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My Hockey Alpha by Eve Above Story PDF

Chapter 271
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My Hockey Alpha Chapter 271

My Hockey Alpha #Chapter 271: Play Fighting


“I was talking about running in our wolf forms, silly,” Enzo said, ruffling my hair.

My face turned a slightly deeper shade of red.

“Oh,” I replied, smiling a bit. “Sure. That would be fun.”

Enzo had just been angry with me and we had had a bit of an argument. But now, after he disappeared

for a little while, he seemed to be in better spirits. I wasn’t sure exactly why he suddenly seemed to be

feeling better, but it made me happy to see it.

We walked over to the treeline at the back of the athletic field, where there was an entrance to a hiking

trail between the trees. There, once we stepped into the dim forest and the sound of the wind blowing

across the athletic field became dampened by the thick pine trees, Enzo shifted in front of me.

I couldn’t help but smile up at him. I always loved seeing him in his wolf form. Before I shifted, I walked

up to him and ran my fingers through his fur. He pressed his head up against me as a low, happy growl

rumbled quietly in his throat. Finally, I stepped back and shifted myself.

Shifting this time was much faster and easier than the first time. When I had first shifted, I had felt as

though my body was tearing in two; but now, it was over in the blink of an eye. I simply closed my eyes

and gave my wolf full control, and then I was in my wolf form when I opened my eyes again.

And, now that we were both in our wolf forms, we were able to talk freely. No one else would have

been able to hear us since we were speaking telepathically, but to us it felt just like normal


“Follow me,” Enzo said. He leaped off into the woods. I followed closely behind, feeling the sensation of

the wind blowing through my fur. We ran through the forest and wove ourselves between the trees,

picking up speed as we went. Running like this felt so natural now, even more natural than running on

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two legs. I loved the feeling of freedom coursing through my body when I raced through the forest,

leaping over small ravines, fallen trees, and large moss-covered boulders as though it was in my blood

to be so agile. And it was in my blood, I supposed, although it was strange to think of it like that. I had

spent my entire life up until recently thinking that I was human, but it turned out that I couldn’t have

been more wrong.

We came to a stop by a large ravine that dipped down into a small stream. The water below was frozen

now, leaving little icicles where the tiny waterfalls used to cascade over the rocks in the warmer

weather. As we stood there, I looked up at the sky and squinted against the grayness. It had begun to


I always preferred the colder weather, although up until recently I most preferred the spring and

autumn, when it was chilly but not too cold. But now that my wolf had emerged, and especially when I

was in my wolf form, I loved the frigid cold more than ever. I hardly felt it through my thick fur, and

wouldn’t have minded if it was a little colder.

Suddenly, we both heard the sound of a twig snapping across the ravine. We looked at each other, but

it wasn’t out of panic; it was excitement, because we could smell what the intruder was, and it wasn’t

another werewolf. It was a deer.

“Do you want to hunt?” Enzo asked. Even in his wolf state, he looked as though he was smiling.

I nodded excitedly. Without another word, we both leaped over the ravine in pursuit of the deer, who

was now alerted to our presence. We crashed through the underbrush as we followed its scent. Up

ahead, I could see its fluffy white tail as it ran from us. We chased it around the trees and plants,

gaining speed, until we were within reaching distance of it.

But I wasn’t planning on killing it, and neither was Enzo.

Just before the deer ran out into an empty road, Enzo and I veered off and left it alone. We turned back

and ran in the direction that we came from; and now, he was chasing me. I felt his teeth snap at my tail

and I yelped excitedly, picking up speed as I tried to evade him. But Enzo was fast, and before long, he

had tackled me. We rolled around on the ground, yipping and biting at each other playfully, before I

finally managed to pin him down beneath me.

“I let you win,” he said, grinning up at me with his sharp teeth.

I shook my head. “Liar,” I teased. “Just admit that I’m too strong for you.”

I heard the sound of Enzo’s chuckles echoing in my mind, and he tilted his head back, exposing his

neck. I leaned down and bit into his neck, like he was my prey.

But at the same time, we both shifted back. His fur was replaced with skin, and my teeth were replaced

by lips. I kissed along his neck, feeling its warmth beneath my lips, and ran my tongue up and to his

jaw before I pushed myself up onto my hands and smirked down at him.

“You’re quite the predator,” Enzo said teasingly as he smiled up at me.

“Am I?” I asked. I sat up fully, noticing the hard erection in his groin as I pressed my butt down onto his

hips, and traced my finger along his throat. He was laying with his arms outstretched in an almost

submissive pose, and his eyes were practically begging me for something that I knew we both wanted.

Neither of us spoke. I reached down into his sweatpants and felt his warmth with my hand, noticing the

subtle growls that rang in his throat, before I pulled my hand out and stood, still straddling him. With a

mischievous smirk, I shimmied my own pants off, kicking my boots off into the hard dirt, before I sat

back down.

“You’re not too cold?” Enzo asked, furrowing his brow. I simply shook my head and exposed his

erection again.

“You can keep me warm,” I whispered. And with that, with no warning for Enzo, I sat down on his cock.

I felt it fill me with a throb. Enzo pushed his head back into the ground and groaned loudly, digging his

fingers into my hips to pull me down further onto him.

I began to move myself up and down. It was cold in the forest, but I was soon warm enough from

twisting my hips on Enzo, and I began to move faster. He dug his fingers deeper into the flesh of my

hips, causing me to wince with a combination of pleasure and pain. I leaned down, placing my hands

on either side of him, and began to flick my hips up and down. The forest around us quickly became

filled with the sound of our skin slapping against each other as well as Enzo’s moans, which were only

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increasing in intensity the faster I went.

It felt good to ride him like this; I liked the power. Once I felt him beginning to throb inside of me, I

slowed down again and sat upright, reaching up into my shirt to cup my breasts as I began to grind on

him. My clit made contact with his belly, and I felt myself become even more wet.

“N-Nina,” Enzo croaked, grabbing me as I gyrated on top of him in an attempt to make me stop, or at

least slow down. “S-Stop. I’m gonna—”

I grinned. “Go on,” I said, reaching down and wrapping my fingers around his throat. “I’m xo.com

fast updategonna come, too.”

As though my permission flicked a switch, Enzo threw his head back once more against the hard

ground and let out a loud, choked moan. I felt him throb inside of me, his cock growing in size. And at

the same time, I felt myself explode. A cascade of my own juices flowed down, running across my inner

thighs while I arched my back and felt my eyes roll into the back of my head.

We laid on the cold forest floor a little while, fully dressed once more with Enzo’s coat below us acting

as a blanket. I laid on his chest, running my finger up and down his midriff while we looked up at the

dark green pine trees towering over us.

“You’re getting really good at that, you know?” Enzo said as he played with one of my braids.

I couldn’t help but laugh. “Thanks,” I teased, propping myself up on my elbow. I looked down at Enzo’s

soft face for a moment, drinking in his dark brown eyes, before I planted a gentle kiss on his lips. But

when I pulled away, his brow was furrowed as though he was thinking. He took in a sharp breath before


“I’m sorry for infantilizing you,” he said quietly. “I know that I should trust you more so you don’t feel like

you need to hide your plans. You’ve never done anything except prove that you’re a fully capable

person. You’re really smart, Nina, and that’s what I love about you.”

Enzo’s words made a slow smile spread across my face. I reached out to brush a curl of hair out of his

eyes, and kissed him again