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My Fated Human Luna by TheNich29

Chapter 83
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My Fated Human Luna Chapter 86

Gabriella POV

I walk over to Monica’s bedside and she looks like she is sleeping peacefully, which couldn’t be farther

from the truth. I may not be a wolf by birth, but I feel sick thinking about him marking her against her

will. Marking is supposed to be the moment in our lives when we are one, with our goddess’s given

mate and he took that from her. He took it when he deceived her before and now again when he gave

her no choice. “Where is he now” I say turning to my family. “Every warrior in the pack is looking for him

Gabby, he won’t get away with what he has done to her” my father says. “What did the doctor say?”

Before they can answer the door opens and Dr. Barrett walks in. He bares his neck to me before he

walks over to the machine that Monica is hooked up to. He turns to us with sympathy in his eyes and

the pit in my stomach feels even bigger. “Alpha the forced marking has put Monica into a coma.” “Did

he force himself on her, mating her without her consent?” “No Alpha, we performed an examination and

she wasn’t se.xually violated.” “Thank goddess for that at least.” “What happens now?” “When will she

wake up?” “Unfortunately, there is no way for us to know that.” “Forced marking is very traumatic on a

wolf.” It’s really up to Monica and her wolf now to heal and come back to us.” “We will keep monitoring

her but the good thing is that all of her vital signs are all stable.” “Thank you, Dr. Barrett.”

He leaves and I have never felt anger like this in my whole life. I was upset and disappointed when he

tried to trick me into mating him, but that pales in comparison to this. The door flies open and Lake

comes rushing inside wrapping me in his arms. I didn’t know how much I needed him in this moment

and I bury my head in his chest. I breathe deep taking a few minutes to compose myself. After a few

minutes, I pull back and he brushes the hair from my face. “He marked her against her will Lake.” He

growls “he will pay with his life for such a disgusting act, I promise you that love.” Lake comes to stand

next to me pulling me into his side and my parents and sister look at us with affection in their eyes.

“What is our next move to find this disgusting wolf” Lake asks. “I’m sure by now he has left the territory

knowing what the punishment will be for such a crime.” “We need to send trackers out looking for him

so he can be dealt with before she wakes up.” “I want her to know that he is no longer a threat.”

“Serina, can you stay with Monica while we go make the arrangements.” “A warrior will be stationed

outside her door to protect you both in case he is stupid enough to return.” “Of course, I hate to think

what might have happened Gabby if I hadn’t gone to her room to get her for training.”

“Serina you were the one that found her?” “Yes, she had helped me at school today and I went back to

thank her again for being a good friend to us both.” “When I reached the door, I caught Bret’s scent.” “I

Follow on NovᴇlEnglish.nᴇt

tried to open the door but he had it locked.” “I started to bang and scream hoping that if he was inside,

he would get scared that he was caught.” “Serina that was dangerous, you have no wolf to defend

yourself.” “What if he had come out after you?” “Gabby, would you have done nothing because you

don’t have a wolf?” “I couldn’t just let something happen to her without trying to help her.” I pull her into

my arms. She pulls back “one of the warriors heard me and came running.” “He broke the door open

and she was lying on the floor and I couldn’t wake her.” “He must have went out of the window.” “He is

a coward.” I look Serina in her eyes “I’m so proud of you, you saved her.” “I wish I could have gotten

there before he marked her.” “I know but goddess only knows what else would have happened if you

hadn’t gotten there when you did.” She smiles and Serina takes the chair by Monica’s bed. She takes

Monica’s hand in hers. We head toward the pack house to meet with the trackers.

Lake POV

As Razor runs, I can feel Gabriella’s emotions and we push harder to reach her. Johnathon is running

beside me and the pack patrol doesn’t stop us as we enter the territory. As soon as we reach the trees

near the pack hospital, we both shift and Johnathon throws me shorts. I rush inside and the nurse

shows me to the room even though I could have found it just by Gabriella’s scent. Once I have her in

my arms, I’m overwhelmed by her sadness and anger. Razor and I are ready to kill who ever made our

mate feel this way. I can’t believe he marked Monica against her will. “What kind of monster does that

Razor?” “The kind that will atone for his actions when he meets the goddess, I promise you that Lake.”

We head to the pack house to meet with the trackers. As soon as we’re inside, Johnathon and Tabitha

are waiting. Tabitha wraps her arms around Gabriella. “Congratulations Gabby Bell” she whispers and it

makes me smile. We all take a seat and discuss the plans for each tracker. Once the five trackers have

their orders, they rush from the conference room.

“Gabriella, I would like Johnathon to return to the Blood Rose territory to meet with the men and

Atticus.” “It makes sense that he is going to head toward neutral territory, which means he will pass

near the pack.” “I want to stop him from getting near any rogue packs especially after, that a**hole

Kenneth is still out there.” “Besides if he makes it to neutral territory, it will be more difficult to find him.”

