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My Fated Human Luna by TheNich29

Chapter 134
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My Fated Human Luna Chapter 137

75 Adora

Adrian POV

The minute he bites down on my marking spot, I feel the bond is complete. Our souls are connected

and I couldn’t be happier. I feel him empty inside me and I thought I would be panicked, but I’m not. If

the goddess blesses us with a child, then so be it. I never thought about being a mother, but after being

around the pups so much, I can’t wait. I’m just about to tell him I love him when I’m consumed by

darkness. What the hell just happened? My beloved is amazing, but I’ve never heard of someone

passing out during mating. In the darkness, I see a light in the distance. This feels like a dream but I

wasn’t sleeping, so it can’t be. I start to follow the light and it comes to a door. “Come in” a familiar

voice calls out. I reach for the handle and open the door. I freeze as I see my father sitting behind a

desk. A desk he sat behind many times when I was a child. “Come in Adrian”, he says with a smile I’ve

never seen before. A smile of kindness and love. “Where am I?” “You’re safe Adrian. Please take a

seat so we can talk.” I do as he asks. “I know you’re confused, but I promise in a moment everything

will be clear.”

“The goddess has allowed me to come here to try to make things right. It will not take away all that I

have done, but it will help you and your brother move on with your mates. It will help you two have the

happiness you all deserve.” “Drayce deserves no happiness” I snap back at him. He chuckles “that’s

not the brother I was referring to.” Now I’m really confused. “Adrian, you know that Jayden’s mother

was given to me by Joseph.” I can’t help the disgust on my face. “You have every right to be disgusted

by our actions Adrian. We are both monsters for what we have done to everyone that we were

supposed to love and protect. I promise you that the goddess stays true to the punishment we all

deserve.” I nod and he continues. “After Jayden was born Joseph brought Adria to me. I saw her as an

opportunity to produce a hybrid for the coven. She was so broken after Joseph discarded her and she

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lost her pup. She never even fought what I did to her.” “How could you do that? How could you use her

like that? Jayden never even got to meet her because of you and Joseph.” “I wish I had a good answer

but I don’t. The goddess gives us all a chance to be good and happy, but some of us choose to be

selfish and evil. I only worried about power and Drayce has taken up where I left off.”

“Adria became pregnant after six months. She carried the child to term, a girl.” I feel bile rise in my

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throat. “Adria was my mother, is that what you’re saying right now.” He nods and I didn’t think I could

hate him more but in this moment I do. “You have every right to hate me.” “That’s good because I do. I

hate you for what you did to my mother. I hate you for making Drayce into a monster. I hate you

because you were no father to me.” He nods “this meeting wasn’t about me getting your forgiveness,

Adrian. I don’t deserve it. This meeting was to help you and your brother find peace about the past.”

“Jayden is my brother.” “Yes, he is. You were born of the same mother.” “After you used my mother to

have a hybrid, which was a huge failure, what happened to her?” For the first time, I see genuine

sadness in his eyes. “After your mother gave birth to you, I told one of my men to get rid of her.” “So

you had her killed once she had me?” “I ordered it but she is very much alive.” I feel my heart rate

increase. I couldn’t have heard him correctly. “How can she be alive?” “Just as you saved Brooke, one

of my men saved your mother.” “My mother is alive” I repeat because I’m so much in shock by his

words. “Yes and you are very much a hybrid Adrian.”

I’m just about to remind him that I have no wolf when the door opens. A beautiful woman with flowing

red hair walks in, followed by a stunning wolf with fur that looks the color of gold. My father stands and

bows before her. “It’s time for you to leave David so I can speak with Adrian.” I start to panic. He never

said where my mother is. She waves her arm and he is gone. She takes the seat behind the desk and

the wolf lays down beside her. “I never understood why Alphas like to sit behind desks in stuffy offices.

I much prefer the outdoors.” She waves her arm again and we are in a meadow full of wild flowers. She

walks and sits down on a chair that is made of tree branches and flowers. I sit on the ground in front of

her. “Adrian, your father’s right about you being a hybrid. Your wolf has been dormant all this time

because of the conditions your mother was kept in while she was pregnant with you.” I look at the wolf

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lying on the ground at her feet. She smiles “this is your wolf Adora. When you wake up she will be with

you again.” I can’t believe this. I have a wolf. I look up with tears in my eyes. “Where is our mother

goddess?” She smiles and reaches out her hand to me. I stand taking it and she pulls me into a hug.

“Keep faith that you will see her soon enough. It’s time for you to return to your family. Your mate is

losing his mind with worry and we don’t need him destroying the pack hospital” she chuckles.

“Remember to be happy and find forgiveness, but never forget what has made you strong.” She

presses her lips to my forehead and the darkness consumes me again.

“Adrian, I’m sorry it took me so long to find you” I hear a voice in the darkness. “Adora” I say her name

like a question. “Yes, I am your wolf and the goddess has healed me so I could return to you.” “I can’t

believe this is happening. I’m so happy that your here with me.” “Your stuck with me now” she laughs.

“Let’s get back to our mates” she says. “Tell me what to do Adora to get out of this place.” “Just think

about Andrew and our family.”

