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My Best Friend Stole My Royal Boyfriend

Chapter 34
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Chapter 34


My eyes are wide when we pull up to the most beautiful lake I’ve ever seen in my entire life. The water

is clear and clean and just perfect. Red and white roses surround it, and I can’t

believe that I never knew this place existed up till now.

But why did Adam bring me here to train? This looked like a place you’ll get your love

interest, not someone you wanted to train with.

He was right though, the change in environment is helping with my sour mood. Immediately I can feel a

sense of calmness wash over my body. I can’t help but smile and

inhale more of the clean air.

“Ready?” Adam asks me.

I lift an eyebrow, “ready for what, exactly?” “We need to go into the water to start today’s training.” He

informs me.

My eyes widen, “into the water? No one said anything about that. I don’t have anything to wear or

change into. My clothes will be soaking, and my siblings will know that I skipped school and went

somewhere else. I can’t let that happen.”

I can’t even think about my brother’s reaction to me showing up soaked from head to toe.(This

will be daily updtaed at www.jar.com) What excuse would I be able to come up with?

“You can strip into your underwear; that will solve the problem.” He announces.

gape at him, “are you insane? I’m not going to do that in front of you.”

“I’ve already seen your breasts amongst other things Amiera, you don’t need to feel nervous in front of


My cheeks are red from his words. Why would he choose now to say that to me? I’m

suddenly reminded of how good it felt being touched and kissed by him. I pushed those thoughts away

before I did something stupid.

“Or we can just not go in the water,” I suggest.

I swallow when he walks up to me and leans in close, “I’m your trainer; you do as I say. (This will

be daily updtaed at www.jar.com)Water is an essential part of today’s training. I wouldn’t suggest

it otherwise. Either you go in fully clothed, or you strip; it’s your choice.”

Couldn’t he have been more of a gentleman about this? Who was I kidding? He was Adam, for crying

out loud. The man knew nothing about being a gentleman.

| angrily tuck my shirt out of my skirt and begin to unbutton it. Adam doesn’t bother to turn

I pull the skirt down my legs, and his eyes blatantly follow every movement of mine. I’m not prepared

for the deep desire I see in his gaze; it throws me off guard. Adam continues to drag his eyes over my

body lazily. Wasn’t he the one that said he already saw my intimate parts, then why was he looking at

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me as though this was the first time?

“I can’t f*****g think clearly when you’re half-naked in front of me.” He growls suddenly.

He pulls his t-shirt over his head and throws it over me. Igape at him in shock. Wasn’t he also the one

who suggested for me to strip in the first place? Now it’s my turn to stop and stare at his rock-hard abs.

Adam’s body was built like a warrior’s; no one should look this good. I desperately want to run my

hands over them, but this is not why we are here today. Or maybe it is? This is what Adam says brings

me strength; when we touch each other, we let each other feel.

I cry out when he grabs my waist and pulls me hard against his chest. (This will be daily updtaed

at www.jar.com)He doesn’t wait for me to protest as he walks with me into the water. It’s colder

than I expected it to be, and I hold

onto Adam for his warmth.

His arms tighten around me, and my body molds into his like it’s exactly where it belongs. He stops

walking and cups my cheek with one hand while still holding me with the other.

I swallow, “what exactly is supposed to happen in today’s training?” I ask him.

“We start with a kiss.” He tells me.


“W-what?” | stammer.

He drags his hand up my body, below his shirt. “I’ve told you already, Amiera; your power increases

every time we touch, kiss, make love.”

Make love? We’ve never made love before.

He doesn’t wait for me to say anything else before he leans down and takes my lips between his.

Adam’s lips are warm and soft against mine; they feel amazing, just like they always do.

He leaves my lips to travel to my neck; Igasp when he continues to suck and kiss me there. He

continues to go lower until he reaches my chest.

He grabs my hips and spins me around so that my back is now pressed against his front. He leans

down so that his lips are right above my ear, “tell me, Amiera, what do you feel now that my hands and

lips are on your body?”

I know that this is only him training me, but I still can’t help but blush at his question. I felt

tell him exactly what I felt.

Igasp when he cups my breasts in both of his hands. “Tell me, tell me what I do to you. I want to hear

you say it.”

“You make me completely miserable, Adam. You make me feel things that I don’t want to feel, which I

know I should never feel. You make me like you and hate you at the same time. You make me want to

do so many things with you; you make me desire things that I should never have. But you also make

me strong, you make me feel powerful, you make me feel like I can do anything as long as I put my

mind to it. You make me feel confident; you make me feel so freaking alive. You make me feel real fear.

