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Mr. Neal, Mrs. Neal’s Gone with The Money by Little Treasure

Chapter 642
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Chapter 642

The hot topic page was teeming with a torrent of real–time debates and discussions

[Surely this is bogus? If something major had truly happened, the news would be sealed

tight, not leaked and trending like this, one commenter remarked.

(Even daring to fabricate rumors about Neal Group’s boss? Better brace yourself for a

lawyer’s notice,) another warned

(1s he actually dead?]

I’m not concerned about anything else, but Joshua does not have a successor, right? If he

has really passed away, happens to his money and shares? I suppose I could reluctantly

take over, Ja user humorously suggested.


This topic had barely heated up before it was abruptly pulled down. The Neal Group’s

official account quickly issued a statement in response. The majority of netizens thought

the rumor was too far–fetched.

However, there was still a subset of people delving deeper. Initially, they were

investigating the authenticity of the blogger’s gossip. They began by sifting through

various subtle clues and details, but soon they began unearthing other issues.

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[Let’s set aside whether or not Joshua has met with an accident. The news I’ve heard is

that he’s already married.]

[What?! Is that true or false?]

[Who’s he married to?

[I’ve also heard he’s married, but it’s a secret marriage, his wife hasn’t been publicly


[He probably wants to protect her from the public eye.]

[Don’t talk nonsense, who told you it’s for protection?]

It’s probably a union between wealthy families. In high society, this kind of thing is quite

common, right? They marry and then live their separate lives, keeping it a secret avoids

unnecessary hassle |

As the discussions increased, more and more information was being unearthed by these

netizens. Soon, Cynthia was dragged into the spotlight.

To this, even Cynthia was taken aback.

Although several people knew about her marriage to Joshua, it was not widely known. Yet,

in just half a day, the fact that she was Joshua’s wife was dug up. This was unexpected, to

say the least.

“Are you okay? The ability of these netizens is pretty strong. They can trace just about

anything, digging up ancestral lineages over the smallest issue,” Ellora asked, looking

somewhat worried after scrolling through the updates during their lunch break.

“I’m fine. They won’t be able to unearth my personal details,” Cynthia reassured, not

particularly bothered.

Indeed, as Cynthia predicted, after the frenzied investigation, the conversation took a

peculiar turn.

It’s odd, aside from her name, Cynthia, and the fact she’s a woman, we can’t dig up any

other information. |

[She’s probably a civilian

Could it be possible she cunningly seduced Mr. Neal, and after a drunk incident, he

married her out of obligation and hence the secret marriage?]

[No way. From the inside stories, even if it was true, there’s no responsibility involved. The

upper class is crueler, a lump sumTA of money is enough to keep quiet.]

[Wow, I just learned a shocking piere of news. |

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[What is it?]

[Mr. Neal has already divorced Cynthida, and during the divorce, Cynthia reputedly

received over 200 million dollars.]



With these discussions erupting, another hot topic made it to the trending list.

#200Million Divorce

Seeing that Cynthia was also looking at it, Ellora instinctively turned off her phone and

looked at her worriedly. “Stop looking, it will only take you angrier.”

“Hm?” Cynthia seemed perplexed.

Ellora asked, “Aren’t you angry?”

“There’s really nothing to be upset about. Besides, what they’re saying isn’t even correct

“Cynthia seemed quite nonchalant.

Ellora gave her a strange look, her eyes displaying a hint of complexity. “Are you truly not

upset, or are you just trying to appear strong in front of me because you don’t want me to


Those werds, full of vitriol and sarcasm, had been enough to incense Ellora herself.

Cynthia, however, was the one directly Involved

“I’m perfectly fine.” This was the first time Cynthia had spent such a long time engrossed

in her phone.