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My Hockey Alpha by Eve Above Story PDF

Chapter 281
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My Hockey Alpha Chapter 281

My Hockey Alpha Chapter 281: The Watcher


Nina screamed while I was fucking her.

I instantly pulled out, terrified that I had hurt her. I had thought that we were just having kinky sex, and I

didn’t mean to do anything that would have made her uncomfortable or caused her any pain.

“What? What is it?” I asked frantically, helping her up off of the motorcycle. “Did I hurt you?”

Nina shook her head and pulled her skirt back down with one hand while pointing shakily at the trees

with the other. “Someone was watching us,” she said. “I saw yellow eyes in the forest.”

I furrowed my brow and looked out toward where Nina was pointing. Nothing was there. “Are you sure

it wasn’t a deer?” I asked. “I don’t see anyone.” But Nina was vehement, and just kept pointing. I

planted a kiss on her forehead and decided to walk over there just to make her feel better; surely it was

just a deer, but if it would make her feel safer, then I didn’t mind checking.

However, as I approached the treeline, a familiar scent slowly came to my nostrils. It was fading

quickly, but it was there. I recognized it immediately as Lewis’ scent.

My eyes widened. I used my night vision in the dark trees, but he was gone now. He must have been

watching us… But why? And how did he know we were here? The only possibility that came into my

mind was that this cliff was, after all, located close to my father’s house. I hadn’t gone there since he

died, as I had assumed that Lewis and his followers were hiding out there and I didn’t have time to deal

with it. But something told me that it wasn’t just that; he was intentionally stalking us.

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“I’ll be right back,” I called out to Nina, who was still standing by the motorcycle with a combination of

terror and embarrassment drawn across her face.

“Wait!” she called. She came running up to me and grabbed my arm. “Don’t leave me out here.”

I nodded slowly. “Alright.” If Lewis was stalking us for whatever reason, I supposed that it was best to

stay together in case he tried anything. I was already fairly certain that he was working with the

Crescents; and if he wasn’t, then he was, at the very least, up to no good. He clearly wanted my father

to not come back, and he may have already heard about my father’s death now. Either he was working

with the Crescents all along or he was just trying to usurp my father so he could become the next

Fullmoon Alpha.

With Nina tightly holding onto my arm with both hands, I stepped into the woods. The thick pine trees

made it much darker inside the forest, and the sun had almost gone down so it was even darker now. It

didn’t affect me though with my night vision, and I kept going. I looked down to see what looked like two

imprints in the underbrush where Lewis had been standing. Nina saw them as well.

“Do you think…” she whispered, pointing. I nodded slowly and put my finger to my lips to indicate for

her to stay quiet, which she did. We then quietly walked further into the forest, following what looked

like a very faint trail of footprints in the layer of pine needles on the ground.

Up ahead, there was a slight clearing in the trees where a light dusting of snow had fallen. I walked up

to the snow, sniffing the air. Lewis’ scent had long since dissipated, but when I looked down, I could

see that there were footprints in the snow. They looked like large boots, which only confirmed my

suspicions. Nina was right when she said that someone was watching us, and there was no doubt in

my mind that it was Lewis.

But I still needed to know why he would do something like that. Lewis wasn’t a pervert; I knew that

much. If he was working for the Crescents, then that meant that he was potentially following us. How

long he had been doing that, though, was still a mystery to me. Just thinking about it made my blood

run cold; I imagined him watching us through windows, around corners, and through the trees for who

knows how long. It made me sick to think that my father’s Beta, the kind and caring yet gruff man who I

had known since I was a child, would have turned into someone who was perfectly okay with stalking


I decided then that I needed to check my father’s house. I hadn’t been there in a long time; for all I

knew, it was completely ransacked by now. It wasn’t as if there was anything that I wanted in that

house, and I didn’t care much about it since we only moved there after my mother died. I hated the way

that cold, modern house looked with its enormous windows, gray appearance, and boxy shape. I hated

everything that it stood for. But I still needed to know what happened to it since my father died, and if

Lewis and his followers were there, then I wanted to see what they were up to.

Nina and I stared down at the footprints in the snow for a few moments. I could feel her trembling

slightly beside me, although I wasn’t sure if it was from fear or just from the cold. Either way, I gently

put my arm around her and rubbed up and down her shoulder as I turned around and guided her back

toward the motorcycle.

Once we were out of the trees, we were able to speak freely. The sound of the ocean rushed up on us

the moment we stepped out from the deafening treeline, masking our voices.

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“Who was it, do you think?” she whispered as we hurried back to the motorcycle. “I got some bad

energy from those eyes, like I’ve seen them before.”

I swallowed hard and stared down at the ground. “I think it was Lewis,” I finally admitted. “I’m not

exactly sure what he’s up to…”

“What if he’s working with the Crescents?” Nina asked. “While you were gone, I spent a lot of time

talking to your cousin, Myra, while the Fullmoons were stationed in Mountainview. She said that Lewis

was up to no good, and she even thought that he might xo.com fast updatebe working with the


I raised my eyebrows. Nina hadn’t mentioned that bit of information before, but now it was all making


“Do you know where Myra is?” I asked, figuring that if I could just talk to my cousin, then we could get

to the bottom of this.

But Nina shook her head solemnly. “The last time I talked to her, she said that Lewis was making them

pack up to leave Mountainview, but she and some of the other Fullmoons disagreed with his new

power and were planning on splitting off from the group. I don’t know what happened or if they were

able to accomplish that. For all I know, Lewis…”

Nina’s voice faltered. I knew what she was going to say, though; she was going to imply that Lewis may

have possibly killed them. At this point, I wouldn’t have been surprised. Lewis may have wanted to kill

off anyone who dared to challenge him. I hoped that wasn’t the case, though. Now I only wanted to

check on my father’s house more than ever.

“Come on,” I said, handing Nina her helmet. “We’re going on another ride.