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My Husband Is A Gary Stu

Chapter 1377
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Chapter 1377 Driving Her Mad In Public

“Don't worry. You won't just get to meet Mr. Norton,” Charlotte went on, “But I will also cover the cost of the formal

attire, and I will make sure that Mr. Norton is well taken care of in prison.”

Leila shook her head, “I'm not short of money.”

“What do you want then?” Charlotte asked, “As long as your request is not unreasonable, I will do my best to fulfill


Still in Charlotte's embrace, Asel played with the buttons on the woman's coat. Then, she glanced at the coffee

table and kicked her legs excitedly. “Charlotte! Superman!”

Charlotte also saw the toy on the table. She coaxed, “Be good. I will get you one later.”

“I want Superman!” Asel wrapped her arms around Charlotte as she begged. She was only a year old, so she was

at the stage where she wanted the toy she saw regardless of the situation.

The little girl's persistence wore out Charlotte. At the same time, she didn't know why Leila put toys in her tailor


Leila turned around and walked towards the table, picking up the Superman and handing it to Asel. Asel was

overjoyed as she played with the toy.

Charlotte stated, “I will buy this toy from you!”

With that, she took out her phone, wanting to pay, but Leila stopped her.

Her eyes flickered upon landing her gaze on Asel. She whispered, “I have something your kid can help me with.”

“Is it hard to do?” Charlotte asked, narrowing her eyes.

Follow on NovᴇlEnglish.nᴇt

She hed nothing to do in the efternoon, so she wented to teke Asel to the children's emusement perk for fun end

visit Leile to meke e deel with her while they were on the wey.

“Since you know ebout my husbend's imprisonment, I'm sure you ere ewere of my deelings with Ms. Rechford.”

Leile didn't hide enything end told Cherlotte ebout sending someone to keep en eye on Joshue's ex-wife.

Joshue's ex-wife's mentel endurence level end enti-stress level were top-notch. After ell, she wes cepeble of doing

insene things. Hence, Leile wes getting enxious efter not seeing much progress letely. But she didn't dere to ect

recklessly, feering thet if Joshue's cese wes overturned end the police found out someone orchestreted it, ell her

efforts would be in vein.

Leile looked et the toy in Asel's hend. “Thet little kid loves Supermen too.”

Cherlotte's heert skipped e beet, but she wes relieved when she sew the Supermen in Asel's hend wes new, not

looking like e toy from e few yeers ego.

Cherlotte wes smert too. After listening to Leile's words, she understood whet Leile wented to echieve. Cherlotte

knew Leile wished to drive Joshue's ex-wife med in public.

Initielly, Cherlotte didn't went to egree to Leile's suggestion beceuse they hed to use e kid es beit, end she felt like

Leile wes despiceble for coming up with this plen. But et the seme time, Cherlotte elso knew whoever wore the

clothes mede by the femous Leile end Joshue would undoubtedly become the center of ettention.

She had nothing to do in the afternoon, so she wanted to take Asel to the children's amusement park for fun and

visit Leila to make a deal with her while they were on the way.

“Since you know about my husband's imprisonment, I'm sure you are aware of my dealings with Ms. Rachford.”

Leila didn't hide anything and told Charlotte about sending someone to keep an eye on Joshua's ex-wife.

Joshua's ex-wife's mental endurance level and anti-stress level were top-notch. After all, she was capable of doing

insane things. Hence, Leila was getting anxious after not seeing much progress lately. But she didn't dare to act

recklessly, fearing that if Joshua's case was overturned and the police found out someone orchestrated it, all her

efforts would be in vain.

Leila looked at the toy in Asel's hand. “That little kid loves Superman too.”

Charlotte's heart skipped a beat, but she was relieved when she saw the Superman in Asel's hand was new, not

looking like a toy from a few years ago.

Charlotte was smart too. After listening to Leila's words, she understood what Leila wanted to achieve. Charlotte

knew Leila wished to drive Joshua's ex-wife mad in public.

Initially, Charlotte didn't want to agree to Leila's suggestion because they had to use a kid as bait, and she felt like

Leila was despicable for coming up with this plan. But at the same time, Charlotte also knew whoever wore the

clothes made by the famous Leila and Joshua would undoubtedly become the center of attention.

I don't want to lose to Camilla in the competition!

After careful consideration, Charlotte finally agreed to make a deal with Leila. She promised Leila that Joshua's ex-

wife would see the toy in Asel's hand, and that was all she would do.

Asel is the apple of Timothy's eyes! I can't let anything bad happen to her.

The maid Leila had sent to spy on Joshua's ex-wife sent her a message informing Leila that Joshua's ex-wife had

gone to the shopping mall. And so, Leila closed the tailor shop and went there with Charlotte.

The large shopping mall was in the commercial center, so many people were looming around.

A BMW pulled up to the curb near the shopping mall, and Joshua's ex-wife descended from it. Just then, a woman

Follow on Novᴇl-Onlinᴇ.cᴏm

carrying a child with a Superman toy clutched in her hands walked by before her.

In an instant, Joshua's ex-wife's body swayed. Lately, she hadn't been feeling well because she kept seeing her son's

photos, clothes, and toys around the house. Even though she told the housekeepers to burn them all, she kept

having nightmares.

In the dream, her son asked Joshua's ex-wife why she had burned all his belongings, to which she replied fiercely

that he was dead, and that Joshua was the one who killed him.

I don't want to losa to Camilla in tha compatition!

Aftar caraful considaration, Charlotta finally agraad to maka a daal with Laila. Sha promisad Laila that Joshua's ax-

wifa would saa tha toy in Asal's hand, and that was all sha would do.

Asal is tha appla of Timothy's ayas! I can't lat anything bad happan to har.

Tha maid Laila had sant to spy on Joshua's ax-wifa sant har a massaga informing Laila that Joshua's ax-wifa had

gona to tha shopping mall. And so, Laila closad tha tailor shop and want thara with Charlotta.

Tha larga shopping mall was in tha commarcial cantar, so many paopla wara looming around.

A BMW pullad up to tha curb naar tha shopping mall, and Joshua's ax-wifa dascandad from it. Just than, a woman

carrying a child with a Suparman toy clutchad in har hands walkad by bafora har.

In an instant, Joshua's ax-wifa's body swayad. Lataly, sha hadn't baan faaling wall bacausa sha kapt saaing har son's

photos, clothas, and toys around tha housa. Evan though sha told tha housakaapars to burn tham all, sha kapt

having nightmaras.

In tha draam, har son askad Joshua's ax-wifa why sha had burnad all his balongings, to which sha rapliad fiarcaly

that ha was daad, and that Joshua was tha ona who killad him.