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Mr. Remus Your Billionaire Wife Wants a Divorce

Chapter 83
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Chapter 83

He hung up immediately after he said that.

Silvia put down her phone. Believing that she was partially responsible for the car

accident, she took a deep breath and walked into the meeting room.

“That’s all for today. Let’s continue tomorrow.”

Darrion sarcastically said, “It’s great being the president. You can hold a meeting and end

it whenever you want. Meanwhile, we have to stop working and attend the meeting even if

we have urgent things to do!”

Silvia glanced at him and replied, “Mr. Torres, if you have nothing constructive to say,

please shut up. If you have what it takes, you can kick me out of my position and be the

president. That way, I’ll work according to your schedule.”

Darrion’s eyes shone with annoyance and anger as he spoke, “Miss Pond, everyone has

seen your recent work attitude. A few projects have been delayed because of you!”

Silvia smiled and cocked her eyebrow in surprise. “If I remember correctly, I only rejected

the one you submitted. The others are progressing fine.”

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When Darrion heard this, his expression instantly darkened. He slammed his hand on the

table and said, “Miss Pond, since all the shareholders are here today, I’d like to ask you

what issues you have with my project. Why did you reject it?”

Silvia seemed indifferent. “There’s no problem with your project, but MY Corporation

doesn’t have the funding to invest in it at the moment. The company needs to move

forward steadily. It doesn’t need a project that requires high investment for high returns.”

Darrion still had something to say, but she left the meeting room and no longer gave him

the time of day.

An hour later, she arrived at the hospital.

Neil was extremely upset. He glared at Silvia and said, “It only takes half an hour to travel

from your company to the hospital. Why did you just get here?”

Silvia rolled her eyes at him. “Don’t I have to take care of things at work first? Besides, did

you know that there was heavy traffic on the way here?”

He was unmoved. “Didn’t you say you were a cleaner in MY Corporation? Does the

cleaning staff have other work besides cleaning?”

Silvia spluttered. She lowered her head and started packing his things without another


“Dr. Howard told me that my legs might never heal. I’ll have to rely on the wheelchair if

that happens,” Neil said.

Silvia paused for a moment but spoke indifferently, “After your other injuries heal

completely, we’ll think of a way to treat your legs.”

“Well, you should know that I got into the car accident on my way to submit the divorce


When she heard this, she put down the clothes in her hands. She looked at him and asked,

“What are you trying to say?”

“Before my legs heal, move back and take care of me.”

Silvia frowned. “No way. I have a job. I’ll hire a nurse for you.”

Neil sneered, “Don’t worry. I won’t tear you away from your work. You just have to take

care of me before and after working hours.”

She hesitated for a few seconds before she finally nodded. “Okay.”

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Scorpion was targeting Neil, so the best solution was for her to stay with him. If there was

any danger, she could detect it in time.

Neil never thought she would agree that easily, so there was a hint of surprise in his eyes.

“I also won’t divorce you before my legs heal. Otherwise, you might leave once you

receive the divorce certificate.”

Silvia glanced at him indifferently. “Fine.”

“Why are you so nice today?”

She ignored him and quickly packed everything. They went through the discharge

procedure for Neil and returned to Remus Mansion.

Since the wheelchair made movement more inconvenient, Silvia temporarily cleaned out

the master bedroom on the first floor for Neil. She would use the small bedroom in the


However, Neil frowned. “You’re staying in the next room? If anything happens to me at

night, how am I supposed to tell you?”

“You can just call me.”

“What if you’re asleep and you miss the call? We have to live in the same room!”