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Mated to the Alpha and His Beta

Chatper 400
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Chapter 400


“What happened?” I demanded at once.

The voice on the other end of the phone cleared her throat. “I think it’s best if you just

come down here.”

“Is she hurt?”

“She’s not hurt, nothing like that,” Myrna assured me.

“I’m the school nurse, and I can honestly tell you she seems in perfect health. But her

teachers asked me

to call you to come pick her up.”

“I’ll be there as soon as I can get there.”

The school nurse had said Stella was in perfect health, so that could mean she’d eaten too

many snacks

and had a belly ache or something. Or, more likely, she’d misbehaved in some way. The

nurse hadn’t sounded

too shocked, so that made me feel a little better. She probably saw kids getting up to

hijinks all the time.

Bad enough to get sent home, though?

I thought about using the mind link to alert my Luna and my Alphas that Stella was in

Follow on NovᴇlEnglish.nᴇt

trouble at school,

but then I decided against it. They were all busy, and I was her parent as much as any of

them, even if I had no

biological ties to her. Quickly, I cleared away my snack bo and started hunting for the

boots I’d kicked off



Da mn, this was the problem with wearing the same size as both Xander and Mason. One

of them must’ve taken my favorite boots. I found an older pair instead and put those on. I

grabbed my phone, too, just in case

someone needed to get ahold of me while I was out.

Oops. There was a call from the school and also a text.

No wonder they’d finally called the house phone.

The voicemail and text didn’t say anything more than what Myrna had told me on the

phone, so I guessed that whatever Stella had gotten into couldn’t be that serious. Still, I

was worried enough that when the elevator

was taking way too freaking long to arrive on our floor, I chose to take the stairs instead

Popcorn and soda sloshed around in my stomach as I ran up the stairs. When I came out

into another hallway, I was a little turned around. Cursing Brightsky’s labyrinth of

corridors, stairwells and public spaces, I navigated as best I could toward the school. I

reached a locked door, though, preventing me from accessing the corridor beyond. It

didn’t have any signs saying why it was restricted or anything on it, and this was the first

time I’d ever encountered something like that.

Cursing a little under my breath, I backtracked. Even though I hadn’t been too worried at

first, the longer it was taking me to get to the school, the more uneasy I felt. Even if it

wasn’t something serious, the idea that my little girl could be sick and waiting for her Papa

made me pick up my steps.


Chapter 400

accessible from one central point, which was great for safety but a pain in the a ss when

you needed to get to your sick kid. I could see some of the different classes through the

windows, but there was no way to get in there from here. I didn’t spot Stella, either.

At last, I made it all the way around to the front entrance. I didn’t recognize the three

adults sitting in the vestibule. One man, two women. I gave them a nod as I passed, going

to the front desk.

“I’m Zane Constantine. I got a call from the school telling me there was a problem with my


Stella. I’m here to pick her up.”

Follow on Novᴇl-Onlinᴇ.cᴏm

The receptionist looked…scared? Startled? She stood up and cleared her throat. “Yes, well,

um, thank you

for coming right away.”

“What’s the problem? Is she sick?” I braced myself for bad news about her behavior.

The receptionist looked past me. She cleared her throat again. “No. Well. I mean…”

Irritated, I leaned a little closer. “I came right away because someone named Myrna called

to tell me there

was a problem with my daughter. I’d appreciate it if you stopped beating around the bush

and told me what’s

going on. Where can I pick her up to take her home?”

“She’s…” the receptionist tipped her chin behind me to the vestibule.

I turned and saw the same three adults who’d been there when I came in. Two women,

one man. I

frowned, scanning the area for any sign of Stella, but the three strangers were the only

ones waiting.

“Hello, Papa,” said one of the women as she stepped forward. She had a clear, warm voice

and looked like

she was at least twenty years old.

“What the…” I began but couldn’t say more than that.

I was too shocked.

The adult woman was Stella.

The will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!