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Mated to the Alpha Twins

Chapter 78
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Read Mated to the Alpha Twins [by Jane Doe] Chapter 78 — As | stood in the mirror analyzing the skimpy b****i the twins had

packed for me, | decided that | in fact liked the bathing suit. It matched the color of my left eye perfectly, even if it was a bit too


| had never been slim in physique, and working out with Tori had only added to that fact. My waist was somewhat narrow, and my

stomach had flattened more since training, but my hips flared out and my bust was larger than the average woman. The little

triangles of the top managed to contain my b*****s, just barely, though. The bottoms on the other hand—they were something

else. Little bows sat on either side of my hips, and the bottoms covered perhaps a quarter of my full rear.

Tori cup behindand cocked her head to the side, her curly ponytail of fiery locks bounced from the movement. She

pursed her lips and wrinkled her nose, those cinnamon freckles scrunching.

“Why can't I fill out like that?” She scoffed, and | tried to contain my surprise.

| wasn’t used to this—girl talk, that is. Tori was one of those females who accepted her body and embraced every curve, mark,

and dip with incredible confidence. She embraced her sexuality fully, something | was trying to do as well.

“You fill out just fine.” | snorted, shaking my head at her. “Plus, I'm sure you can fit into a lot more clothes than | can.”

“Eh, that's not your fault though.” She retorted, placing her hands on her hips. “We all know the fashion industry caters to the

small, Aurora.”

“I never knew you cared so much.” | teased, chuckling as she rolled her mossy eyes.

Tori was a bit shorter than I, and her form was a bit less curvy. Where my chest was practically spilling from the b****i top, hers

were just small mounds. I'm not shaming her or anything, all chest sizes matter. Only an idiot would let something as ridiculous

as breast size determine the worth of a woman. Perhaps Tori was rubbing off on me, after all.

| cocked my own head as | stared my reflection in the mirror, and decided once and for all that | did like this b****i on my body. As

silly as it sounded, it was my first twearing a b****i.

When | was pretty young, living with my grandma, she had takento a community pool a few times. | had worn a simple one-

piece bathing suit, as most little girls did. Never have | felt so exposed—or confident.

“Oh, | know that look.” Tori grinned widely, rubbing her hands together.

“Hey, they chose the bathing suit.” | shrugged, not bothering to fight the smirk that formed on my face. “It's only fair that | make

them regret it.”

It was a strange feeling, smiling this much. My cheeks ached from all the grins and laughter, but it wasn’t a bad feeling. It was

one of those pains that reminded you that you were alive, that life was beautiful and worth living, despite the bad parts.

“I'm going to be seeing lots of hard-on’s today, aren't I?” Tori snickered, but her emotions said something a little different.

| felt her amusement, and her happiness like sun-soaked petals and tanning lotion, but there was something else hidden beneath

all of that. The emotion was so small that | was surprised | even felt it to begin with. Hiding beneath the amusement and

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happiness was just a hint of longing, and a dash of bitterness.

Those two emotions were miniscule in quantity, but hadhalting for just a moment. Why would | have been given this gift, if

not to use it? If | could help Tori, even for a moment, then perhaps my gift wasn’t so dangerous after all.

“Are you alright?” | frowned, nearly cringing at the worry in my voice. It was a tone | had never used, one that had also never

been used on me. “l mean—I'm not trying to pry, but you know I can’t control the whole emotion sensing thing.”

“What? I'm fine.” She replied, seemingly shocked that | asked such a thing. “Everything that’s going on, it's stressful and

everything, but I'm not upset over it.”

“It's not that. | feel longing coming from you, and just a tiny bit of bitterness.” | cringed as | forced the words from my mouth.

After all, how bad did it sound telling someone what they felt? Part ofregretted even bringing it up, but | honestly just wanted

to help. That guilt faded a bit when Tori’s shoulders sagged.

