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Mr. Neal, Mrs. Neal’s Gone with The Money by Little Treasure

Chapter 616
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Chapter 616

Joshua had paid the price by saving her. Compared to settling old scores, Cynthia felt as if

she still owed him. As Joshua felt her warm hand, his sobbing gradually subsided, yet his

desire to possess Cynthia intensified.

“However…” He raised his head from her embrace, looking at her with a self–blaming


“what is it?”

“There’s another thing I lied to you about. This one’s about me,” Joshua admitted, his gaze


He had thought it through. Rather than having Yoel and Matthew expose him, he figured it

was better to tell another lie half- truthfully. That way, even if Cynthia later found out the

truth from Matthew or Yoel, her reaction wouldn’t be too severe.

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Cynthia calmly accepted this. “Go ahead.”

“Once I reveal this, you’ll definitely be angry, and you might even ignore me. Can you

promise me, no matter what i reveal later, you won’t abandon me?” Joshua gauged his

tone perfectly, and his acting was top–notch

“Alright,” Cynthia agreed. Just like any other child, Joshua needed care and guidance. As

long as he could acknowledge and correct his mistakes, that was a good thing.

Joshua was somewhat uncertain. This matter was somewhat risky, after all. Matthew had

said that Cynthia disliked being lied to. He was not sure that after revealing this, Cynthia

would be angry with him or give him the silent treatment. He would be forced to choose a

more extreme course of action if she ignored him.

“Why aren’t you speaking?” Cynthia asked.

“I’m afraid you’ll be angry and I’m scared you’ll abandon me, you won’t want me

anymore.” Joshua acted out his internal struggle with believable skill

“I always follow through on my promises. Since I promised I wouldn’t abandon you, I

won’t.” Cynthia looked at him seriously

without a hint of blame.

Joshua pretended to struggle. After a moment, he pressed his lips together, and after a

careful pause, he slowly said, “I’m not really five years old.”

The moment the words left his mouth, surprise flickered in Cynthia’s eyes. However, it

dissipated almost as quickly as it appeared. It seemed her previous conjecture was right:

Joshua’s mental age had indeed progressed.

“Do you know by how much?” Cynthia probed further.

Seventeen. When I visited Sean’s medical base yesterday, he assessed me. He said my

mental age is around seventeen,” Joshua blurted out, crafting a fib on the fly.

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“Really?” There was a slight rise in Cynthia’s voice, her surprise more pronounced.

Joshua did not find any signs of disgust or distaste in Cynthia’s gaze. He hesitated before

he asked, “Cynthia, aren’t you angry? 1 had recovered yet still deceived you.”

“No, I am not angry.” A sense of relief washed over Cynthia. Although she had always

trusted Sean’s decisions and judgments, looking at Joshua at the mental age of only five

had complicated her feelings. She had wondered whether Joshua could ever recover while

being around her. Fortunately, he had recovered, at least partially.

“What about your memory? How much of your memory has returned?” Cynthia asked,

targeting the crux of the matter.

Joshua hesitated for a moment before speaking the truth, “None.”

“Not at all?”


“Did you learn about your mental growth at Sean’s, or did you low before you visited

him?” Cynthia questioned again, alming to identify the key to Joshua’s recovery to aid him

in complete restoration.