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Mated to the Alpha and His Beta

Chatper 399
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Chapter 399


I knew Brightsky had a system set up to distribute tech to its residents, much the same as

we were all provided with food, clothes, and medicine.

Computers, phones, reading tablets, and the like all came from the central equipment

hub, and there was

an entire IT staff dedicated to servicing all of it.

“Can I help you?” the vampire behind the desk asked politely. Her fangs peeked out over

her lower lip when

she smiled. She looked about twelve, but I knew she had to be much older than that.

“I’m looking for a new phone,” I said casually.

She nodded and swiveled in her chair to face the computer on her desk. Her fingers

poised over the

keyboard. “Sure. Name?”

“Mason Constantine.”

She looked back at me. “Oh, my: You’re Malachi’s granddaughter’s mate!”

“That’s me,” I said with a chuckle. I wondered if I’d ever get used to being kind of a minor

celebrity around

here. “Does that matter?”

“Well, certainly. It gives you access to a much greater range of equipment,” she said with

a nod. “And if we

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don’t have what you want in stock, we can order out for it”

“Not everyone has that privilege?” I asked, curious about how it all worked. Charlotte had

given Xander a laptop to use for the leadership meetings, but we all still had our own cell

phones from before we got here.

None of us had needed to requisition any equipment since we’d arrived.

The vampire behind the desk pressed her lips together primly. “All residents of Brightsky

are permitted to have whatever equipment they want, but if they want something beyond

the standard, they’re on their own to

order it. Special gaming systems, things like that.

We don’t provide that kind of upgrade.”

“But if I wanted something powerful like that, I could get it,” I clarified.

She nodded. “Yes. It would take a few days, but I could put in the order for you. Were you

interested in


“No. Just a new phone.” I studied her as she typed, asking me my brand preference and

any specs | wanted. “So if someone does order in equipment, does it still come through


She frowned, looking at her computer screen. “No.

The residents are responsible to order it and pick it up themselves. We have nothing to do

with it.”

Which meant there was no oversight of it. Which meant that anyone could bring in tech

that was


Chapter 399

compromised, either with spyware they didn’t know about…or maybe, they did. The phone

in my pocket that Goldie had given us felt suddenly much heavier.

I was going to have to fill in my brother about this. I knew he’d have something to say

about the possibilities of a security breach.

“Does your IT staff do any repairs on it or anything, if there are problems?”

She laughed. “No. And believe me, sometimes people complain about that a lot. But what

do they expect?

If it’s not our equipment, we can’t be held responsible for it. We do always warn people

that if they want to

go outside of the department for their tech, they’re on their own.”

“Ah,” was all I said. The wheels were turning in my mind. I could sense a spi ke in my

brother’s emotions.

Something was going on with him, but he didn’t reach out to me through our mind link.

She typed quickly, fingers flying over the keys in a blur, much like the way I’d seen

Malachi running.

It was impressive. I wondered if she made many mistakes. I could only hunt and peck,


“There. All ordered,” the clerk said cheerfully. “If you wait right here, I’ll have someone

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bring you the new

unit. You can have a seat there while you wait.

Complimentary soft drinks and coffee, too.”

“Is this going to take that long?” I asked, a little concerned.

She laughed. “It shouldn’t, not unless you’re here for a repair.”

True to her word, another clerk brought me a new, boxed phone. I unwrapped it to check it

out, specifically

looking to see if it had the same issues as the one Goldie had given me. It all looked fine.

Nothing wrong with it.

Casually, I took out the broken one. “While I’m here, I wonder if someone can take a look

at this?”

I handed it to the vampire behind the desk. She looked it over with a frown.

“There’s something wrong with this phone,” the clerk said. Her frown deepened.

“I know, that’s why I want a tech to look it over.”

She shook her head, turning the phone over and over in her palm. “No, I mean…where did

you get it?”

“It was given to someone I’m working with on the leadership council as a temporary unit.”

I didn’t say who

or what for, and the clerk didn’t give any indications that she was trying to guess.

She shook her head and handed it back to me. “Well, all I can tell you is that we don’t

carry that type of

unit. Wherever they got that phone, it wasn’t from here.”

The will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!