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My Fated Human Luna by TheNich29

Chapter 46
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My Fated Human Luna Chapter 49

49 Lies

River POV

“I told you our mate didn’t even know about us.” “That’s bullsh*t Jasper and you know it, if we smelled

her then she smelled us.” “You don’t know that for sure and you believed those ba**ards instead of

trying to talk to her.” “They would have killed us and for what, a mate that didn’t want us anyway.” I

push Jasper back in mind and look back to Archer. “I appreciate that you want to defend your mother

Archer but this is exactly why I asked for her not to be here.” “My wolf isn’t reasonable when it comes to

Fern.” He looks at me confused. “I have asked my mother not to come to this meeting but I assure you

she has no idea why those two chose to banish you.” “Why would your wolf care anything about my


I see the moment his confusion is gone. I need to just talk about the real reason I’m here and get the

hell out of this pack before I see her. “Archer, I didn’t come here to say anything against your mother.” “I

just want to help you protect your pack.” “Lawrence Porter is the rogue your father has aligned himself

with.” “Lawrence is a rogue in every sense of the word.” “He will do whatever is asked of him if the price

is right.” “He will kill women and children without a second thought.” “With your permission I’m going to

bring some of my men to stay outside the pack borders as your first line of defense.” “If I know anything

about Lawrence the attack will be very soon.”

Archer POV

When he talks about his wolf and my mother, I finally realize what’s going on. That ba**ard took my

mother’s fated mate away from her. He never even gave her the opportunity to choose. I can’t let that

happen to her again. I know he says he doesn’t want to see her but what happened isn’t fair to either of

them. “You and your men can stay in the pack borders.” “This is your pack and you should have never

been banished from it.” “Archer we are a pack of rogues not pack wolves.” “Bullsh*t, my grandfather

was a pathetic excuse for an Alpha that cared more about himself than anyone else’s happiness.” “He

banished you because you were my mother’s fated mate, didn’t he?” I see the shock on his face at my

words. “Archer that was a long time ago, honestly once we help your pack you won’t hear from me

again.” I link Levi “find my mother and bring her to my office now.”

“I would like you and your men to stay in the back borders while you are helping the pack.” “Fine, we

will stay in the territory.” “I promise you that my warriors will not cause any problems while we are on

pack land, not that they ever do.” “I appreciate that” I say. After we finish talking about the specifics, I

can see he is ready to run from this pack and my mother. He stands to shake my hand. I pray Levi

hurries his a** up before they leave. He starts for the office door and before he reaches it the door

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opens to my mother standing there with black eyes. I smile and pray that this works out the way I hope.

Sabrina takes my hand and I look over at her smiling face. “Well played love.” I chuckle and look back

to River and my mother standing and staring at each other.

Fern POV

I’m in the theater room with Gabby watching Frozen for the second time. It’s a cute movie but I could

live without watching it over and over again. For this little girl, I suck it up. We are sharing some pop-

corn when Levi comes rushing in like his a** is on fire. “Fern, I need you to come with me to Archer’s

office.” “Levi, I have Gabby and Archer asked me not to come to the meeting he has with River tonight.”

“Fern, he just linked me and said he wants you there now.” “I don’t understand but fine.” I take Gabby’s

hand and lead her to Lindsay in the kitchen. “Lindsay, can you keep an eye on Gabby for a moment

until I see what Archer needs.” “Of course, Luna.” I don’t waste time correcting her again. I walk ahead

of Levi and when we reach the hallway where Archer’s office is, I stop walking. Liza is losing her mind

in my head. “Mate” she growls and I take a deep breath. “All I can smell is my lavender and vanilla

body wash that I always use.” “That is not your body wash, that is our mate’s scent.” I open the door

and Liza is at the surface. The most handsome man I have ever seen is standing in front of us. I expect

to see happiness on his face at finding me like I feel about finding him, but instead he looks terrified

and angry all at once.

He turns to Archer “I told you that I didn’t want to see her Archer.” My son looks sheepish but I know

why he went back on his word. He must have realized that this man is my mate. “Why the hell wouldn’t

you want to see your mate?” He laughs “I wasn’t good enough for you twenty-five years ago and

nothing has changed now Fern.” What the hell is he talking about? I turn to Archer and everyone else

in the room “everyone out now.” They all scatter except the man standing next to my mate. “That

means you too, I want to speak to my mate alone.” “You lost the right to call him mate a long time ago.”

I growl and step toward him. “Jeremiah wait downstairs for me, please” River says. I can see he is

apprehensive about leaving River but I have no idea why. I intend to find out right now. When the door

closes, I cross my arms over my chest. “If you intend to reject me than by all means do it because I

spent the better part of my life with a man that didn’t really want to be mated to me.” “I will not beg you

to accept me.”

River POV

Did she really just have the audacity to say that to me after she rejected me? “You are just like

Thomas, a selfish and self-centered” I can’t even finish what I was saying when I feel her hand connect

with my cheek. “Don’t you ever put me in the same category with that piece of shit.” “I have no idea

why he banished you but you blaming me is bulls*t.” “I have never even met you and I had nothing to

do with you being banished.” “Just tell me your full name River and I will do us both the favor so you

can leave.” I feel like I can’t breathe. “I told you that you should have never listened to that ba**ard.”

“She didn’t know we were her mate” Jasper is yelling in my head. I bend over and put my hands on my

knees trying to catch my breath. He took everything from me, everything. I’ve wasted all this time I

could have had with her.

