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My Fated Human Luna by TheNich29

Chapter 117
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My Fated Human Luna Chapter 120

Jocelyn POV

As I hold these two perfect pups in my arms, I’m so grateful for where I am. Surrounded by people who

care about me and my little ones. A pack that treats all kinds the same. I feel safe and happy in the

knowledge that my pups are going to grow up surrounded by love and acceptance. I place a k!ss on

each of their foreheads. I stare at my son first, thinking about the name that will best suit him. I can feel

the tears running down my cheek thinking about my father, who I miss every day. “Are you alright Jo”

Serina asks. “Yes, better than alright. I’ve decided on my son’s name. His name is Wesley James

Curtis.” “That’s beautiful and perfect for him” Gabby says. “Wesley is my father’s name. I hope he can

see my pups someday.” I look at my daughter and my heart squeezes in my chest. She looks just like

Brooke and I did when we were babies. I looked at the pictures my mother had scattered throughout

our cottage a thousand times. “Sweet girl, your name is Brooklyn Jennifer Curtis. You are named for

two of the strongest women I know.” I look at Serina and Gabby who are smiling. “My mother’s name is

Jennifer and you know about Brooke. I hope Brooke watches over both my pups and they will get to

meet their grandmother.” “That is so pretty and fits her perfectly”, Serina says. “I’m sure that will

happen someday” Gabby says and I believe she’s right. “Would you like to hold them?” They both nod

before Gabby takes Brooklyn and Serina takes Wesley. I feel the exhaustion hit me all at once. “It’s

alright to rest Jo. We will wake you when the babies need to eat.” “Thank you, again for everything” is

the last thing I say before darkness takes me under.

Nicholas POV

I feel like I can’t pull enough air into my lungs to catch my breath. I’m finally able to compose myself as

I start to walk toward the side of the pack house. “Find her”, Ezra growls at me. I round the corner of

the house but she’s gone. It’s like she disappeared. The scent is completely gone, as if she wasn’t

even here. I feel like I’m losing it. “You need to find her, Nicholas” Ezra says. “Ezra, please, I know you

want our mate just as much as I do but something doesn’t feel right.” “Nicholas, I know about Serina.

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We are one in the same. I wish for your sake that she was our mate, but she isn’t. You can’t reject our

mate because you thought she would be someone else.” I know he is right but in my heart, I really

believed that Serina was my mate. I should have felt the pull to to the wolf immediately and I didn’t. All

the thoughts I have of Serina should have been erased by the sight and scent of my mate. I look

around for a few more minutes before I head inside. I start up the stairs when I hear Lauren’s voice call

my name. I know I shouldn’t, but I say a prayer that she isn’t the gray wolf. That she isn’t our mate.

I turn and she walks toward me. I scent the air and nothing. Thank the goddess, she isn’t the one.

“What do you need Lauren?” She touches my forearm, “I just want to spend some time with you and

get to know you better.” Before I can respond, I hear a growl. My body stiffens as the scent of lilac

invades my nostrils. “Get your fvcking hand off my mate.” I turn to see a very pissed-looking Liz.

“Mate”, Ezra says, and my heart sinks. She comes to stand between me and Lauren. “You must be a

very slow learner, Lauren. This is the last time I will tell you to stay away from Nicholas. He is mine.”

Her words should light a fire in me but they don’t. “Liz, I didn’t know you two were mates.” “Well, now

you do, so leave him alone.” She turns rushing away from us. Liz turns with a smile but it seems to fade

away. “What’s wrong, Nick? I’m sorry I ran off earlier. I just didn’t expect us to be mates.” “I understand,

I was shocked too.” She wraps her arms around me and I feel the tingles. “Hold our mate and stop

acting like a child who didn’t get what he wants”, Ezra says. I do as he says, hoping that I can push

thoughts of Serina away. I don’t want to hurt Liz or defy the goddess.

After a few moments, she pulls back with a smile. I force the smile on my face and take her hand. “Why

don’t we go for a run in wolf form? Ezra and I would like to meet her too. What’s her name?” She

pauses for a second before she answers. “I’m sorry she was talking to me. Her name is Morganna.

Honestly, she isn’t ready for us to shift with you and Ezra.” “Does she not want to accept us?” She

grabs my forearm. “Of course, we want to accept you. She just isn’t ready. She is very shy.” I feel a

sense of relief even though I shouldn’t. “That’s alright, we can take our time before we mate and mark.”

She smiles “I appreciate that you’re willing to be patient, Nick. I’m glad you’re my mate.” I nod “I’m

going to head up to the room and shower before I head to bed. I will walk you to your room. I will see

you in the morning for breakfast.” She reaches up, pulling me down and pressing her l!ps to mine. I

give into the k!ss. She is my mate and it’s nice but different than I expected. Once she pulls back, I

walk her to her room before I head back to mine. I walk in and the boys are sitting on their beds. I don’t

even stop to talk to them. I just head to the bathroom. “Nick, are you alright man”, James says, but I

don’t stop to answer.

