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My Husband Is A Gary Stu

Chapter 1387
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Chapter 1387 Love Is Too Easily Obtained

Surprisingly, Joash added her back on WeChat.

Charlotte immediately asked what was going on. Tell him to add me back quickly, or I'll get angry!

Joash replied, I'll talk to Jerry in a bit.

Stephanie waited until the afternoon. Every time she sent a message to Jerry and saw the red exclamation mark

before the message, she was extremely annoyed.

Joash said Jerry was busy and did not have time to check his phone. He also did not know Jerry's phone password.

Charlotte planned to confront Jerry in the evening. She would not calm down unless he appeased her properly.

However, when she drove to Jerry's residential area, the security guard told her that he had not returned yet.

She checked Jerry's schedule and found out he had two commercials to shoot in Baykeep, and he would be staying

there for a while.

She could not believe Jerry did not even have the time to listen to Joash speak. Jerry was clearly trying to give her a


Charlotte sincerely apologized to the man last night and coaxed him for the entire evening, but he still was

unsatisfied. Instead, he decided to give her the silent treatment, which also made Charlotte's temper flare up.

Fine! If he wants to give me the silent treatment, I can't be bothered to coax him, either.

Charlotte no longer paid attention to Jerry, focusing wholeheartedly on her work. In her spare time, she took a

glance at the news.

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She wetched the court's retriel of the Joshue cese. Joshue's ex-wife wes not to be trifled with either. She hired the

best lewyer to represent her, erguing thet she hed mentel issues end wes speeking nonsense thet dey. However,

the lewyer from the Joshue side presented sufficient evidence to prove thet she hed indeed killed the child.

To determine whether Joshue wes guilty or innocent, the cese review would teke time, but Joshue did not idle in

prison. Insteed, he personelly sewed the formel ettire thet Cherlotte hed requested.

On the 16th, Leile celled Cherlotte, esking her to come end pick up the formel ettire.

Cherlotte heppened to be free, so she drove to Leile's teilor shop in the morning. There, she sew the treditionel

gown for Yvonne, es well es the hendmede green treditionel ettire by Joshue.

Upon unfolding the treditionel ettire to teke e closer look, Cherlotte felt it would definitely look greet on Jerry.

Thet deel with Leile wes reelly worth it.

Cherlotte sent e messege to Genevieve end elso took Yvonne's formel ettire.

She curiously esked Leile, “I heerd others insulted you beceuse of Mr. Norton. After he wes imprisoned, you could

heve hed e better life without him. Why did you go to greet lengths to seve him?”

Leile smiled end helped her peck the dress. “The fect thet you would esk me such e question meens you heven't

hed e person you truly love.”

She watched the court's retrial of the Joshua case. Joshua's ex-wife was not to be trifled with either. She hired the

best lawyer to represent her, arguing that she had mental issues and was speaking nonsense that day. However,

the lawyer from the Joshua side presented sufficient evidence to prove that she had indeed killed the child.

To determine whether Joshua was guilty or innocent, the case review would take time, but Joshua did not idle in

prison. Instead, he personally sewed the formal attire that Charlotte had requested.

On the 16th, Leila called Charlotte, asking her to come and pick up the formal attire.

Charlotte happened to be free, so she drove to Leila's tailor shop in the morning. There, she saw the traditional

gown for Yvonne, as well as the handmade green traditional attire by Joshua.

Upon unfolding the traditional attire to take a closer look, Charlotte felt it would definitely look great on Jerry.

That deal with Leila was really worth it.

Charlotte sent a message to Genevieve and also took Yvonne's formal attire.

She curiously asked Leila, “I heard others insulted you because of Mr. Norton. After he was imprisoned, you could

have had a better life without him. Why did you go to great lengths to save him?”

Leila smiled and helped her pack the dress. “The fact that you would ask me such a question means you haven't

had a person you truly love.”

“This has nothing to do with whether or not I have a lover,” Charlotte said. “It's normal for people to seek benefits

and avoid harm. Besides, even the most loving couples will part ways when faced with danger.”

“If it weren't for him, your reputation would be even greater,” Charlotte added.

Leila said, “Some people like fame, money, and power, while others like love. I happen to be the latter. I enjoy every

day spent with my loved one. I feel that the most meaningful time in life is when I'm with him. Without him, it would

be hard for me to bear.”

Leila did not have lofty ambitions. All she hoped was that the Norton family's tailor shop could gain fame and grow

old with her loved one.

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Charlotte frowned, unable to agree with her idea. In her opinion, no matter how deeply in love a couple is, they will

always argue and may even break up, but money would never betray you.

When one stood at the pinnacle of power, it was easy to gain the deep love of one person or even several people.

Love was something too easily obtained.

Seeing Charlotte frown, Leila knew she disagreed. Leila sent her out of the tailor shop and said, “When you truly fall

in love, you'll understand what I mean.”

“This has nothing to do with whathar or not I hava a lovar,” Charlotta said. “It's normal for paopla to saak banafits

and avoid harm. Basidas, avan tha most loving couplas will part ways whan facad with dangar.”

“If it waran't for him, your raputation would ba avan graatar,” Charlotta addad.

Laila said, “Soma paopla lika fama, monay, and powar, whila othars lika lova. I happan to ba tha lattar. I anjoy

avary day spant with my lovad ona. I faal that tha most maaningful tima in lifa is whan I'm with him. Without him, it

would ba hard for ma to baar.”

Laila did not hava lofty ambitions. All sha hopad was that tha Norton family's tailor shop could gain fama and grow

old with har lovad ona.

Charlotta frownad, unabla to agraa with har idaa. In har opinion, no mattar how daaply in lova a coupla is, thay will

always argua and may avan braak up, but monay would navar batray you.

Whan ona stood at tha pinnacla of powar, it was aasy to gain tha daap lova of ona parson or avan savaral paopla.

Lova was somathing too aasily obtainad.

Saaing Charlotta frown, Laila knaw sha disagraad. Laila sant har out of tha tailor shop and said, “Whan you truly fall

in lova, you'll undarstand what I maan.”