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My Fated Human Luna by TheNich29

Chapter 121
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My Fated Human Luna Chapter 124

62 So It’s You

Serina POV

When I reach the room, I lock the door behind me. The pups are asleep in the stroller. I pick them up

one at a time and lay them in their bassinets. “Serina, you have to talk to him, he is our mate.” “Did you

forget that he came here with a woman that he called his mate.” “Of course not, but you know Nicholas.

He would never hurt you.” I know she’s right but I am hurt. He is our mate and he claimed some other

woman. “He had no mark, Serina” Ruby says. Before I can respond, a knock sounds on the door.

“Serina, please let me in”, Nicholas pleads through the door. I walk over and press my hand to the door.

“Nicholas, I can’t do this right now.” “Please, Serina, let me explain everything.” What can he possibly

explain? He brought a woman that he called his mate to the pack. “Serina, you owe him a chance to

explain. If you don’t like what he has to say, then I’ll support whatever decision you make”, Ruby says.

“Serina, I’m not leaving until you talk to me” he says a little more sternly. I smile at his attempt to be

assertive with me. Ruby is right, I need to at least listen before I make any decisions.

I take a deep breath and open the door. Nicholas steps inside and his scent overwhelms me. I see his

eyes flash to black before they return to his beautiful hazel eyes. I step back and try not to cross my

arms over my chest. I’m angry but I need to hear him out first. “Serina, you are my mate. I always

hoped you would be and you are.” I feel warmth spread through my chest at his words but I keep my

expression impassive. “Nicholas, you came here with a woman you called your mate. We cannot both

be your mate.” “You are absolutely right, you both can’t. I knew from the beginning that she wasn’t my

true mate. I just needed to find out why I felt the pull toward her.” I can’t help myself. I cross my arms

over my chest. He said he feels the mate pull to her. I will not share my mate with that woman. Before I

can speak, I’m wrapped in strong arms. His scent and the tingles are clouding my thoughts. “You’re not

listening to me Serina. You are my only mate. She is an imposter. I knew it the moment I saw her wolf.”

I relax but I still step out of his arms.

“I want to know everything, Nicholas. I mean every detail since you left the pack.” He takes a seat in a

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chair across from me. Brooklyn starts to cry and I pick her up. I walk to the changing table. “Go ahead

Nicholas.” As I change Brooklyn he tells me. “I met her a few days after we arrived at the pack. I felt

nothing toward her, but neither of us had our wolves at that point. I shifted for the first time and Ezra is

amazing. She shifted a few days later.” I smile hearing him talk about his wolf that came early too.

Ruby is making a rumbling noise in my head as she hears about her mate. I chuckle and Nicholas

stops talking. I pick up Brooklyn and sit in the rocking chair with a bottle. I look up and he smiles at me.

“She is beautiful. Whose pups are these, Serina?” “I’ll tell you that story after you finish yours.”

Nicholas POV

She is even more beautiful than when I left and I didn’t think that was possible. As I watch her with the

pup, I smile. We have a long time before we have pups but I know she will be an amazing mother.

“Hopefully, if she believes us”, Ezra says. “I have no doubt that she will believe and accept us, Ezra. I

know Serina’s heart. The first time I saw Liz’s wolf I felt drawn to her but it didn’t feel right.” “What do

you mean” Serina asks. “When I caught your scent there was no doubt that you were my mate. When I

scented Liz, it wasn’t even close.” She smiles before she looks down at the pup in her arms. “I felt

tingles when our skin touched but it was nothing like I just felt like with you.” She snaps her eyes up to

mine with a look of disgust. “Did you mate her?” “Of course not, I knew she wasn’t my mate. She

kissed me and held my hand but nothing more.” I can tell she isn’t happy about any of it but the anger

that was on her face, fades away. “Serina, you are the only woman I will ever touch as a mate. I

promise you that. You are mine and I am yours.”

“The whole reason I brought her here is so Tabby can figure out exactly what is going on. James is

actually the one that suggested it.” “Do you think she is doing what Belinda did to Lake” Serina asks.

“She hasn’t given me anything like the watch, but honestly, I’m not sure what she has done. Ezra and I

just know she isn’t our mate, you are.” This time she doesn’t try to hide her smile. She stands and lays

the pup back in her bassinet before she comes to stand in front of me. I stand up and wrap her in my

arms. She doesn’t pull away and I bury my face in her neck, breathing in her scent. “Mate” I say again

with my whole heart. “Mate” she says back and I feel my body relax. After a few minutes, I pull back

and she takes me by surprise when she pulls me down pressing her lips to mine. I’m not ashamed to

say the kiss makes me weak in my knees. It sends warmth through my body. When she pulls back, it

takes everything in me not to mark her as mine. I put my head against her forehead. “I prayed to the

goddess that you would be my mate and she answered that pray. Thank you for believing me.”

