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My Fated Human Luna by TheNich29

Chapter 52
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My Fated Human Luna Chapter 55

55 Not Smar

Archer POV

As soon as I cut the link with my mother, I link the patrol guards and threaten their lives if that f**king

traitor makes it out of the territory with Sabrina. Brutus is running faster than we ever have. “We can’t

lose her, Archer.” “Don’t even say that, just pray we get there.” “Archer, your mother is going to do

something stupid” River links me as his wolf runs by my side. I love my mother for wanting to protect

Sabrina but I can’t lose her either. I don’t even ask what he means and I try to link my mother who has

me blocked. Son of a b**ch, I’m going to rip that ba**ard apart for betraying his pack and touching my


Fern POV

The wolf starts to walk backward with his arm around Sabrina’s neck. “Stop and just listen to me.” “If

your boss knows he can have me he will make the deal.” “Just tell him that Fern will take the Luna’s

place.” I watch him link and I see Sabrina’s expression change from fear to determination. What the

hell is she thinking? It doesn’t take me long to find out when she balls her left fist up. She swings back,

catching the ba**ard right in the balls. He hunches over and she seizes her moment. She really is an

amazing woman. I smile as she pulls herself free, falling to the ground, giving me an opportunity to kill

his a**. I shift and run at him. Sabrina scurries out of the way and he shifts. My wolf is much bigger than

his little dirty brown one. Liza laughs in my mind at this pathetic wolf. Before I’m on him, I hear what

sounds like a stampede coming through the trees and it distracts me long enough for him to jump and

make contact with my shoulder biting down. Now that just pisses me off. I shake him off and swipe my

claw down his abdomen. He whimpers in pain like the b**ch he is. Before I can attack again, Archer

growls, shaking the forest around us. Jasper, Brutus, Damien, and Ottis come to stand in front of Liza.

We shift back, going to check on Sabrina. “Are you alright sweetheart?” “I’m fine, you were awesome.”

“You weren’t too bad yourself, he wasn’t expecting you to fight back.” “Guess that makes him dumb

and soon to be dead.” As I slip a t-shirt and shorts on I turn to see the wolf shift back. The man begs for

his life like the pathetic mutt that he is.

Archer POV

Follow on NovᴇlEnglish.nᴇt

As soon as we hit the pack border, I catch Sabrina’s scent and then my mother’s. Brutus pushes faster

and when we reach them, I watch my mother dig her claw down the ba**ards side. She steps back

preparing to attack again, but we jump in front of her. We start to stalk toward him and his wolf begins

to cower. He shifts into human form “please Alpha have mercy, he made me do it.” “I wasn’t going to

hurt her.” We all shift back and River grabs him by the throat. “I am not your Alpha and after what you

just did to your own pack, you don’t deserve any mercy.” “You touched my Luna and hurt my mother.”

“River, take him to the cells, his death will not be quick for his crimes.” “He will suffer and wish for death

by the time we are done.” River smiles and they drag him toward the pack house screaming all the

way. Levi and I grab shorts and head to Sabrina and my mother. I pull them both into my arms. “You

two scared the hell out of me.” “Archer, you’re squeezing us to death” my mother says. “I can’t help it, I

was scared I wouldn’t make it back.” I release my mother but keep my arm around Sabrina. I need to

feel her and know she is safe. “We were handling the situation, son, have a little faith in us women.” “I

have faith in you both but it doesn’t mean I won’t worry.” She nods at me “where’s Tracey” Levi asks.

“They are taking care of her at the hospital.” “What happened” he growls out. “Let’s just go to the

hospital and they can explain when we get there.”

Levi POV

When Fern says that Tracey is being taken care of at the hospital, I’m ready to shift again and lose my

sh*t. “I will rip that f**ker apart if he hurt my mate.” When we reach the hospital, Fern leads us upstairs

and Tracey is lying in hospital bed with a bandage on her head. “What the f**k did he do to you.” “Calm

down Levi I’m ok.” “Ok my a**” I say as I touch the bandage. She takes my hand and kisses it. “Levi,

I’m fine he hit me with something and it knocked me out.” “I’m just glad to see that he didn’t succeed in

his plan” she says, smiling at Sabrina. “He is going to suffer for hurting you, I swear to you.” She pulls

me down and kisses me. Her lips feel good against mine and I breathe in her scent. She places her

forehead against mine. “I’m fine, I promise.” “The doctors ran all kinds of tests and I don’t even have a

concussion.” I slide in next to her and pull her to me. I kiss her forehead, “thank goddess.”

