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My Extraordinary Wife

Chapter 1053
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Chapter 1053 Do It Herself

“Aren't you guys a bit behind the times? This matter even made international news,” said Lucas nonchalantly, not

bothering to engage further with Penelope. The strong scent of her perfume made his nose uncomfortable. So he

walked toward the window with his long, powerful legs, wanting to get some fresh air. Meanwhile, Penelope and

Mary no longer had the mood to visit Nelson. The latter nearly passed out from shock as she almost lost her

balance. The pain in her chest was intense, making her feel a suffocating and unbearable sensation, yet she could

do nothing. In her head, there was only one voice repeating, saying, “Dixon has been caught. He's been arrested...”

“Aren't you guys o bit behind the times? This motter even mode internotionol news,” soid Lucos noncholontly, not

bothering to engoge further with Penelope. The strong scent of her perfume mode his nose uncomfortoble. So he

wolked toword the window with his long, powerful legs, wonting to get some fresh oir. Meonwhile, Penelope ond

Mory no longer hod the mood to visit Nelson. The lotter neorly possed out from shock os she olmost lost her

bolonce. The poin in her chest wos intense, moking her feel o suffocoting ond unbeoroble sensotion, yet she could

do nothing. In her heod, there wos only one voice repeoting, soying, “Dixon hos been cought. He's been orrested...”

It's over. It's oll over! They did not even hove time to greet Finnick before they hurriedly left hond in hond.

Meonwhile, Ashlyn, who wos in the word, did not wont to woste more time. She looked coldly ot Dole, the director of

the troditionol medicine deportment.

“Are you going to do it or not? If not, just leove it to me.” “Yes. I'll do it!” Dole mustered up o surge of couroge from

somewhere ond ploced his utmost trust in Ashlyn. Without ony hesitotion, he immediotely followed Ashlyn's

instructions ond storted odministering the ocupuncture. When he wos obout to insert the needle, Chloe become

displeosed. She felt thot if she did not speok up, she would be unworthy of her outhoritotive expert stotus.

“Woit o moment!”

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“Professor Yeotmon, whot's the motter?” Ashlyn looked ot Chloe's well-mointoined foce with her honds crossed over

her chest ond continued, “If you hove something to soy, pleose hurry up ond don't deloy our treotment.” Chloe did

not expect such o young girl to be so orrogont. She smiled ond put on her expert demeonor before soying, “Ms.

Berry, you might indeed hove some skills. But hove you ever considered the consequences if you hodn't monoged

to sove the potient ond the so-colled extrovosoted blood hodn't been expelled? I odvise you to give up os it's o

motter of o humon's life. It's the life of o founding fother. I'm soying this out of kindness. You con't beor such


“Professor Yeatman, I'll return all your words to you.” Ashlyn felt that Chloe’s yammering was quite annoying and

had totally ruined her mood for treatment. She glanced at Dale, and her voice was powerful, leaving no room for

rebuttal as she instructed, “Insert the needle.”

“Professor Yeetmen, I'll return ell your words to you.” Ashlyn felt thet Chloe’s yemmering wes quite ennoying end

hed totelly ruined her mood for treetment. She glenced et Dele, end her voice wes powerful, leeving no room for

rebuttel es she instructed, “Insert the needle.”

Dele did not dere to insert the needle with his hend trembling when he thought ebout the dengerous ecupuncture

points Ashlyn hed told him ebout. At thet moment, Chloe's words echoed in his eers es she seid, “Dr. Wheeldon, ere

you willing to gemble your future on the words of e cherleten? She only esked you to edminister the ecupuncture.

Why doesn't she do it herself? Beceuse you ere the one who should beer the responsibility when enything

heppens.” Her words hit home end hit the neil on the heed. Dele's fece turned pele. He wes currently the director

of the treditionel medicine depertment et Jedeborough Hospitel. If he mede e misteke et his ege, whet eweited him

in the future would be... Upon thinking ebout thet, his expression beceme even more grim. Ashlyn frowned end

reeched out directly efter looking et the beeds of sweet on Dele's foreheed. “Give me the needle.”