“I think that makes perfect sense” Gabriella says. “Before we leave, I need to do the protection spell on

you Lake” Tabitha says. “I’m sure I will be fine until we catch the a**hat, we don’t have time to waste

right now.” Gabriella shoots me a look and Tabitha laughs. “I think your mate has spoken.” She stands

in front of me and begins to move her hands in front of me and chanting. It feels strange like she’s

touching me even though she hasn’t laid her hands on me once. The minute she stops, both Razor and

I feel the effects of the spell. It’s hard to describe and we don’t feel invincible but we know we are

protected. “Thank you, Tabby”, Gabriella says and hugs her. She steps next to me and Tabitha smiles

before she wraps her arms around Johnathon. Without a word, they are gone. It’s going to take some

time to get used to people just appearing and disappearing. Gabriella chuckles and I know she heard

my thought.

Bret POV

Thor runs through the woods as fast as his legs will carry us. Why couldn’t she just listen? I’m her mate

and she should have given me a chance to make things right instead of rejecting me. She had no right

to reject me. Then that ba**ard Alpha made me accept it even though I didn’t want to. They left me no

choice but to claim what is mine by force. She is mine and now she bares my mark. If that little b**ch

hadn’t come to her door looking for her, I would have taken Monica with me. We could have been far

from the pack before any of them even realized we were gone. I didn’t expect her to pass out from me

marking her. Now I’m going to have to find a way to get my mate and make the Scarlett Howl pack

suffer for all they have done. I feel like we have run for at least an hour before we finally stop. Thor

shifts and I pull the clothes on I brought with me. “Don’t worry Bret, when she wakes up, we will be able

to feel it since she bares our mark now.” I smile “good until then we can try to reach the neutral

territory.” There are four packs between Scarlett Howl and where we need to go.” “None of the

surrounding packs are going to help us because of that ba**ard Archer so we will need to stay out of

the borders or we will risk dealing with pack wolves.” We rest for about twenty minutes before I str!p

and shift. We take off and I think about Monica baring my mark.

Lake POV

As Razor runs, I can feel Gabriella’s emotions and we push harder to reach her. Johnathon is running

beside me and the pack patrol doesn’t stop us as we enter the territory. As soon as we reach the trees

near the pack hospital, we both shift and Johnathon throws me shorts. I rush inside and the nurse

shows me to the room even though I could have found it just by Gabriella’s scent. Once I have her in

my arms, I’m overwhelmed by her sadness and anger. Razor and I are ready to kill who ever made our

mate feel this way. I can’t believe he marked Monica against her will. “What kind of monster does that

Razor?” “The kind that will atone for his actions when he meets the goddess, I promise you that Lake.”

We head to the pack house to meet with the trackers. As soon as we’re inside, Johnathon and Tabitha

are waiting. Tabitha wraps her arms around Gabriella. “Congratulations Gabby Bell” she whispers and it

makes me smile. We all take a seat and discuss the plans for each tracker. Once the five trackers have

their orders, they rush from the conference room.


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Bret POV

I push her into her room. “What the hell do you think you’re doing, Bret?” Thor is at the surface and I

need her to listen, so I push him down. “Monica, I need you to take back your rejection.” “You are my

mate.” She laughs and crosses her arms over her chest. “You don’t understand, I was pretending that

having a human Alpha was ok with me but I promise you that I don’t agree with a pathetic human being

Alpha or Luna.” “Gabby is not worthy to be an Alpha of our pack.” She says nothing so I keep going. “I

had a plan the whole time and had you just let me follow through on it, you and I could have taken over

this pack together.” “We can still make that happen Monica if you just take back the rejection.” “Are you


“First of all, Archer Lyons would snap your neck if you ever hurt his daughter or family.” “Second of all,

Gabriella Lyons is the best Alpha this pack could ever ask for.” “Not because she is wolf or a human

but because she is kind, strong, and loves this pack and all its members.” “I was wrong and angry at

you for betraying me and that is the only reason I was so angry at Gabriella even though none of it was

her fault.” “I will never take back my rejection.” “You are not worthy to be my mate and I can only pray

the goddess gives me a second chance.” I feel Thor and this time I don’t stop him. I pull her to me

elongating my canines and I don’t give her a chance to shift when I bite down into her marking sp0t.

The feeling of marking her makes me want to take her right here, but that I will save for when we are

far from this place. I pull my canines from her neck and l!ck my mark. She goes limp and I lower her to

the floor. I try to wake her but she isn’t waking up. “Thor, why is she unconscious, what the hell?”

Before he can answer, banging starts on the door and I can hear Serina screaming. What the fvck? I

hear footsteps and I know if they find me here, they will kill me. I lean down k!ssing her l!ps. “I’ll be back

for you mate, I promise you that.” I head for the window and we jump shifting in midair. We run for the

border because I’m sure once the Alpha finds out what I have done every warrior will be after me.

Flashback Ends

As I think about my l!ps touching hers, I feel Thor slow down. “What the hell is happening?” “Why are

you slowing down?” Then I realize we can smell wolves. Sh*t we were almost past the packs. This

can’t be Scarlett Howl wolves this far from the pack land. Thor starts to move through the trees trying

move up wind to avoid the wolves smelling our scent. As the sound of paws pounding starts to get

closer, he takes off at full speed. We are just about to come out of the trees when a wolf rams into our

side, knocking us off our feet. Thor manages to regain his footing and we stand face to face with a

large silver wolf with green eyes. He starts to circle around us and in this moment, Thor and I both

realize that he isn’t alone. We hear movement in the trees on the left and the wolf is standing still just

staring at us. “What the hell is happening Thor”