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Mistaken Match: Marrying the Enigmatic CEO by Ruby Fennimore

Chapter 367
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Chapter 367

Before the strike even reached Emmanuel, the force he felt was like a sharp

blade. However, he was oblivious to the opponent’s changes and closed his

eyes! Then, he recalled what his veteran commander had taught him during

his martial arts training in the Northern Region. “When the opponent’s speed

exceeds your ability to visually recognize, block your vision and feel it with

your heart!”

Nevertheless, Claudette’s nerves were ratcheted up after she noticed that he

had closed his eyes.

The others were similarly astounded!

Quinn could injure people with just the force of his palm. If he were to make a

direct hit, there was no doubt that Emmanuel’s body would be like splattered


At the critical moment, Emmanuel dodged to the side. Whoosh! The heavy

palm strike landed above his head but missed him completely.

Everyone was shocked! Emmanuel has seen through Quinn’s ever–changing

Palm Drop technique?

Nonetheless, Quinn couldn’t believe it and was unwilling to accept it! Come

again! He was determined to kill this kid in front of him. For him, it was about

more than just completing the mission; it was also about earning back the

respect he had rightfully lost.

Suddenly, Emmanuel’s feet swayed, and his body spun, allowing him to again.

avoid the opponent’s deadly move with his eyes still closed. Sometimes,

one’s eyes can deceive, but one’s heart won’t! Like a gentle breeze, he eluded

Quinn’s grasp just as the old man believed he had him. I’ll let Quinn be strong

if that’s what he wants. In that case, I will transform into a soft breeze

caressing a rugged mountain. His master had said that the highest realm of

martial arts was first refining the body to the extreme and then personal


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The first level of enlightenment was to see a mountain as a mountain. This

was the level of Black Bear and others, where they practiced their techniques

to the utmost.

The second level was to see a mountain, not as a mountain, which was

Quinn’s current level. His moves appeared deceptive and already capable of

fooling the human eye.

The third level was returning to seeing a mountain as a mountain, not just a

mountain. This was the legendary state of returning to simplicity.

Even though Emmanuel had never mastered this level before, he would burst

forth with terrifying potential whenever life and death were at stake. Like now,

he was at his peak, surpassing any previous moment in his life!

On the other hand, Quinn kept believing that the next strike would kill

Emmanuel, but often at the last moment, he couldn’t actually land a

substantial hit. “What is going on here?” He began to panic. After more than

three decades of exploring the world of martial arts, I rarely encounter

situations like this. The last time I witnessed such a bizarre scene was ten

years ago when I was fighting an old man with white hair, but this kid in front

of me wasn’t even 30. How did he get to this level of martial arts? “Die!” he

shouted again.

His speed increased again, with a series of strikes aimed at Emmanuel’s

heart, head, face, side, and back. The onlookers were in awe and could not

utter a sound, and even experts like Black Bear couldn’t help but admire

Emmanuel’s skill. He soon realized that the difference between their level and

that of a master was truly night and day.

Nonetheless, Emmanuel deftly dodged every attack, and no matter how fast

his opponent moved, he couldn’t land a hit because Emmanuel appeared

ethereal and untouchable!

Soon, Quinn grew even more desperate.

At this moment, Magnus, who had been composed earlier, now furrowed his

brow. I assumed that martial arts took time and cultivation and that Mr.

Quinn’s expertise should have surpassed Emmanuel’s. Under normal

circumstances, Emmanuel should not have been able to decipher Mr. Quinn’s

thirty–year–long techniques, but if Mr. Quinn becomes flustered and loses his

footing, variables will appear!

After much effort, Quinn hit Emmanuel’s arm, thinking he had discovered a

weakness in his defense. However, Emmanuel extended his other hand and

effortlessly pressed it against Quinn’s head. Quinn was shocked, and his

violent movements abruptly ceased. He knew that if Emmanuel had even a

fraction of a second, he could crush his skull instantly, so Quinn quickly

abandoned his frenzied attack and retreated.

On the other hand, Emmanuel had predicted his every move, and he came

at him at full speed, delivering a powerful punch! Caught off guard, Quinn

had no chance to counterattack and could only continue his frantic retreat.

Emmanuel pressed on, advancing and retreating until Quinn’s back touched

the wall, leaving him with no escape. At that moment, Quinn realized his

impending doom, and the shadow of death engulfed his mind, suffocating

him with darkness!

However, in the final moment, Emmanuel opened his fist and pressed his

palm against Quinn’s head again. As the scene unfolded, everyone in the

room held their breath out of fear of witnessing his skull burst open.

Meanwhile, Quinn attempted to free himself from his grip, but Emmanuel’s

hand seemed to follow him like a shadow. No matter how he shook his head

and struggled, he ultimately found his head pressed against Emmanuel’s

palm. Then, he gave up his struggle and looked up at Emmanuel. His face

was purplish–red, and he was gasping for breath. “W–Why didn’t you kill me?”

Despite his denial, Emmanuel could have killed him, and he would have been

a lifeless corpse now.

Smack! Without answering, Emmanuel delivered a resounding slap across

Quinn’s face. Smack! It was followed by another slap. Smack! After three

strikes, Quinn’s mouth was filled with blood. His teeth hung loose, and he

resembled a deflated balloon. He leaned against the wall, barely clinging to

life as he slid down.

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Emmanuel turned around and walked away, calmly stating, “I’m not that

foolish. Why should I kill you? Although you’re despicable and arrogant, you

needed a profound lesson!”

The entire room fell silent as everyone watched Emmanuel’s victorious


“Darn!” Quinn screamed in despair. He didn’t feel grateful for being spared by

Emmanuel; he only felt profound humiliation and wished he were dead. How

could I, a renowned grandmaster, be shamelessly slapped and spared in

public? How could I stand tall in the future if I didn’t kill Emmanuel today? How

could I keep my place in the martial arts world? At this thought, he went mad

and charged forward recklessly, disregarding the principles of the martial

world. He was determined to kill Emmanuel, even if it meant resorting to an

ambush! Whoosh! He struck Emmanuel’s back with a powerful palm strike.

However, Emmanuel swiftly countered with a backhand slap. Due to his

height and long arms, his strike landed first, sending Quinn flying.

Quinn then soared through the air like a broken kite, crashing through the

wall and disappearing outside, leaving no trace of his whereabouts!

The entire room stood frozen, with no one daring to move.


Coincidentally, Magnus chose that moment to enter the private room. Since

Emmanuel hadn’t returned, he pulled up a chair and sat across from

Claudette. “Claudette, the last time I came to Yeringham was three years

ago on your birthday. I remember it was much livelier than it is now.” He

looked at her with gentle eyes, attempting to create a warm atmosphere as

if the previous fight had nothing to do with them. Nonetheless, he didn’t seem

to care whether Quinn lived or died.

However, she continued to slice her steak at the dining table while remaining


“I’m sorry. I was too busy during your two birthdays to come from Zovince to

Yeringham and celebrate with you. I’ll toast to you as my apology.” Magnus

raised a glass of wine and drank it in one gulp.

Still, Claudette didn’t speak but looked at him with a gaze that seemed to see

him as a fool!