“Nicholas, I hoped that you would be my mate and I was hurt when my mother said you had brought

your mate to the pack. I am so grateful that the goddess blessed me with you.” I pull back and the look

of determination on her face makes me chuckle. “Where is she now? I’m sure she isn’t happy you

came after me. I don’t want her around our family until we figure out what her game is.” “I agree Tabby

is with her right now. I’m sure she is going to have fun figuring out what she has done.”

Tabby POV

Nicholas looks torn but I know it’s not about who his mate is. “Nicholas, what is going on?” “Liz, I have

to go talk to Serina. Tabby will stay with you” he says before he takes off in the direction Serina just

went. Liz starts toward him and I stop her. “He’ll be back, just give them a minute.” “He called her his

mate. I’m his mate.” “We will figure everything out, Liz. Let’s take a walk and you can tell me about

yourself.” I swear I see a smirk cross her face but it’s gone as quickly as it came. I laugh to myself. If

she is something other than a wolf, she is going to be very sorry for messing with my family. We head

downstairs out of the pack house. We walk until we reach the garden and take a seat on the bench.

“So, you’re having a pup” she asks and I smile. I lay my hand on my bump rubbing in circles. “Yes, a

little girl.” “Congratulations, when are you due?” “I have a couple of months left before we get to meet

her.” “Where’s your mate, I assume he’s a wolf, since you’re living in a wolf pack” Liz asks me. This is

definitely weird, besides her little fit in the hallway about Nicholas, she hasn’t said one thing about him

being with Serina.” “My mate is a wolf. He is a pack warrior.” “I’m surprised a wolf pack allowed you to

join, given you’re not a wolf.” “This is a very special pack. They are my family and I will do anything to

protect them.” She seems to understand my meaning.

“Liz, Nicholas told me how beautiful your wolf is. I would love to meet her.” She drops her head “she

isn’t ready for that. She wants us to mate Nicholas before we shift in front of people.” “Excuse me for

saying it but that is strange. Wolves are social creatures. I’ve never heard of a shy wolf.” She looks at

me before she finally answers. “I guess that makes Morganna special.” As soon as she says the name

Morganna, I get a feeling of unease. “Are you alright Tabby? Is something wrong?” I look into her eyes

and before I can raise my hand, she grabs my wrist. “Hello Tabby, I’ve missed you” she says before

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darkness takes me under. She is going to pay as soon as I push my way through this sleep spell. She

has no idea the rage she has just ignited. Megan is about to join her f**king disgusting father and


Adrian POV

I lead Brooke down the long road that leads to the Scarlett Rose pack. I can tell she is nervous as she

holds Henry to her chest. “Brooke, you are safe. I won’t let anyone hurt you.” She smiles and I turn

back toward the gate. A guard steps out of the building. “State your business now” he says. “I am here

to see Harris.” “Have you been invited here vampire?” “Can you just let Harris know that Adrian is

here.” I can see he is aggravated but he links someone before he looks back to us. “You wait here, he

will be down.” I roll my eyes but we wait for him to arrive. As he approaches the gate, he smiles.

“Adrian, my gosh you have grown.” He looks at Brooke and stops walking. “She is not a threat to your

pack. I promise you Harris.” He turns to the guard “open the gate now.” I can see the guard wants to

protest but he follows Harris’s orders. He notices I’m holding Anna. “Your pups are beautiful” he says,

putting Brooke at ease. “Come on let’s go up to the pack house.” We follow Harris and he leads us

inside and upstairs. When we walk in, it’s like an apartment.

A beautiful woman walks out to meet us. “Adrian, this is my mate, Willow. Willow, this is my cousin

Adrian.” She reaches out, shaking my hand. “It’s so nice to meet you. After everything that Harris told

me about the coven, I didn’t think he had any family left.” I smile “Harris was smart. He left the hell of

our coven. My brother has taken over where my father left off.” She looks past me at Brooke. The look

of shock on her face makes me nervous. She walks around me “Brooke” she says. Now I’m really

confused. “Please sit and you’ll understand how she knows who Brooke is”, Harris says. We take a

seat and I wait for the explanation. “I hate to even ask this, but based on you bringing Brooke here, I

have no choice. Adrian, I assume Drayce did this to Brooke and Jocelyn?” I can’t believe what just

came out of his mouth. How could he know that? “How do you know about my sister?” “Your sister is

here with her pups.” I can’t believe what he just said. What are the chances she would make it to this

pack? “Where is she? Please, I need to see her”, Brooke pleads. “She will be back soon and you can

see her then.” “Where did she go?” “She went to confront the Alpha of your pack.” Brooke gasps and I

wrap my free arm around her.