“It's nothing against you, but when | see you with your mates... just wonder when it'll be my turn.” She sighed, brushing back a

ringlet that had fallen from her ponytail. She gnawed on her lower lip as she met my gaze, and | could feel the guilt that bubbled

in her gut. “I mean, I've been eighteen for months now. That's two years, two whole years without finding my mate. If he was in

our pack, | would've found out already.”

“Is it possible he’s in a different pack? Like Garrett or Julian's?” | asked. | knew what mates were and knew what it felt like to find

them, to be with them but | couldn't exactly pinpoint what it felt like to finally find Alec and Kade. All | remember is that it was

incredibly overwhelming, feeling that drawn to two people, it wasn’t anything | had experienced before. “Can you, like, sense

them or anything?”

“If only.” She snorted, shifting on her feet. “| asshe’s in a different pack, but he could be in England for all | know. I've never

even left this pack before. Maybe that's why | haven't found him yet.”

“Well, you're coming with us to the High Table meeting. That's a good a chance as any.” | tried my best to reassure her when an

idea cto mind. | would be Luna, right? That meant | was allowed certain freedoms, given the power to make certain

decisions. With that in mind, | squared my shoulders and gave Tori a determined look. No longer did guilt taint my voice, only a

sure-fire resolve. “When | take over as Luna, we'll scour Garrett and Julian's pack for your mate. If he isn't there, then I'll make

sure you have whatever you need to go and find him.”

My words settled over Tori, her eyes growing wide as she processed them with careful attention. It almost offended me, her

surprise. She was the first friend | had made here, the first friend | had in a long time. If | had the power to help her, how could |

not? I'm not an expert on being a good friend, but I'm pretty sure I'd be a crappy friend if | didn’t help her find her soul-mate.

“You'd do that for me? Givethe money to go and look for my mate?” She squeaked, those emerald eyes growing watery.

“I'll even send a group of warriors with you. | don’t know how often rogue attacks happen, but I'm not leaving anything up to

chance.” | pressed, not daring to risk my friend at the claws of those feral rogues.

“You think Alec and Kade would agree to that?” She replied, hope blossoming in her face and heart.

Hope wasn’t an emotion | had experienced yet, and | basked in its uniqueness. Feeling emotions—they remindedof

experiences, tastes, and smells. They were all unique, all different depending on the person. Tori’s hope—it felt like those time's |

would climb onto the roof, basking in the silence of the night. I'd stare up at the stars and think, dreaming of a life beyond the one

I lived in, beyond the hateful words of Melissa and Frank.

| didn’t need to ponder whether or not the twins would agree with my bold decision. They would do what was best for Tori. If not

because she was an amazing person and member of the pack, then because she was my friend, the first true one | had in a long


“Think we'd agree to what?” Alec's voice sounded from the open bedroom door, his head sticking just a few inches into the

bedroom. His onyx hair fell over the side of his head, and he brushed it back with a rough motion.

“Nothing.” Tori chuckled, and | noticed her wiping the tears from her eyes, trying to be as covert as possible. “At least, nothing

you need to worry about yet.”

“Getting into trouble already, sweetheart?” Kade'’s voice filtered from down the hall.

| snorted at his words and tried to will the blush from my face. Alec’s eyes darted from Tori’s glossy eyes and over to me, and it

was blatantly obvious when his attention was snagged on the bathing suit | wore. His eyes lingered on my chest for longer than

necessary before drifting down my torso, and lazily running the length of my legs. Everywhere his eyes touched, goosebumps

lited on my skin.

“I think you should've chosen a different bathing suit for her, brother.” Alec cleared his throat, his eyes darting back towards my

face. | distinctly noticed his hand drift lower, adjusting himself just out of Tori’s sight.

A few seconds passed and Kade appeared at the door, his eyes alluring and practically sucking all of my attention towards him

and Alec. As bad as it sounds, Tori faded to the background and all | could see were the twins—my twins. My stomach heated

under their collective gaze, that honey-like warmth dripping down between my thighs.

