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My Hockey Alpha by Eve Above Story PDF

Chapter 420
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Chapter 0420


| watched Selena walk away after promising to Claim her. The plan was to have the small Claiming ceremony on

Saturday night, but | needed to confirm that she was telling the truth first. | decided that | would have to talk to

Enzo about it.

After my exam, | went to meet Enzo in the hockey arena. When | walked in, he was in the midst of training the

hockey team. | couldn't help but smile as | walked over to the barricade and watched them do their drills on the

ice. Seeing them doing what they loved again, just like old times, madehappy.

"Hey, Nina," Enzo said, skating up towhen they took their break. He reached over the barricade and pulled

"I need to talk to you," I said, lowering my voice. "| talked to Selena earlier."

"Oh?" Enzo raised his eyebrows. | knew that he was still skeptical of Selena, and I didn't blhim. But | was

almost entirely certain that she was telling the truth; | just needed to confirm it somehow.

| nodded. "She toldsomething about the Luna. Something interesting... She said that the Luna created these

genetically engineered rogues using her own blood, and that if the Luna were to die, then the rogues wouldn't be

able to survive either."

Enzo's eyebrows raised even further. "And how did you get this information?" he asked.

| felt my face go red as | spoke. "I promised that | would claim her this weekend. Saturday night, actually."

"Nina!" Enzo hissed, holdingfirmly by both shoulders. "Are you insane?"

"I can tell that she's telling the truth," | insisted. "But maybe.. Maybe we can take down the Luna first."

Enzo scoffed. | could tell that he was pretty angry with me. "You plan on taking her down between now and

Saturday night?" he asked, sounding incredulous. "Do you know how ridiculous that sounds? Not only that, but

what if you do somehow manage to kill the Luna, and then you Claim Selena and she just goes straight back to

her old self? What then, hm?"

| shook my head and curled my hands up into fists at my sides as Enzo spoke. "Listen, Enzo," | replied, "I needed

to do whatever it took to get Selena to talk. Tis running out, it'll only be a matter of tbefore the

Crescents cback."

"And we'll be well prepared when they do," Enzo said. "We've got plenty of help around here. The town is

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protected, and the Crescents have been laying low. We don't need to rush this."

"What about my father?" | hissed. "He's still in the Luna's clutches. What about those poor people in the

werewolf realm who have been suffering because of her rule? What about the people out there in our world who

are still rogues because we couldn't save everyone with the antidote? What about them?"

Enzo went silent. By this point, the rest of the hockey team had noticed our quarreling and

were slowly beginning to gather around curiously.

"Listen," | pleaded. "Despite what Selena has done, she is still my twin; and the bond between us is stronger

than the bond that any regular human twins would have. | know she's telling the truth. And | know that if we can

just take down the Luna, this will be all over. Her genetically engineered rogues will die. My father will be

released from her spell, and with his help we'll be able to take down the Crescents. Tis running out, and we

need to hurry."

For a long time, Enzo just stared at me. But then, finally, he spoke.

"So, what do you suggest?" he asked.

Suddenly, Matt chimed in. "I say we storm the Alpha King's mansion," he said. "We have our own little army. We

can use the distraction while someone assassinates the Luna."

Enzo and | slowly turned to look at Matt, then back at each other.

"He's right," | said quietly.

Enzo stared down at the ice for a few moments. His jaw was shifting back and forth, just like it always did when

he was thinking deeply. "We could do it," he finally said after stime. We'll need to plan, though. We can't just

storm the Alpha King's mansion on a whim... But you're right, Nina. Tis running out, and people are suffering

because we've been dragging our feet and preparing for a battle that might be impossible to win if we keep

letting the Luna create more genetically engineered rogues.

He then looked back up at me, and his soft brown eyes were wrought with worry. | reached across the barrier and

took his hand, squeezing it gently.

"Thank you, Enzo," | said.

"This begs the question, though," Matt chimed in again, skating up to stand beside us." Who's going to

assassinate the Luna?"

At the thought of this, it felt as

though my heart stopped for a

moment. Deciding gyda

5 . }

\o foopéaltsd Crete. | didn't

ant anyone to have to die, but |

knew that it was the only way to stop

her from destroying both realms

entirely. The content is on

novelenglish.net! Read the latest

chapter there!

"I'll do it," I said finally, swallowing the lump of fear in my throat as | stood up a little straighter. "I'll kill the Luna

if the rest of you can create a distraction. It's my plan, so | should be the one to do it."

A silence fell over the arena. | could

see the rest of the team shifting

uncomfortably on the ice behind

Enzo and Matt, waiting and

wondering. The Eee of kiingn

Bae thy ayo wo hands

adefeel physically sick, but |

knew that it was the only option for

us right now. For all we knew, the

Luna was creating an even bigger

army of genetically engineered

rogues that very minute. She had

already invaded my mind during my

dream, and very well could have been

Follow on Novᴇl-Onlinᴇ.cᴏm

watchingat that very moment,

anticipating my every move. We

needed to act quickly. The content is

on novelenglish.net! Read the latest

chapter there!

But Enzo finally shook his head. His soft brown eyes met mine again, and his face was stony, like he was trying

to hide his true emotions. Behind that facade, | knew that there was pure terror whirling around in his mind.

"No," he said. "I won't let you do that. | won't make you be the one to have to kill like that.

We'll find another way. We'll.. We'll find someone who can do it quickly and easily, someone who has killed


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And who would that even be?" Matt

: n

asked, looking around. "None of us

has ever killed anyoge(iike tha? None

of ugielh®nbws the layout of that

place well enough to be able to get in

and kill her without being caught

2 " q

first." The content is on


novelenglish.net! Read the latest > TH :

IM Zz (% a

chapter there! : fg

a L

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Enzo chewed his lip for a moment, but his eyes stayed fixed on me. [ = et

= Semi

"No, it won't be any of you," he said. His grip tightened around my hand, and his fingers were warm and { 7 > 2 ne

comforting. "I lived there for weeks. | know the layout well. I... | can do it. I'll kill the Luna." y = 3