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Mr. Ford is Jealous

Chapter 1018
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Mr. Ford Is Jealous by Boat of Peaches Chapter 1018


Chapter 1018 "Don't be ridiculous..." Michael joined in his wife’s laughter.

"Stella just told me," he continued while shooting Stella a meaningful look, "that both of you

have beensecretly talking to each other." "But that's only because ..." Diana abruptly paused

mid sentence , attempting to gauge the expressions on both Michael's and Stella's faces.

A few years ago, when Stella's parents passed away, Diana came to know that Michael had

indeed wronged Stella.

Although she was always close to Stella, she couldn't deny that her husband always stood

between them, so even as they were privately talking to eachother, Diana would make it a point

not to mention Michael "So what did the doctor say?" Stella changed the subject, looking at

Diana's belly.

Diana gently stroked her tummy.

Even though it was flat with no visible bump, it still made her glow with bliss to touch her belly.

"Both the baby and I are healthy," she informed Stella." Although I am a little older now, my

body is still healthy, and besides..." She smiled and turned to Michael, "Your uncle has been

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spoiling me so much that I hardly need to lift a finger.

He wouldn't let me worry over anything.

I'm sure he'll take good care of our baby and me." Mixed feelings arose in Stella'sheart as she

heard these words.

For a moment, her resolve to tell Diana the truth wavered a little.

U What if Michael was right? What if learning the truth would only bring her more pain and

suffering? Besides, itlooked like she was gleefully anticipating the arrival of their baby...

I'm sure he'll take good care of our baby and me."

Mixed feelings arose in Stella'sheart as she heard these words.

For a moment, her resolve to tell Diana the truth wavered a little.

U What if Michael was right? What if learning the truth would only bring her more pain and suffering? Besides,

itlooked like she was gleefully anticipating the arrival of their baby...

"So why did you come to the hospital?" Diana asked." Feeling unwell, Stella?" "No," Stella shook her head.

"Something came up, that's all." "Are we holding you up from something important?" Diana hastily asked.


"Oh..." Diana replied, saying nothing more than that.

She just had a feeling that Stella was acting out of sorts today as if she was upset for some reason.

"Honey," Michael finally interrupted them, "we still have another medical exam later..." "You guys go ahead," Stella

took the initiative to suggest.

"I've got to do something, so I need to get going too." "Okay! We'll meet again next time."

Once Stella had gone, Diana rubbed her belly and worriedlyasked Michael, "Did I say something wrong to upset

Stella?" "Nah," he replied, pinching her nose.

"Don't worry too much.

You're carrying a baby in your belly, remember? Try to keep yourself in a good mood." "I know..."


Diana fell silent and pondered over the matter for awhile.

Then she suddenly turned to Michael and asked, "Could it be that she still remembers what happened and was

unhappy to seeyou?" She felt that the conjecture made a lot of sense.

"She seemed fine when we were talking privately," Diana recalled.

"She only started acting weird when she met you LL Michael's expression turned stony as soon as heheard this.

But then he thought of something, and he quickly smiled.

"So what exactly do you guys normally talk about, hmm?" "Just run-off-the-mill stuff..." she answered before

something suddenly dawned upon her.

"Oh, no! Is it because she found out l‘m pregnant...?

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"Stella has a rare blood type," Dianacontinued with concern in her voice.

"It's almost impossible that she gets pregnant again...".

She had always tiptoed around this subject, never daring to bring it up to Stella.

But Stella had found out that she was pregnant today.

Could Diana's pregnancy have reminded Stella of her own condition and upset her?


Michael remained silent.

He scrutinized his wife for a while before cautiously asking her, "Has she ever told you anything


AL His question startled Diana for a moment, as if she sensed something else going on.

"What's wrong?" she asked.

"What happened? Are you hiding something from me?" "It's nothing," he stroked her hair.

"Stop thinking too much." He swiftly stepped forward and knelt in front of her, resting an ear

over her belly.

"Let me listen to it," he said.

"Is my baby a boy or a girl?" 1 Diana blushed and pushed his face away.

"It's only two months old, silly.

It's so tiny that we can't even see anything yet.