Andrew POV

When we reached the hospital I’m losing my sh*t. “Beta, we will take good care of her”, the doctor says

as they wheel her away from me. I feel like I can’t breathe once the doors close and I can no longer

see Adrian. “Our mate is strong Andrew, she is going to be fine”, Giedon says, much calmer than me.

The hospital doors open and Jayden and Brooke rush inside. “What’s wrong with Adrian”, Brooke asks.

I tell them both what happened when I marked her. Brooke pulls me into a hug. “She is strong, Andrew.

She will come out of this.” I pray that Brooke is right. I can’t lose her after I just found her. The doors

open and the doctor comes out. “Alpha and Luna” he says, baring his neck to Jayden and Brooke.

“Formalities later, what is happening with Adrian?” He has a look of sympathy when he finally looks at

me. “Beta honestly I’m not sure what is happening. Her vital signs are fine but she isn’t responding. We

will keep monitoring her but right now there is nothing to be done.” I feel pain in my chest at his words.

“I want to see her now.” “Of course,” he says, turning to lead me to her room. “Andrew, please call us

when she wakes up” Jayden says. I turn nodding and they take a seat in the waiting room.

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We walk down the hallway and he opens the door for me. I walk in and she is lying in the bed with

machines beeping. Her eyes are closed and she looks like she is sleeping peacefully. I take a deep

breath before I head over to the bed, taking her hand in mine. “Adrian, I’m here and I won’t leave you. I

love you, please just open your eyes.” I take a seat and rest my head next to her on the bed. I lose

count of the amount of prayers I say to the goddess. I feel fingers in my hair and I nearly knock the

chair over jumping up. Her eyes are open and she is smiling at me. “Oh my goddess, you’re awake.

You scared the hell out of me. I would never have marked you if I thought it would hurt you.” Her face

falls “don’t you say that. I know you were scared but that mark means everything to me.” I bend down

till my face is at hers. “I just meant” she stops me. “I know what you meant but that mark didn’t just

make me yours.” I look at her with confusion. “That mark made me whole. I found a piece of myself that

I didn’t even know was missing.” “Adrian, what are you talking about?”

Adora (Adrian’s Wolf) POV

Adrian allows me to come forward. “She found me mate.” He falls back, I’m sure with the shock of it all.

“Andrew, my name is Adora and I’m Adrian’s wolf.” “How is this possible she had no wolf?” “It is a long

story but it is hers to tell, not mine. I just wanted to have a moment to meet you. I can’t wait to meet

Gideon later.” My mate growls and his eyes flash black. I chuckle and step back, giving Adrian control.

Adrian POV

I laugh when Andrew almost falls on his a** when Adora introduces herself. She steps back and I’m in

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control again. This is so weird but awesome at the same time. I’m wrapped in two strong arms and our

connection is even stronger now than when he marked me. “Adrian, I love you with or without a wolf.

Tell me everything” he says, and I smile. I knew he loved me without her,, but I’m glad that Giedon will

have a wolf mate. He pulls back and kisses me “wait.” I’m sure he is linking Jayden. A few seconds

later, the door swings open and Brooke is wrapped around me. I smile and when she pulls back her

eyes look like saucers. “You have a wolf.” “Yes I do. Her name is Adora.” Jayden smiles like he knows

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the secret. “Do you know already?” “I wasn’t sure but after you told us about my mother I thought

maybe. Welcome home, sister” he says, and I can’t stop the tears from flowing. He walks over and

wraps me in a hug. “Can someone tell me exactly what happened” Andrew says. Jayden releases me

and goes to stand next to a smiling Brooke. I pull myself up into a sitting position and explain my visit

with my father and the goddess.

I watch Jayden’s face go through every emotion possible. “Jayden, our mother, is still alive.” “How” he

asks. “One of my father’s soldiers saved her just as I saved Brooke.” I see tears run down his cheeks.

“Where is she, please tell me that you know?” “I don’t but the goddess assured me we will meet her

soon.” He turns wrapping Brooke in his arms. Andrew leans down and kisses my forehead. When he

stands back up, I throw the blanket off and slide out of the bed. “Adrian, what are you doing” he asks

with panic in his voice. As I walk toward the door, I turn “I want to shift.” He chuckles “that’s not how

shifting works love.” I turn without another word. Once I’m outside, I close my eyes, reaching out to

Adora. “Adora, can we shift now?” I’m shocked when she appears in my mind. “Focus on me and we

will see what happens.” I think about her and her beautiful golden fur. My skin begins to feel hot and


“That’s normal” she says, and I just remain focused. “You’re going to feel pain but I promise it won’t

last. Don’t fight against it Adrian.” Pain doesn’t begin to describe it. I feel like my bones are breaking.

“You’re doing great. Just let me come forward.” I focus on her voice and after a few minutes the pain

stops. I’m staring at Andrew, Brooke, and Jayden. “Look down, Adrian”, Adora says, and when I do, I

realize that I am no longer in human form. I have huge paws with golden fur. “We shifted, this is

amazing.” “Yes we did and I promise you that each time will be easier.” Andrew walks toward us and

Adora lays down. He places his forehead against hers. “You two are truly amazing and I have been

blessed by the goddess.” I smile and Adora licks Andrew’s face. I laugh at my wolf’s antics and love

that our mate is just as amazing. Now to deal with one a**hole and get on with our lives.

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