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My Baby’s Daddy

Chapter 2740
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Ezekiel shook his head. “I’ll be staying here for a while longer.”

Harmony didn’t ask for much. She would just take every day as it came. After all, she had

planned her life out-she would do her best in her career and spend time with the people

she loved. She wouldn’t force a marriage if it wasn’t meant to be. “Sure. Tell me if you

have to leave. I won’t get worried that way,” Harmony said seriously.

“I won’t leave. I can’t leave.” Ezekiel looked at her, his eyes filled with a hidden message,

which Harmony knew.

She smiled as well. She didn’t want him to leave either. That afternoon, Ezekiel took

Harmony home. After Harmony got out of the car and saw Ezekiel off, she bought some

pills from the nearby pharmacy. She didn’t want to get pregnant for the time being, nor

did she want to cause any trouble for Ezekiel. While they were enjoying their alone time,

she had to keep herself healthy too.

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As Harmony came back to her neighborhood, someone called out to her. “Harmony? It’s

really you.”

Surprised, Harmony looked at the girl coming out of the car. She couldn’t recognize her.


“It’s me. Long time no see.” Samantha gave her a big smile. She pulled her shirt up a

little. “You live here? I just moved here too.”

“You moved here?” Harmony was surprised. That’s a coincidence.

“Yeah, I rented a place here yesterday. Which floor are you on?”

“Eighteenth floor of Building 8, Unit 2. What about you?”

Samantha put on a look of surprise. “What? We’re on the same floor in the same building?


Harmony was surprised. “That’s a coincidence. Don’t tell me you rented the place beside


“My God, this must be fate. We’re neighbors now.” Samantha smiled. This was her plan.

She convinced the landlord of the house beside Harmony’s to let her stay for a month. Her

plan was to steal Ezekiel from Harmony.

Harmony didn’t think her friend would get close to her just to take her boyfriend away. She

thought this was just a coincidence.

When they reached the eighteenth floor, Samantha asked, “Can I see your place? I just

moved here, and it’s lonely without friends.”

“Sure, but my place is a mess. I hope you don’t mind.”

“I won’t.” Samantha smiled. She walked into Harmony’s house. It wasn’t messy, and she

could see that Harmony’s quality of life was high. She then saw a pair of men’s slippers on

the ground. She pretended not to see it, but her heart leaped with joy. I knew Mr. Weiss

would come to her place. Which means I can show up when he comes.

She had other ideas on how to get close to Ezekiel, but the best way was to approach him

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as Harmony’s friend. Men are playboys, and they’re reedy too. I might be able to seduce

him easily. She had stolen a lot of her friends’ boyfriends before, and she came up with a

whole thesis for it. No man can resist a woman going after them, and they get more thrill

messing with other women in front of their girlfriends.

Harmony and Samantha sat down and talked about their lives. They also reminisced about

their days at school. The friendship scorned by Samantha was now used as a chip to get

closer to Harmony.

“I miss our days at school. We were all so young and innocent. And we were the madonnas

of the school. Remember how those boys looked at us when we went around the

campus?” Samantha asked.

Harmony smiled. “I don’t.”

“They looked at us like they were going to eat us,” Samantha replied smugly. She didn’t

think she would lose to Harmony in terms of looks, especially after she had gone through

plastic surgery. “I’ll leave you to it, Harmony. We’ll watch each other’s backs from now on,

alright?” Samantha got up.