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My Bestfriend Slipped Inside Me (An Alpha’s Secret) by Demiah13

Chapter 90
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Avery's pov My breath hitches and my heart rate spikes to an alarming pace. Tingles race throughand I am lost in his gaze, unable to rip my eyes away from the hunger swirling in those blues while he stared intensely at my lips. "I-I swallowed, my tongue moving between my lips to trace around for any remains of the sugar icing of the donut. Xade watched the action like a hawk. His eyes burning through me.

He let out a sound that resembled a groan and moan, which collected the attention of the girl who was walking by. She stared at us both in intrigue and amusement and I flushed, quickly moving aside and telling Xade to hurry up in.

The last thing I want is to be the talk around here. Girls....can be very talkative when they want to be. And rumors spread like wildfire.

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His tall broad frinstantly felt way too huge in the small room, dominating the air around us instantly the second I close the door behind him. A shiver race down my spine and I shifted on my foot to hide the way he affected me.

Calm down, Avery.

"Well," I drawled awkwardly and low, walking over to my bed and sitting down. Xade's blue swirls followed my every move. I flipped my hair over my shoulder.

I would have offered you a sit," I murmured, trying to get a hold of my thoughts. "But I don't think you deserve one nor do I think you'll stay that long." Xade's eyebrow raised, a teasing smirk playing on his lips. "Such hostility from such a petite little woman. Cute." I bit down on my lower lip and folded my arms across my chest to appear unaffected and firm. The last thing he needs is to know that his presence brought warmth to me. Warmth that I was missing in the three days I had not seen him.

"Well," I gritted, pressing my thighs together when his eyes roamed my figure in that way that made my pulse quicken.

"Aren't you going to tellyour excuses on why you stoodup?" I tipped my chin up.

He walks closer, his heavy boots clapping against the floors, his eyes pinningdown until I couldn't breathe. "Not an excuse V," he murmured. "I've been sick and...dealing with sstuff. Not showing up wasn't my intention. I'd never do that to you." My heart softened slightly at his words but I didn't want to show him that I'd already melted the ice, so I looked away and pin my eyes on the wall instead. "I don't know, you did tellto stay away. This could have just been one of your ploys to seal it." "If I wanted you to stay away," he stepped forward until he was in front of me, towering overwith his huge frame. I lift up my head, our eyes connecting in that way that madego numb. "I wouldn't have chere." My breath hitch and my heart thrums. He searched my eyes and he groaned, taking a step back, running his hand through his messy hair. "I'll be there at the gym around six. If you're still up for it, meetthere." Here he goes again. Being sweet and then cold the next.

He turned to leave but I get off the bed and reach out for his hand. As soon as my fingers wrap around his arm, I pulled back like he burnt me, which honestly felt like he did. He was scorching hot. His skin felt like it was hells fire.

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"Xade," I gasped, staring at his arm in alarm. "Are you sick? Do you have a fever?" I questioned, squirming slightly when he turned around. "You're burning up." He frowned, lifting his finger to his nose. "Just a little fever. It should go down later into the evening." Worry swirled inside me. It didn't feel like a little fever. I took a step forward, about to touch him once more when he pulled back. "I should get going. I'll see you tomorrow morning for training?" My brows furrowed. He's battling a huge fever and he's asking about training. "Maybe we should postpone until you're actually okay Xade. You should also go to the hospital- "No," he grits. "I'm fine." I'm not sure what coverbut I closed the little distance between us and lift my hand to cup his cheeks. My palm brush over the little stubble. This tinstead of pushingaway, he leaned into my touch, sighing. His skin was hot.

"No you're not," I whispered. "You're burning up." X FINAL WOLVERINE TRAILER Watch the Latest Trending Videos Sponsored: VideosArena Read Next Story >

His eyes fluttered closed as if my touch was comforting him in ssway. Butterflies fluttered in my stomach. "I'm fine V." He mumbled, his voice going soft, his cheek pressing more into my hand. "We should go to the hospital- His eyes opened and they harden. "I'm not going to the hospital. I have had this before and it's not something to be concerned about-

I grabbed his hand and tug him. He doesn't move an inch. "Fine if you don't want to go to the hospital you'll stay here withso I can take care of you." His brows shot up in surprise and even I am surprised by my words. Still, I continued. “You'll sleep in my bed so I can look after you." I eyed my small bed, pressing my lips into a line as I wonder if his tall frcould even fit. His legs will definitely hang over for sure.

"Thought guys aren't allowed in your dorms?" He eyedwith a teasing twinkle in his eyes.

I tug him again, and this the actually followsto my bed, "Well, you're not just any guy. I confessed, not caring about the consequences that may cfrom this. The ontent is on novelenglish.net! Read he latest chapter there!