I feel a hand start to rub my back as I slow my breathing. She is comforting me when I’ve been such an

a**hole thinking she chose him. I’m finally able to stand up again and she drops her hand to her side. I

can see concern and anger equal in her expression. She really is the most beautiful woman I have ever

seen and I want her to be mine. “Are you going to tell me your full name River?” “Only after you tell me

yours.” Her expression flashes to hurt before she composes herself once more. “My full name is Fern

Lauren Lyons.” I smile “I, River Martin Brady, accept you Fern Lauren Lyons as my mate.” She laughs

“you want me to accept you after the way you just treated me, you must be out of your mind.” I don’t let

her say another word. I pull her into me and slam my lips down on hers. I pour twenty-five years of

wanting into this kiss. I wait for her to pull away but I’m so grateful when she doesn’t. When we are

breathless, I finally pull back but I don’t let her go. I need to make her understand my behavior and how

sorry I am.

Fern POV

I have never felt anything like this kiss in my whole life. I’m barely able to stand upright so I don’t

protest when he doesn’t let me go. He leads me over to the couch before we both sit down. “Do you

want to explain what all that was about?” “Kissing my mate, that was making up for lost time.” “Back up

and let me in on whatever the hell you keep going on about from the past.” I can tell that he is nervous

so I wait patiently for him to explain. “Fern, can I ask you a question before I explain everything.” “Yes,

you can” I say. “The day you came to see Thomas and they banished me did you ever smell anything

of your mate?” I think back to that day. “You really don’t remember do you” Liza says sarcastically. “I

have no idea what the hell you’re talking about.” “I told you that our mate was near.” “I even told you his

scent was lavender and vanilla but you blew me off because.” I stop her “I thought it was my body wash

and all I could think about was how my father and these men were ruining any chance I had to find my

true mate.” “I thought you were trying to get me to go against my father and leave.” “I’m so sorry Liza.”

“Now is the time to make it right with our mate Fern.”

He is waiting for me to answer. I explain the conversation I just had with Liza and he laughs. “You were

my mate and they banished you.” He nods “they told me that you didn’t want me and that I couldn’t stay

because Thomas was going to mate you.” I ball up my fists “I can’t wait to see that ba**ard suffer for all

that he has taken from us.” He takes my hand. “I have no intention of allowing him to take any more

time from us.” “The goddess saw fit to make me your second chance since we missed our first one and

I’m not going to let you go this time.” I can feel the tears well in my eyes. “I, Fern Lauren Lyons, accept

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you River Martin Brady as my mate.” I immediately feel the bond start to form from our words.

I stand taking River’s hand without a word and lead him out of the office. I lead him to my bedroom and

once we are inside, I waste no time claiming my mate. I pull his shirt over his head and just looking at

him makes my core clench. He takes my hands in his “I have waited a very long time for this and I have

no intentions of rushing with you Fern.” He pulls my shirt over my head and unclasps my bra. He drops

to his knees in front of me and reaches up, pulling my pants and panties down my legs. He begins to

kiss up my body, starting at my legs until he reaches my lips again. The tingles everywhere he touches

are amazing. I never had any of that with he that I will no longer name. He leads me until I feel the bed

at the back of my legs without ever breaking the kiss. When he pulls back, he lays me down and climbs

between my legs. “River what” dies on my lips when he licks into my core. “Oh, my goddess River” I

moan out. He is relentless licking and biting my cl*t. I feel two fingers penetrate me and pump in an out

while is licks me with increased speed. The orgasm washes over my body like a wave. This is amazing,

I can’t believe how good an orgasm feels with someone else. I’m embarrassed to say I never had one

with the a**hat.

River POV

Watching her fall apart is the sexiest thing I’ve ever seen in my life. I crawl up her body and kiss her lips

so she can taste herself on my lips. I stand up pulling my pants off and she smiles when she sees my

c**k. I climb back over her and line myself up with her core. When I push forward, I feel like I’m floating.

This woman’s body is heaven. Once I’m seated to the root I start to move. Her moans and saying my

name are making it very hard to control myself. I can feel she is getting close again and I put my face

near her marking spot. Jasper pushes forward and my canines elongate. I pierce her skin and I can feel

everything more intensely as she screams out her orgasm. Before I know what’s happening, I feel her

canines pierce my skin and I have the biggest orgasm of my life. I never knew what that seeing starts

meant until now. I empty my seed into her body. We both pull back licking our fresh marks. I put my

head to her forehead. “You are mine now and forever.” “I wouldn’t want to be anybody else’s.” “I love

you, River.” I never thought I would hear those words from her but I couldn’t be more grateful. “I will

love you until my last breath Fern.”

I kiss her soft lips one more time before I pull myself from her body. I head to the bathroom to grab a

washcloth and come back to clean her up. As I do I can see she is deep in thought. “What are you

thinking about love?” “I just never expected an orgasm with another person to be so much more

amazing than ones I give myself.” There is no way that I just heard her correctly. “Love are you saying

that you have only had orgasms that you have given yourself?” She almost looks embarassed by my

question. I lean down so we are eye to eye. “Answer me love” I say. “Yes that is the first orgasm I have

ever had with someone else.” He really is pathetic, never caring about her pleasure. I am going to take

great pleasure in killing his a**. I slide in next to her. “You will never have that problem again, I can

promise you that.” She smiles and pecks my lips before she rests her head on my chest. The feeling of

being complete is amazing and we both drift off into a peaceful sleep.