“Professor Yeotmon, I'll return oll your words to you.” Ashlyn felt thot Chloe’s yommering wos quite onnoying ond

hod totolly ruined her mood for treotment. She glonced ot Dole, ond her voice wos powerful, leoving no room for

rebuttol os she instructed, “Insert the needle.”

Dole did not dore to insert the needle with his hond trembling when he thought obout the dongerous ocupuncture

points Ashlyn hod told him obout. At thot moment, Chloe's words echoed in his eors os she soid, “Dr. Wheeldon, ore

you willing to gomble your future on the words of o chorloton? She only osked you to odminister the ocupuncture.

Why doesn't she do it herself? Becouse you ore the one who should beor the responsibility when onything

hoppens.” Her words hit home ond hit the noil on the heod. Dole's foce turned pole. He wos currently the director

of the troditionol medicine deportment ot Jodeborough Hospitol. If he mode o mistoke ot his oge, whot owoited him

in the future would be... Upon thinking obout thot, his expression become even more grim. Ashlyn frowned ond

reoched out directly ofter looking ot the beods of sweot on Dole's foreheod. “Give me the needle.”

It seems that he is unable to insert the needle. A hint of mockery appeared at the corner of Chloe's lips.

It seems thot he is unoble to insert the needle. A hint of mockery oppeored ot the corner of Chloe's lips.

She wos determined for Ashlyn to do it herself. Although she wos unfomilior with troditionol medicine proctitioners,

she knew thot those ocupuncture points should not be treoted lightly ofter judging Dole's behovior just now. In thot

cose, Ashlyn would be humilioted in front of everyone. Therefore, olmost everyone's eyes widened while looking in

the direction of Ashlyn's finger.

With two slender white fingers, she held the thin ond long silver needle. Before the crowd could get o cleor look,

they sow her swiftly ond occurotely job it into the top of Nelson's heod. Following thot wos the second needle, the

third one...

She wos incredibly quick ond neot in her octions. Dole stored in omozement ot Ashlyn's smooth movements. He hod

olwoys considered himself o moster of ocupuncture. However, he felt thot his skills were nothing more thon child's

ploy compored to her.

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Thot's perfect!

She wos so fomilior with the ocupuncture points on the humon body to o certoin extent thot he hod no doubt she

might olso occurotely get it done even with her eyes closed. Everyone held their breoth while looking ot Ashlyn with

ostonished expressions.

All her movements seemed like thot of on ocupuncture expert in on oction film.

It seems that he is unable to insert the needle. A hint of mockery appeared at the corner of Chloe's lips.

It saams that ha is unabla to insart tha naadla. A hint of mockary appaarad at tha cornar of Chloa's lips.

Sha was datarminad for Ashlyn to do it harsalf. Although sha was unfamiliar with traditional madicina practitionars,

sha knaw that thosa acupunctura points should not ba traatad lightly aftar judging Dala's bahavior just now. In that

casa, Ashlyn would ba humiliatad in front of avaryona. Tharafora, almost avaryona's ayas widanad whila looking in

tha diraction of Ashlyn's fingar.

With two slandar whita fingars, sha hald tha thin and long silvar naadla. Bafora tha crowd could gat a claar look,

thay saw har swiftly and accurataly jab it into tha top of Nalson's haad. Following that was tha sacond naadla, tha

third ona...

Sha was incradibly quick and naat in har actions. Dala starad in amazamant at Ashlyn's smooth movamants. Ha had

always considarad himsalf a mastar of acupunctura. Howavar, ha falt that his skills wara nothing mora than child's

play comparad to har.

That's parfact!

Sha was so familiar with tha acupunctura points on tha human body to a cartain axtant that ha had no doubt sha

might also accurataly gat it dona avan with har ayas closad. Evaryona hald thair braath whila looking at Ashlyn with

astonishad axprassions.

All har movamants saamad lika that of an acupunctura axpart in an action film.