The door opens and the doctor comes in shocked when he sees everyone. He bares his neck to Archer

and Sabrina before he turns to me and Tracey. “I’ll come back when your company is gone, I have

some results to go over with you Tracey.” “There is no need for you to come back.” “You’ll save me

from having to repeat it to them later” she chuckles. “Are you sure?” “Yes, I’m positive.” I take Tracey’s

hand and wonder what the hell he is so nervous to say. “Ok, congratulations Tracey your pregnant with

the packs future Beta.” I feel my world stop. Did he just say my mate is pregnant? I turn to Tracey and

she has unshed tears in her eyes. “Did he just say we are going to have a pup?” She starts to nod her

head fast and I pull her into me. “Thank you love, you’re amazing.” She laughs “I think you contributed

too, Levi.” She always makes me laugh. After everyone is done congratulating us, I turn to the doctor,

remembering that he hit her. “Can you check the pup after what happened tonight?” “Of course, Beta,

I’ll grab the ultrasound machine.” The doctor leaves and comes back a few minutes later. He starts to

rub the wand over Tracey’s belly and my heart clenches. On the screen is my pup, so perfect and

small. The room fills with the sounds of the heartbeat and my heart clenches in my chest again. I can

feel the tears run down my cheeks. I’m going to be a father. I can’t believe this. I kiss Tracey and thank

the goddess for this gift.

Sabrina POV

I’m so happy when the doctor says that Tracey is pregnant. I’m going to be an aunt. When the doctor

does the ultrasound, the baby looks huge. The shock about the baby’s size must be on my face. Archer

leans in “what’s wrong, love?” “The baby is big, she can’t be that far along.” He chuckles “wolf

pregnancy is much shorter than humans.” “How much shorter?” “It usually only lasts five months.” “My

eyes must get like saucers. He smiles and pulls me close. “I can’t wait till your belly is round with my

pup” he says as he puts his hand on my belly. I lean up and kiss him “neither can I.” “Gabby will be

thrilled to be a big sister.” “She will always be my first pup.” Goddess, I love this man. When the doctor

is done with the ultrasound, I go over to hug Tracey.

I wrap her in my arms “congratulations, I’m so happy for you two.” “Thank you, now you have to have

one so they can be best friends like us.” I laugh “believe me Archer is working on it.” I kiss her before I

go back to stand by Archer. Willow comes busting in with Harris looking pissed. “Nobody tells me what

is happening with my family.” Fern walks toward her to calm her down. “I’m pregnant” Tracey blurts out

and Willow screams forgetting about her anger. She grabs Tracey squeezing her tight. “Hey, don’t

break my mate, Willow.” “Shut up Levi, I knew her before she was your mate.” “I’m going to be an aunt

again so you better be nice or I’ll tell your pup lots of stories about you.” We all burst out with laughter.

We visit for a little longer before we leave Levi and Tracey to rest. We are almost to the pack house

when River is running in our direction and pulls Fern into his arms. Everyone stops and I grab them.

“Let’s go, give them some privacy.”

River POV

Follow on Novᴇl-Onlinᴇ.cᴏm

As we drag this ba**ard all I can think about is him hurting my mate and killing my pack. He is going to

pray for death when we finish with him. Jeremiah is seething next to me and I need him to calm down

so he doesn’t just snap this traitor’s neck. We reach the cells and the guard opens the door. I toss his

a** inside and Jeremiah tries to walk in but I stop him. “What the f**k River?” “We are going to let his

a** sit here and wonder all night what we’re going to do to him tomorrow” I say as I shut the cell sliding

the key in my pocket. “River, please I didn’t have a choice.” “You can’t do this to me, your not evil.” I

turn to the f**ker grateful the cell is locked. I can feel Jasper at the surface. “Did you help them kill our

people or did you just stand by and watch like the coward you are.” “He was going to kill me, River.”

“What was I supposed to do, die for nothing.” “How did he even know I’d left the pack Matty?” He drops

his head “you called him didn’t you after Jeremiah left?” “You abandoned us after all our years of loyalty

like we meant nothing to you.” “You killed your friends whether by your own hand or by his and you

speak to me about loyalty.” “I hope their souls plague you when we send you to the moon goddess.” I

turn and Jeremiah follows me till we are outside the cells.

I take some deep breaths and get myself under control. Jeremiah rests his hand on my back. “You

know he is wrong, this is not your fault, it’s his and Lawrence’s.” “I know but it doesn’t make me feel

any better about the men and women they slaughtered.” “Jeremiah go home to your mate, I’m sure she

is waiting for you.” He smiles and takes off up the hill at a run. I’m happy to see he has found his

second chance. He deserves a mate that loves him. I chuckle at him running and think about my own

mate. I need her in my arms right now. She had blood on her shoulder even though I know she is

alright, I hate the thought of her being hurt. I take off up the hill at a run to find her and she is coming

down the path toward me. As soon as I reach her, I wrap her in my arms. Everyone around us fades

away and I bury my head in her neck breathing her in. I pick her up and carry her to our room to bury

myself inside her.

Sabrina POV

We start up the stairs and Archer picks me up over his shoulder. I laugh “Archer put me down.” “Never

love, I plan on taking care of you tonight.” “I will never say no to that but I can walk.” He doesn’t answer

and we peek in on Gabby before he takes me to our room. He slides me down his body and kisses me.

When he pulls back, I’m breathless. He starts to pull my shirt over my head but I stop him. I know this

my kill the mood but I still need to ask it. “What’s wrong, Sabrina?” ” Nothing is wrong but I need to ask

you a question.” “You can ask me anything love.” “Can you make me a wolf?”