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Monster Integration

Chapter 3891 Cleared
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I woke up after five hours of sleep and took the badge in my hand to check the mail, as I had been doing for three and a half months.


I hadn't expected anything, but there was a message, and seeing who it was from, all the sleep in my eyes whisked away.

It was not the mail, I had been waiting for, but it could turn into that.

I have been summoned by none other than PrVolsnorth. Prime's tis precious. He wouldn't have summonedif it wasn't something important.

'I hope they finished with the invitation and cleared me,' I thought as I got out of bed.

I went to the bathroom freshened up, before stepping into the kitchen and cooking myself a breakfast. I ate it alone, before walking into the practice room to practice the methods.

Two hours later, I walked out with a visibly tired face, but a small smile lightning in my eyes.

I always feel good after practice; every day, I get closer to my target. I will have to continue with such discipline and soon, I will be able to make a breakthrough into High-Sky Sovereigns.

The increase would be huge enough to makeone of the strongest Sky Sovereigns in the world.

It will take time, which is fine because I am going to need time.

The inheritance is getting harder with each step. I am using more and more ancient runes, and those formations are getting harder, makingspend more ton them.

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Even with the help of clones, it is not easy.

I showered and changed into new clothes before walking out of the suite. I returned in the afternoon. There are restrictions, but I am free to do many things, including practicing my profession.

I had just made a trip to the hospital.

They are lettingheal the patients, but they have drawn the line when it comes to checking people for breakthroughs. I will be able to continue with it when I am cleared, which I hope, I will in the evening.

I ate the lunch that my clone had cooked, before laying on the bed and closing my eyes.

When I opened them, there was only half an hour until I met with the PrVolsnorth.


I reached his mansion ten minutes early, and just as I did, the guards opened the door. I flashed the summoned letter and entered the room and was relieved they didn't stop me.

This means Pris here.

He summoned me, but Pris important, and simportant business might cup.

Unfortunately, nothing like that happened.

Soon, I saw the PrVolsnorth. He was sitting in the splace as I had seen him last time.

"PrVolsnorth," I greeted and bowed.

"Michael, congratulations on reaching Sky Sovereign," He congratulated. "Thank you, Prime," I replied.

He gestures toto sit, before filling the two cups with the tea.

"I have to say, I am surprised. You have not only reached Sky Sovereign, but reached the Mid-level of it. It is hard for people of celestial inheritance to advance such fast," he said, looking at me.

"The journey had been fruitful. It had givenchances and inspiration," I replied and the old man sighed.

"You people of celestial inheritance; the heavens shine on you. Clear all the roadblocks that stopped others; the only thing you have to do is create an inheritance and reach the limit," she said.

"Which is not an easy task, Prime," I said, and the old man smiled.

"If it had been, then would have had thousands of people with the celestial inheritances, instead of a few hundred," he replied and this time, it was my turn to smile.

The celestial inheritance isn't easy. If it had been, there wouldn't have been only two people succeeding in my world. The things are the same, in the Prworld too and in the Silver Prorganization with all knowledge in the world.

We didn't talk about the next minutes and just sipped the tea. It is a wonderful tea; it sent the waves of energy of energy, calmed my cells and soul.

"For what, you have summoned me, Prime?" I asked finally, and the old man smiled. "You have been cleared; your access will be restored and upgraded to your level." He informed.


Immediately, I felt the buzz from the badge. I didn't check it, but I know what it is about.

"Thank you, prime," I said, and the old man smiled.

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A minute later, I walked toward the gate. Feeling confused; it shouldn't be only this for he summoned me.

'Is it the second Prime?' I thought.

There was another Prin there; they had scannedwith their soul sense. It was extremely faint, but I had sensed it. It took all my willpower and acting skill, to not react to it.

They didn't scantoo deeply and shouldn't be able to find anything.

I have created defenses that would be able to hold a much more powerful than it. It had tested against the Pron the ship, but that Prwas weak and the Prthat scannedwas powerful as powerful as PrVolsnorth.

"What do you think?" asked PrVolsnorth as the woman with the purple horns appeared in front, sitting on the sseat, the young man had been in a few seconds ago.

"He is powerful enough," replied the woman.

"His face-changing abilities are good as well," said PrVolsnorth. "I had read the reports," said the woman, before sighing.

"Still, I need to be sure before selecting the person. I need a perfect replacement for Rehi or decades of efforts will go to waste," added the woman.

PrVolsnorth nodded.

"Watch the progress of his missions. If you find him perfect, you can use him," said PrVolsnorth.

"I am a little surprised; you are lettinguse one of your seeds so easily? Especially the ones with such talent," asked the woman.

The man didn't reply. Only smiled. The woman didn't press either. She doesn't need a reason, but a person who will be perfect for the mission under her command.