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My Hockey Alpha by Eve Above Story PDF

Chapter 267
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My Hockey Alpha Chapter 267

My Hockey Alpha Chapter 267: Werewolf Boot Camp


I woke up the next morning in the cabin to the sound of the birds chirping outside and Enzo moving

around quietly. When I opened my eyes, I saw that Enzo was already awake and seemed to be getting


We had spent the entire night having sex, and I could feel the effects of it on my body now that it was

morning. I was sore, but it was a good kind of soreness that was fading quickly thanks to my newfound

werewolf healing abilities, and a smile spread across my face when I saw Enzo.

“Morning, hot stuff,” he said with a smile as he pulled his pants on. He came over to kiss me. I sat up,

revealing my bare breasts, and covered myself with a yelp before anyone saw me through the window.

Enzo just laughed.

“So… Is that what it’s like to have sex with your mate?” I asked, feeling a bit sheepish as I got up and

started to get dressed.

Enzo chuckled. “I wouldn’t know. You’re my first and only mate.”

I blushed a bit at Enzo’s words. I felt a little silly, but not in an uncomfortable way. We finished getting

dressed before we headed back to campus, and after a quick stop at the dining hall for a large

breakfast to satisfy our raging appetites, Enzo suddenly stood and nodded to himself.

“Training begins today,” he said, glancing at his watch. “Are you coming?”

I looked up at Enzo with wide eyes. My cheeks were still full of pancakes, and I swallowed quickly

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before answering. “Right now?”

Enzo nodded and seemed a little sarcastic. “Yeah. Of course.”

I stood quickly and nodded in response. “Okay,” I said. “Let’s get started, then.”

Once we had gathered everyone at the athletic field, Enzo began his rundown of the grueling training

session he had in store. Many of the new recruits were hungover from the party, but Enzo didn’t seem

to care, and just kept reiterating the fact that the Crescents wouldn’t care if anyone was hungover.

The training session began with a several-mile long run through the running trails in the forest. Enzo

and I led the group of groaning recruits while he shouted at them like a drill sergeant.

“You just think that you’re uncomfortable, but you’re not,” Enzo said to the new recruits. “Werewolves

can run way longer than this. You have to let go of the mindset you had as a human.”

After the run, he led drills on the athletic field. The new recruits did sprints, agility courses, and

calisthenics. A few of the girls had to stop at one point, and I thought I even saw one of them throw up

from the exertion. That was when I had had enough; as a doctor, I couldn’t just allow Enzo to make

students sick from training, and by now it had been hours of nonstop exercise.

“You’re going too hard on them,” I said as I walked up to Enzo while he was yelling at the new recruits

to sprint faster during a relay race. “You’re practically abusing them.”

Enzo glanced at me for a moment with his stopwatch in his hand and simply shrugged. “They’re

werewolves now,” he said, sounding too nonchalant for my tastes. “They’ll be fine.”

I frowned deeply and folded my arms across my chest. “A girl just threw up from all of the exertion!” I

said. “At least let them take a break.”

With a sigh, Enzo glanced down at his watch and nodded slowly. “Fine,” he said, sounding almost

annoyed at me. He then raised his voice to address the recruits. “We’re taking a ten minute break!” he

shouted. “After that, we’re doing more circuits!”

The new recruits groaned and fell to the ground almost simultaneously as their legs gave out beneath

them. I shot Enzo an annoyed look before I made my way over to them and started handing out water

and taking vitals to make sure that no one got sick.

But unfortunately, the ten minute break flew by in a flash. Despite the new recruits’ healing abilities,

they were still having trouble keeping up. At this point, it began to feel as though Enzo was trying to

weed out the weak ones.

As they did more calisthenics circuits, I watched closely for any signs of lightheadedness. But there

were over fifty new recruits, and I was bound to miss one. Lo and behold, in the midst of one circuit I

saw a sweaty girl running up to me and breathing heavily.

“Nina,” she said, pointing. “Kayla… I think she’s gonna pass out…”

“Fuck,” I whispered to myself. I then gestured at Enzo, making a sign for him to stop, and followed the

girl over to her friend. The girl in question was doubled over with her hands on her knees and was

heaving loudly.

“Ugh… I’m gonna be sick… Everything is spinning,” she groaned.

“It’s alright,” I said. I took one of her arms, and the girl who came to me took the other, and we helped

her over to the bench. By the time we had her seated, Enzo was jogging over to see what was going


“What happened?” he asked. “Why aren’t you training with the others?”

“Enzo, this is too much,” I growled as I fanned Kayla’s face with a cloth and checked her eyes for

anything strange. “I think it’s time to call it a day.”

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Enzo stared at me for a moment. When I looked up to meet his gaze, I was both surprised and relieved

to find that he actually looked a little remorseful; but then, his expression xo.com fast

updatedarkened a bit, and he shook his head.

“We still have half an hour left,” he insisted, then looked at the girl who was on the verge of passing

out. “You can heal yourself and you’ll be fine. I’ll show you how. But you need to get back to training,


Finally, I had had enough.

“Enzo Rivers!” I shouted, standing and stamping my foot on the ground angrily as I poked my finger

into his chest. “That’s enough! Send everyone home for the day and quit acting like a drill sergeant!”

For a few long moments, Enzo stared at me in shock. Even Kayla and her friend looked up at me with

surprise written across their faces, but I held my ground and continued to glare angrily at Enzo. I didn’t

care how good the sex the night before was; Enzo was being too harsh on these new recruits and it

wasn’t fair to them.

Finally, Enzo let out a sigh and nodded. “Alright,” he said, sounding a little remorseful once again. He

then turned to address the rest of the recruits. “You guys can all go home today. Come back tomorrow,

same time.”

As the recruits slumped away and Kayla left with her friend, I gathered up my supplies and scowled at

Enzo before storming off to the infirmary.

I didn’t like this side of Enzo. I understood that he was trying to take precautions and ensure that our

little army could handle the Crescents, but this wasn’t the way to make people happy that they had

made the choice to become werewolves. And if he kept this up, then we wouldn’t have an army
