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My Heart only Beats for You

Chapter 1564
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Yesseca felt a cold sweat break out all over her body.

She tried hard to see who was watching her, but wasn't able to.

She felt that the person who was watching her had begun to approach her. The person stopped at her bed.

The man stood by the bed and looked at her.

Although she couldn't see who it was, Yesseca was able to make out sdetails.

This person's face was deathly pale, and their eyes were hollow.

Yesseca's entire body was enveloped in fear.

Propelled by her growing fear, Yesseca finally opened her eyes.

As she did so, she felt her soul leave her body.

From the faint light shining through her window, she saw a dark shadow standing by her bed.

Although she couldn't see very clearly, she was certain it was a black figure.

"Ah!" Yesseca shouted wildly.

Her trembling fingers quickly flipped the switch on the wall that turned on the lights in the room.

The black figure suddenly disappeared without leaving a trace.

Her body tensed up as all the blood in her body rushed into her brain.

Although the black figure had disappeared, she felt that this mysterious person must still be in the room! Yesseca trembled as she took out her phone.

She wanted to call Selina, but was so scared that she accidently called Tremaine in her panic.

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She hadn't noticed that she did.

When the call connected, she spoke with a trembling voice, "Sis, can you please send someone over? There's a ghost in my room." There was a moment of silence before someone spoke on the phone.

The man's deep, husky voice asked, "Where are you?" Yesseca was taken aback to hear his voice.

Didn't she call Selina? Why was Tremaine on the phone? She didn't care about that right now. "Home, I, I'm at home..." She stuttered because of how scared she was.

"I'll be right over." He then hung up the phone.

Yesseca hugged her knees with her arms, her eyes filled with fear.

Tremaine jumped out of bed.

He put on sclothes, shrugged on his coat, and hurried out of the villa. He drove his sports car over to Yesseca's apartment.

When he reached Yesseca's floor, he knocked on her door.

For a while, no one answered the door.

Tremaine found this worrying. He then abruptly kicked the door open.

He had undergone special training, so it wasn't very difficult for him to kick it open.

As soon as he entered the room, he saw Yesseca hugging her knees as she sat on the bed. Her body was constantly shaking. She looked horribly terrified.

No wonder she didn't open the door. She was so scared that she couldn't hear him.

Tremaine walked over and said, "I'm here." Yesseca suddenly looked up.

She then got out of bed and ran towards him.

She jumped into his arms.

Tremaine's whole body went stiff. He stood still like a statue, as if he was frozen in place.

Yesseca cried. "There was a ghost. I saw a ghost just now. I'm so scared..." Yesseca's tears fell onto his coat.

After stime, Tremaine finally cto his senses.

He moved his fingers.

His body finally relaxed.

"I'm here," said Tremaine stiffly.

He knew that Yesseca was scared, so he should be comforting her right now.

However, he had never comforted anyone before and didn't know how to comfort her.

"Don't be afraid, I'm here now." Tremaine repeated.

After a long time, Yesseca finally moved away from Tremaine's embrace.

She felt ashamed of herself. "Sorry, I was so scared just now. I'm sorry." "What on earth happened?" Tremaine asked softly.

Yesseca told him what had happened to her.

Tremaine checked Yesseca's entire apartment, even the hidden corners. He didn't find anything. "No one's here. Maybe you had a nightmare." Yesseca couldn't believe it. "Impossible, I saw a black figure." She saw it as clear as day.

"No one's around, I'm very sure of that." Tremaine said firmly.

She then stopped talking.

Tremaine said, "You should chwith me, so you won't be afraid." Yesseca refused.

"I won't go. I am not leaving my apartment." Tremaine didn't understand her logic.

She was terrified, but she had to live here.

Tremaine spoke gently, "Didn't you say there was a ghost? If there is one here, then you should leave. If you don't want to go to my place, I'll to arrange another place for cell stay You can move in and live there." Yesseca immediately rejected his offer, "No, I'm not leaving this place." Tremaine was speechless.

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He tightened his lips and said, "Why are you being so stubborn?!" Yesseca bit her lip.

She looked at Tremaine and said, "Mr. Quartley, my brother and I used to live here. Now that my brother is gone, this is the only thing brother left me. How can leave?" en.swhovelsShe explained with a deep sadness in her voice.

Tremaine held his breath.

"Your brother." He repeated.

Yesseca nodded.

She suddenly ran towards her bedside table and took out a photo. She handed it to Tremaine and said, "Look, this is my brother, he was the best brother in the whole world." Tremaine looked at the photo.

There was a man in the photo.

He looked young and bright, and pretty similar to Yesseca.

Tremaine placed the photo in Yesseca's hand and said, "You'd better stay then." She nodded.

After thinking about it for a moment, she said, "Mr. Quartley, you can go now. Thank you for coming to check oneven though it's so late." In truth, she still felt scared, but it was late and she couldn't let him stay the night.

Tremaine didn't leave however.

"I'll wait until you've gone to sleep." Yesseca was stunned.

Tremaine said softly, "You must be quite terrified, so I'll wait for you to fall asleep. When you've fallen asleep, I'Fleave. When you wake up, you won't be afraid anymore since it's daytime." Yesseca's eyes flashed with hesitation.

Although this was a good suggestion, wouldn't this be rather troublesfor Tremaine? After all, she wasn't in a relationship with this man and to ask him to look after her at night...

Tremaine, who noticed Yesseca's hesitation, said, "I won't take advantage of you. You don't have to worry about that." Yesseca was quiet.

Her face turned red. "I wasn't thinking that."

She knew that men like Tremaine kept all kinds of women on the side. There was go need for him to take advantage of a woman with an unflattering body like her. She just felt that this was too much trouble for Tremaine.

Yesseca looked at Tremaine carefully. "Well, I can't ask that of you. You have to sleep too." Tremaine glanced at Yesseca and said, "Well, you've already wokenup, so I'm wide awake now." Yesseca had no words to say to that.

She felt guilty. "I'm sorry." "Enough of that. Go to sleep." Tremaine walked into the living room and said, "I'll wait in the living room. After you've fallen asleep, I'll leave."