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Meet My Brothers by Red Thirteen

Chapter 860
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Timothy lowered his gaze and glanced at Mia, asking, "So, what's your offer?" Meeting Timothy's suggestive gaze, Mia swiftly adjusted her expression, retorting, "You're mistaken. I'm a person of integrity!" Shortly afterward, the store attendant arrived with a small toy, stating, "This toy is on sale for exactly 50 dollars. It's the least expensive item in our store and also a suitable gift for you, sir." Glancing at the modest toy, Mia couldn't help but notice its simplicity compared to the lavish gifts Timothy had previously selected for Ginger.

Without hesitation, Timothy picked up the toy and placed 50 dollars in cash on the table, declaring, "I'll take it." Mia was surprised by Timothy's sudden decisiveness. She hadn't realized Timothy could be so flexible and accommodating.

Mia turned to the attendant nearby and asked, "Now that he's finished shopping, could you helpgather sitems I need?" Having decided to visit Ginger in the hospital, Mia realized she needed to prepare sgifts in advance.

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Since things weren't panning out with Timothy, she would have to persuade Ginger to play along in another scheme.

After finishing their shopping, Mia turned to Timothy and requested, "Could you help carry these items to the car?" Seeing Timothy take up the bags, Mia's spirits lifted. She discreetly snapped a photo of his back-perhaps it could be used as leverage in the future.

It seemed that the formidable CEO had been reduced to the role of a laborer! As Timothy and Mia stepped out of the store, a group of people approached them.

The middle-aged woman at the head of the group fixed Mia with a stern gaze and stated, "You're Mia Lane, aren't you?" Pausing, Mia responded calmly, "Yes, that's correct. May I ask who you are?" It was evident that the woman harbored no good intentions.

"Ms. Lane, I'm here to talk about my son, Chuck. A few days ago, during your dinner party, he and another young woman got carried away and acted inappropriately.

"However, it seems that you've exaggerated this into a criminal issue. That's why I've ctoday to address this matter with you." It appeared that the woman in question was Agatha Sinclair, the mother of Chuck Jones, who had recently returned from abroad. Mia's expression grew cold as she replied calmly, "You should take this up with Harper Martinez, not me. I'm not directly involved." "If that's your stance, Ms. Lane, then perhaps this conversation won't be productive. We've already reached out to Harper and her family, and they've agreed to a resolution.

"However, it seems that your lawyer has been encouraging her to press charges against Chuck. That's why I've cto speak with you, Ms. Lane, to understand what issues you have with Chuck that warrant such drastic actions." Mia had an inkling of why Agatha had approached her, but she hadn't anticipated that Harper and her parents were already willing to settle the matter.


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With resolve, Mia asserted, "The lawyer I sent was to assist Harper The depision lies with her. If she hate not to pursue legal action and prefers to reconcile with you, I won't interfere." .

"Very well. In that case, please retract your lawyer, Ms. Lane. From here on out, the issue is between us and Harper. Please refrain from any further involvement." "As I mentioned before, if Harper no longer requires legal representation, my lawyer will gracefully step aside." Agatha's expression shifted abruptly as she countered, "Ms. Lane, that's not what you assured us earlier. You mentioned you wouldn't intervene in this situation.

"So, why did you arrange for a lawyer to represent Harper? It seems you're deliberately provoking a conflict with the Jones family." Mia began to grasp the situation. It appeared that Harper probably wasn't interested in reconciliation, which prompted the Bowens to reach out to Mia.


Mia's tone grew cold as she replied, "Considering Chuck's behavior at my IS.. business s habits clear he also nba grievances with the Lane family.

In all fairness, he was the one who initiated the conflict." .


Agatha's expression hardened as she confronted Mia. "Mia, don't overstep your authority. The algse to farming venes family is a partnership with the Barrett family. Once that happens, the Lane family won't have the upper hand for much longer." .