Kade remained silent for nearly a minute, and | swore | could hear Tori snickering lightly under her breath.

“I regret nothing, though | do think she’ll be the d***h of us.” He grunted, givingone last endlessly hungry look before

sauntering through the bedroom and into the adjoining bathroom.

I'm sure my face was ripe with confusion when the shower sounded. Alec, however, seemed to know exactly what his brother

was up to.

“I think I'll be needing a cold shower as well.” Alec mumbled, a hand rubbing at the back of his neck.

| didn’t miss how his shirt had risen, exposing those delicious muscles that coated his stomach, nor the tent in his sweatpants

when he followed Kade into the bathroom.

“We'll meet you down at the pool in five minutes.” He called out, closing the bathroom door behind him with a cheeky grin.

“Girl, you're going to be hurting later on.” Tori shook her head, making her curls bounce like tendrils of crackling flame.

I laughed in agreement, though | knew from experience that the kind of pain she was talking about was laced with more pleasure

than | had ever experienced in my short life.

“Maybe | have three mates’ out there.” She snickered as we walked down the curved staircase and towards the sliding glass

doors that led out to the pool. “Hm, or four. Can’t stand odd numbers.”

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“Four mates?” | sputtered, shaking my head in disbelief. Could you imagine it? Four insatiable men, all claimed as yours while

simultaneously claiming you as theirs. No, thank you! I'll happily take my two mates and be on my way.

“It's always been a dream of mine, to have a harem of my own.” Tori cooed somewhat jokingly; her hands clasped as she

bounced out the backdoor.

“You've always dreamed of having a harem full of men?” | snorted, cocking an eyebrow at my strange friend.

“Not really, but | wouldn't argue if the Moon Goddess happened to pairwith four devastatingly handsmen.” She

countered with a wave of her hand. “At this point though, I'm willing to take one without complaint.”

“You'll find your mate, Tori. I'll do whatever | can to help.” | reassured her with a smile.

The pool behind the cabin was as large as the community pool my grandma had takento swim at. It was shaped like a large

‘Ll’, and had a diving board at the end. While the community pool started at a whopping two feet deep, this pool started at nearly

seven. | placed a few towels on the wicker sectional that sat on the deck and peered down at the crystal-clear water. It was

incredibly humid outside, hot enough to make sweat trickle down the back of my neck. | dipped a toe in the water and nearly

sighed at how cold it felt.

“Oh, Luna.” Tori cooed, and | didn’t bother turning around as | snorted at her. She knew she didn’t have to callLuna, but |

knew she wanted something whenever she used the word.

“Yes, my loyal subject?” | retorted, hearing her cackle behind me.

That was the last thing | had tto say as | was tackled from behind. | knew it was Tori from scent alone. She smelled of

sunscreen and granny smith apples, a strange combination but it remindedof summer. My mouth was open as we tumbled

into the pool, a mess of arms and legs that couldn't seem to untangle themselves.

| knew she had intended to shovein, but my faster-than-human reflexes aidedfor once. | managed to clasp my hand

around her wrist and send her tumbling in alongside of me.

As we both resurfaced, hair a complete mess with lopsided grins on our faces, | splashed a playful wave at her face. | couldn’t

help but laugh as the wave brushed back the strands of red hair that clung to her cheeks and neck.

As soon as our laughter ended, her mouth popped open and her eyes went wide. Her eyes darted downward for a moment

before permanently plastering themselves to my face, refusing to look any lower than my forehead.

“Um, Aurora—" She sputtered, clearly fighting laughter.

“Did you hit your head or something?” | asked, an eyebrow raised. “I can't tell with all that red hair.”

Something bobbed on the surface of the water nearly ten feet away. A thin scrap of sky-blue cloth. My jaw unhinged as Tori

snorted, a hand flying up to cover her mouth.

“Seems like we cback just in tfor the fun.”