Once I’m inside, I str!p and step under the spray of the shower. I replay everything that happened

today. I can feel Ezra at the surface. “Nicholas” he says and I stop him. “I know, I will accept her and we

will be whole.” “I think your right Nicholas, as much as I want to say that she is ours something feels off

about her and her wolf.” A wave of relief washes over me. Ezra feels it too. “I promise we won’t do

anything until we figure everything out. Until then, we will just get to know her. Hopefully, we can figure

out why we both feel this way.” I finish showering and once I’m dressed, I head into our room knowing

the boys will be waiting with questions. When I open the door, John is the first one to start with

questions. “So, what the hell was that about?” I take a seat on my bed. “I found my mate.” “Alright, now

I’m really confused, why aren’t you with her?” Before I can answer John does. “I know your

disappointed it’s not Serina but I’m sure whoever it is, is great” John says. I feel like the wind is

knocked out of me. I have never said to either of them about my feelings for Serina. “Don’t look so

shocked Nick, were your best friends. We see how you are when you’re around our sister”, James

says. I smile “I’m glad that you guys aren’t upset.”

“Of course, we wouldn’t be upset, you’re already like our brother. We wish you were Serina’s mate”,

John says. “I know you guys are going to think I’m crazy but something doesn’t feel right about Liz

being my mate. It’s not just about Serina. Ezra feels it too.” “What do you think it is” James asks. “I

don’t know, but I intend to figure it out before I mate and mark her.” “We are here for whatever you


Adrian POV

We reach the edge of the human city. Candance lies down so I can get down safely with the pups. She

shifts and I hand Brooke clothes. Once she is dressed, she takes the pups from me. I conjure some

money placing it in one of the bags before I throw it over my shoulder. We walk for five blocks before

we reach a hotel. I feel like I can breathe once we have our key and are heading up to the third floor. I

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use the key card and usher Brooke inside. I drop the bags and plop down on the couch. Brooke lays

Henry and Anna down on the bed before she plops down next to me. “Adrian, I’m so sorry.” “I told you,

I am not upset with you.” “I know you’re not but I am. I let my anger cloud my judgment. I put my pups

and us at risk because I wanted to make that ba**ard pay for what he did to me.” I pull her into a hug

before I release her. I wipe the tears from her cheeks. I hate to see her upset. “Brooke, you aren’t

perfect and you made a mistake. You have every right to be angry after what that Alpha did. I’m sorry

my brother is such a monster.” “You had nothing to do with what he and West did to me and Brooke.

You’re the only reason the twins and I are alive right now.” I smile and she takes my hand. “I’m sorry I

didn’t tell you about West.” “It doesn’t matter who the pup’s father is. You are my sister and they are my

niece and nephew.” I pull her into a hug into a hug again. I pull back, “alright, let’s order lots of food and

get some sleep.” “That sounds awesome’ Brooke says. We do just that. We order way too much food

and once the twins are settled in the middle of the bed, we lay on each side of them. I fall into a

peaceful sleep knowing that the most important people to me are safe.

Anna climbing on me wakes me from sleep. “Good morning little one.” She starts to babble and I k!ss

her forehead. She smiles “are you ready for breakfast sweet girl?” I stand and pick her up in my arms.

Henry and Brooke are still asleep. I head over and call down to order breakfast. Once I hang up the

phone in my bag starts to ring and I stiffen. The only person that would be calling me is Drayce. I bend

down, pulling the phone out of my purse. The screen lights up with the name d*ckhead. Sh*t I thought

we would have more time before he tried to call me. I have no desire to speak with him but I need to

know if he realizes his men are dead. My brother is resourceful and he has already been in contact with

that b**ch Prudence. I place the phone to my ear. “What do you want, Drayce?” “Where the f** are

you?” “Excuse me, who the hell are you talking to.” “You killed my men and ran. I know your hiding

something. When I find out what it is, you are going to be very sorry.” “F**k you, Drayce” I say before I

end the call and break the phone. I don’t need it anyway. It’s just something he can trace. I look over

and Brooke is sitting up in the bed. “It’s alright, he doesn’t know where we are.” “Let’s get the pups fed

and I’m going to reach out to my cousin Harris. He knows what a ba**ard my brother is. My father was

the same way. He is older than me, but from what I’ve heard he is mated to a wolf. He also hates my

brother enough to help us. He left the coven because of my father and his bulls*t.” “Do you even know

where he is?” “Drayce doesn’t but I do.”