Fear that you may one day hurt me, fear that you’re just using me, fear that what everyone is saying is

true. You make me feel so many emotions that I feel like my body will explode. I want your touch at

night when I’m lonely and needy. I want it so much that I touch myself while thinking of you; I imagine

you doing dirty things to me, things that no one else has ever done. You are the only one to make me

feel and do things like this. But I’m happy that it’s you; I don’t want it to be anyone else. Ever.”

Adam’s breath hitches behind me, and I wonder if I’ve just revealed too much of myself to him. I

practically just told him that I touched myself while thinking about him. What the hell was wrong with

me? Why did I confess such an embarrassing detail about myself to him?

He wraps his hand around my body suddenly and pulls me tighter against him. “You make me feel

things no other woman ever could either. You make me want to change, to be someone

that I’m not, someone that I may never be able to be. I’ve spent years building and working towards this

dream, something that I’ve wanted since the day I learned more about life and how cruel it could be,

but the more time I spend with you, the more I feel conflicted, the more I’m not sure that my dreams are

still the same.” I gasp when he presses his hard-on against my ass, “You’re not the only one that

touches themselves when thinking about someone; I also

touch myself while thinking about you. Every f*****g night, every morning, all I can think about is filling

your sweet p***y with my d**k. You’re all I think about; I can’t get you out of my f*****g mind Amiera.”

My body overflows with emotions from hearing Adam’s confession. I’m so taken aback that I don’t

realize that something is happening within my body. There is this tingling sensation in the tips of my

fingers, and I’m scared of what that means. “Don’t be afraid,” he whispers behind me. “Embrace your

power. Be one with it. It’s both of you against the world. Prove to the entire world that you aren’t weak,

that you are powerful,


Igrip Adam’s shirt with one hand while pointing my fingers towards the forest with my

other. Adam blows into my ear, and that’s all it takes for me to release. I gasp when a flame shoots out

from my fingers for a quick second before disappearing.

Was that my very first flame?

I spin around in shock. My eyes are wide, and I want to jump from the excitement I feel inside of me

right now.

Adam smiles at me, like really smiles, it’s the most genuine smile I’ve ever seen, and it melts my heart


I can’t help myself when I jump, straight into his arms, wrapping my arms around his neck. “Thank you!

Thank you! Thank you!”

Adam is about to respond when something strange happens. His arms tighten around me, and he tilts

his head back in a painful roar.

“What’s wrong?” I ask, alarmed. He was definitely in pain, and I wasn’t sure what I could do to help

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Icup his cheeks in my hands and try to ease his pain like he always does to me. In the blink of an eye,

something flashes behind Adam, and before I know it, we’re both lifted into the air.

My jaw drops, and I can’t believe my own eyes. Adam now has a pair of wings behind him.

It’s just like the vision I’ve gotten. His wings are half white, half black, but they’re just as

beautiful as mine. Judging by his expression, this is the first time that he’s seen them also. Why did it

only happen now? Did this have something to do with the connection between us?

“They’re beautiful,” I whisper in awe.

Adam is no longer trying to get a glimpse of them in the lake below us; he’s now staring at me. “You’re


My lips part, and he cups my cheek in his hand, “you’re the reason why they’ve finally appeared

Amiera, this is how powerful you truly are.”

Was I the reason? How could that be? He placed us both back on the ground, and his wings

disappeared as well.

I can’t forget the things he’s said to me today. No one has ever said anything like that to

me before, and it makes me want him even more.

His eyes connect with mine, and he doesn’t move an inch.

“I’ve told you already, Amiera; we’re whatever you want us to be. I’m only listening to your wishes.” He

assures me.

“I want us to be in a relationship; I don’t want to keep us a secret anymore, Adam. I want to tell the

whole world about us. I want everyone to know that we are one.”

“But your parents…”

“I will deal with them. I can’t keep hiding how I feel about you. They will have to know

eventually.” I tell him.

“Amiera,” he whispers, “I’m not so sure that this is a good idea.”

“Do you not want anyone to know about us?” I demand. “Is there another reason that I should know


I also wanted to see Lizzie’s reaction; if they genuinely didn’t have anything between them, she should

not have anything to say to us being together.

“Hey,” he says as he pulls me against him, “if this is what you want, then so be it. I was only concerned

about you; I know that your family will not take this lightly and come down on you hard because of it.

But if this is what you want, I will not stand in your way. You can tell whoever you want to. I’ll be by your

side every step of the way, even to stand up against your


Adam’s words are all I need to continue with this. First thing tomorrow morning, I’ll let the entire class

know about us. Then later that day, I’ll have to confront my family. That will be the hardest of them all,

but it had to be done.