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My Gorgeous Wife is an Ex-Convict

Chapter 4354
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Chapter 4354 The Proposal

“No, no, that’s not what I meant. I wasn’t thinking anything. inappropriate. I was just

thinking that you seem a bit too thin, not much flesh on your bones. It might not give a

good impression to others,” Harley quickly explained.


The blush on Calvert’s face quickly faded, turning into a pale hue. “I… I know,” he said,

“My physical condition is indeed hard. for people to accept.”

Calvert was covered in so many wounds that sometimes he could hardly bear to look at

them, let alone someone like Harley. He was just grateful that at least his face was

unscathed at the


Harley found that the more he tried to explain, the worse it. seemed: “I don’t think there’s

anything wrong with your body. I just think you have a great physical appearance. If you

could build up some more muscle, you might be able to break into the entertainment

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industry, maybe as a model or an actor!”

Calvert was taken aback: “Me, a model and an actor?”

“Mmm, you’re very beautiful, but it’s not that soft, feminine. beauty. It’s a kind of

androgynous beauty. This kind of look is very popular in the entertainment industry right

now,” she said.

After all, Harley, being the big princess of the entertainment industry, naturally

understood these popular trends very well.

Chapter 4354 The Proposal


Calvert pursed his thin lips, lowering his eyelids slightly, “How could I possibly do these

things? My field of study isn’t related

to this at all.”

“You could hire a professional teacher for guidance,” she suggested. “Nowadays, many

models or actors didn’t originally study in this field. If you’re truly interested in entering

this industry, I can help you.”

Calvert tightened his grip on the fork and asked, “Why are you helping me?”

Now, it was Harley who was left stunned.

Yeah, why would she help him? She was well aware of her worth in the eyes of some

people. If an ordinary person heard her make such a promise, they’d probably be

overjoyed, not questioning her motives like he was.

At first, Harley helped him, taking him to the hospital, probably out of sympathy. Later,

when he helped him again in the alley, it was because he felt sorry for him.

And now? Calvert hadn’t been beaten or injured, yet she was once again offering to help

him. Even more, this kind of help, to some extent, could be seen as a life–changing favor.

“Perhaps it’s because it would be a shame if someone with your looks went unnoticed,”

Harley pondered. “Besides, for me, this is just a simple matter. If you want, I can introduce

you to a talent agent!”

Chapter 4354 The Proposal

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Calvert’s eyelashes fluttered slightly. It was such a simple thing… Indeed, perhaps for

Harley, it was as easy as casually handing a one–dollar coin to a beggar on the street.

But Calvert didn’t feel bad about it. Even if he felt inferior, he knew that Harley meant


Even the mere mention of his looks by Harley made his heart race, filled him with

excitement he himself couldn’t quite put into words.


“Do you think I look good?” Calvert asked, looking up at Harley.

“Mmm, very good,” Harley said, even looking at the face in front of her, she felt an urge to

make him famous. Of course, she didn’t say this out loud. After all, living in an

environment like the Hart family, even though her parents protected her well, she knew

that humans are greedy creatures.

If Harley really did say something about making Calvert famous, it might actually make

Calvert too greedy, which might not be a good thing in the end.

Harley’s original intention was just to think that if Calvert chose the path of the

entertainment industry, it might change his current difficult living situation.