh, yes!” Edward cursed Dominic in his heart. “Tve also see Dominic’s project proposal, and It’s

impeccable Ite truly lives up to being your son, Father. Cultivated by your own hands!”

“However,” Edward’s eyes flickered. “Dominic is still young, Father, and he lacks experience in raising


“That’s right, Chairman!” Someone chimed in “Although the Third Young Master is capable, such a

large project requires not just abilities alone; the experience of the older generation is ericial!”

“I also think Vice President is more suitable than the Third Young Master. We can rest assured it Vice

President takes over!” Another commented.

“I heard that Third Young Master was lingering in Cardiff for a woman. Huh, young prople are

emotional! If he handles such a big project with such a temperament, he’ll probably suffer losses!”

Another one pointed out.

Edward raised an eyebrow, his smug expression becoming more and more pronounced.

Benedict remained calm amidst the growing discussion. Though he wore an indifferent expression on

his face, he was unhappy that Dominic’s affair with that woman is now being exposed in public.

He glared at Edward, his sharp gaze making everyone shudder.

He began to suspect if this was Edward’s plot. On the surfarr, he agreed to have Dan remove Jane, but

in reality, he instructed Dan not to do it and to continue to deceive that woman by posing as Dominic.

Benedict struck the ground with his cratch, creating a muffled sound that silenced the entire conference


“It seems you have reached a conclusion. Do you want to assign this project to Vice President

Campbell to handle?

The people at the board meeting looked at each other and fell silent.

Edward sensed that something was wrong. Just as he was about to defend himself, the door of the

conference room suddenly opened….