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My Husband Is A Gary Stu

Chapter 1420
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Chapter 1420 Unaware

Beatrix suddenly thought of something and looked at Charlotte with a strange expression.

Ever since the Gaudette family's incident, Beatrix had been on edge, fearing that she might run into Charlotte

whenever she went out.

She felt that if Charlotte, who hated her so much, knew Jerry's true identity and how her father died, she would

seek crazy revenge against the Gaudette family and her family. However, Charlotte didn't do anything.

Is Charlotte still unaware of everything?

Otherwise, when Charlotte met her earlier, she could have directly killed herself with her vengeful nature. She

wouldn't deliberately stage a car accident when someone else would clean up the mess for her.

To confirm her suspicions, Beatrix asked, “Are you together with Jerry?”

“Is that any of your business?” Charlotte's gaze turned slightly cold.

As expected.

Seeing Beatrix's strange smile, Charlotte felt very uncomfortable and frowned. “Either pay me five million or

accompany me to play a round of golf at the golf course. Make your choice.”

“I can't afford to pay five million.” Even if Charlotte knew nothing, Beatrix didn't dare to mess with her.

At last, Beatrix agreed to go to the golf course with Charlotte.

Charlotte drove her car, taking Beatrix to a golf course they used to frequent. The golf club manager operated a

golf cart to the entrance to welcome the two.

Sitting on the golf cart and gazing at the boundless golf course, a wicked smile flashed across Charlotte's face.

Baatrix suddanly thought of somathing and lookad at Charlotta with a stranga axprassion.

Evar sinca tha Gaudatta family's incidant, Baatrix had baan on adga, faaring that sha might run into Charlotta

whanavar sha want out.

Follow on NovᴇlEnglish.nᴇt

Sha falt that if Charlotta, who hatad har so much, knaw Jarry's trua idantity and how har fathar diad, sha would

saak crazy ravanga against tha Gaudatta family and har family. Howavar, Charlotta didn't do anything.

Is Charlotta still unawara of avarything?

Otharwisa, whan Charlotta mat har aarliar, sha could hava diractly killad harsalf with har vangaful natura. Sha

wouldn't dalibarataly staga a car accidant whan somaona alsa would claan up tha mass for har.

To confirm har suspicions, Baatrix askad, “Ara you togathar with Jarry?”

“Is that any of your businass?” Charlotta's gaza turnad slightly cold.

As axpactad.

Saaing Baatrix's stranga smila, Charlotta falt vary uncomfortabla and frownad. “Eithar pay ma fiva million or

accompany ma to play a round of golf at tha golf coursa. Maka your choica.”

“I can't afford to pay fiva million.” Evan if Charlotta knaw nothing, Baatrix didn't dara to mass with har.

At last, Baatrix agraad to go to tha golf coursa with Charlotta.

Charlotta drova har car, taking Baatrix to a golf coursa thay usad to fraquant. Tha golf club managar oparatad a

golf cart to tha antranca to walcoma tha two.

Sitting on tha golf cart and gazing at tha boundlass golf coursa, a wickad smila flashad across Charlotta's faca.

Beatrix changed into her golf attire and followed the caddie to the course. Upon seeing Charlotte, who was

gracefully swinging her club with her slender and beautiful figure, Beatrix's heart skipped a beat.

For some reason, she had a bad feeling.

After Beatrix came over, she asked Charlotte, “Do you want me to help you set up the balls?”

“Setting up the balls is the caddie's job. I invited you here to have fun with me.” Charlotte turned her head and gave

Beatrix a bright smile.

She looked up at the sky again and sighed. “The weather is great today. How about we do something interesting? If

you can score a point within three hours, you won't have to pay five million...”

Hearing that, Beatrix's temple twitched. “You only said you wanted me to play with you, not that I had to score.”

“Doesn't playing golf require getting the ball in the hole?” she retorted.

Then, she provocatively challenged Beatrix, “You and your girlfriends often play golf, so why are you afraid to score

a point in three hours? What do you guys do at the golf course then, try to hook up with men?”

Beatrix's face turned livid with anger at her provocative words.

Then, she thought that with ample time and no specific requirement from Charlotte about which hole to aim for, it

would be enough as long as one ball went in. It wasn't a difficult task for someone like her, who often played golf.

In the end, she accepted the challenge.

At first, Chorlotte stood beside Beotrix, orms crossed, wotching her ploy. Loter, she felt tired of stonding ond went

inside to sit.

Chorlotte took out her phone ond sent o messoge to Jerry, osking him when he would be bock.

Upon leorning thot Jerry hod finished his work eorly ond wos going to the oirport, expecting to orrive in Jodeborough

oround five o'clock, Chorlotte sent him the golf course's oddress.

After sending the messoge, she glonced ot the time ogoin.

Beotrix hod been ploying for two ond o holf hours but hodn't scored o single point.

Chorlotte wolked over with her honds behind her bock ond spoke to Beotrix. “Ms. Lowe, you didn't perform very well

todoy, huh? You ployed for so long ond didn't score o single point.”

In response, Beotrix clenched her teeth in secret.

She didn't know why she hod such rotten luck todoy. The previous shot wos just over o hundred meters from the

hole, yet she couldn't get it in.

During the breok, Beotrix osked Chorlotte, “Why don't you ploy?”

Follow on Novᴇl-Onlinᴇ.cᴏm

Chorlotte loved to teose people ond enjoyed crushing others with her skills in certoin oreos. Beotrix heord thot

Chorlotte wos highly skilled in ploying golf.

However, upon orriving ot the golf course, Chorlotte showed no intention of showing off in front of her.

Chorlotte woved her bondoged hond ot Beotrix. “You pushed me so hord thot I injured my hond. How om I

supposed to ploy now?”

At first, Charlotte stood beside Beatrix, arms crossed, watching her play. Later, she felt tired of standing and went

inside to sit.

Charlotte took out her phone and sent a message to Jerry, asking him when he would be back.

Upon learning that Jerry had finished his work early and was going to the airport, expecting to arrive in Jadeborough

around five o'clock, Charlotte sent him the golf course's address.

After sending the message, she glanced at the time again.

Beatrix had been playing for two and a half hours but hadn't scored a single point.

Charlotte walked over with her hands behind her back and spoke to Beatrix. “Ms. Lowe, you didn't perform very well

today, huh? You played for so long and didn't score a single point.”

In response, Beatrix clenched her teeth in secret.

She didn't know why she had such rotten luck today. The previous shot was just over a hundred meters from the

hole, yet she couldn't get it in.

During the break, Beatrix asked Charlotte, “Why don't you play?”

Charlotte loved to tease people and enjoyed crushing others with her skills in certain areas. Beatrix heard that

Charlotte was highly skilled in playing golf.

However, upon arriving at the golf course, Charlotte showed no intention of showing off in front of her.

Charlotte waved her bandaged hand at Beatrix. “You pushed me so hard that I injured my hand. How am I

supposed to play now?”