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Marry Me Quick

Chapter 271
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Chapter 271

Feng Xingyan’s face went cold when he noticed the part where she bit herself was bleeding. Immediately, he

stretched out his hand to pull her hand away and said to her sternly, “I know you are blaming yourself for it, but

what’s more important right now is to take care of your body.”

Not only was she sad and guilty, the level of guilt and sorrow Su Ziyue felt was almost drowning her.

The moment Su Ziyue’s hand was pulled away, she started sobbing and her tears were falling down like a broken

string of pearls.

She cried until she was exhausted from it and could not weep any longer; it was only then did her tears stop


However, her gaze looked unusually hollow.

Noticing that she had stopped crying, Feng Xingyan called for the doctor to give her a check up.

The doctor reminded them of some things they had to pay attention to, but he was merely asking her to keep a

peace of mind and not be so sad.

Feng Xingyan emphasized again. “You heard what the doctor said; the body is more important.”

Su Ziyue looked at him blankly as she said, “Can you let me use your phone?”

Feng Xingyan stared at her for a moment, looking as though he understood her. Then, he took out his phone and

handed it to her.

“Thank you,” Su Ziyue thanked him softly and took over the phone.

Although she had accepted the fact that Feng Xingyan was her uncle, the two of them were still very unfamiliar with

each other.

Feng Xingyan was not too bothered by it; he stood up slowly as he glanced at her pale face. Then, he knitted his

eyebrows and said, “I’ll ask someone to bring you something to eat.”

With that, he left the room.

Su Ziyue held the phone for a while before she typed in a string of numbers that she was familiar with, but she did

not proceed with the call.

What should I tell Qin Muchen when I call him?

Before Nan Chuan could arrive and pick me up, Su Yige hired a bunch of people to come and harm me, so I was

forced to jump out of the window. I was not hurt badly, but I lost the baby...

Do I tell him everything?

The scene in the villa, Qin Muchen’s hesitation, and all of his behavior were flashing through her mind.

She even remembered how much Qin Muchen had wanted a baby.

Su Ziyue’s mind was in chaos. As she held the phone tightly, and her fingers were already turning white. In the end,

she did not make the phone call.

Outside of the ward, Feng Xingyan peeked through the gap at the door and realized that Su Ziyue did not make the

Follow on NovᴇlEnglish.nᴇt

call. He looked so calm as if he had already expected it.

Standing behind Feng Xingyan, one of his men asked softly, “President Feng, how did you know Miss Su would not

make the call?”

Just when the man thought that Feng Xingyan wouldn’t reply to him, Feng Xingyan said, “She is a kind-hearted

person, and she is too young to be experiencing this. Under this much psychological pressure, it is normal for her to

be so indecisive. If nobody gives her a hand, she will not be able to come out of it…”

Just when the mon thought thot Feng Xingyon wouldn’t reply to him, Feng Xingyon soid, “She is o kind-heorted

person, ond she is too young to be experiencing this. Under this much psychologicol pressure, it is normol for her to

be so indecisive. If nobody gives her o hond, she will not be oble to come out of it…”

In her heort, she wos probobly feeling the most sorry for Qin Muchen.

The mon wos slightly surprised thot Feng Xingyon would exploin it to him. Although he didn’t understond oll of it, he

nodded still.

At night, the consultotion room wos brightly lit.

“I think this situotion is too complicoted. It is better to go with the second option.”

“I don’t ogree…”

A group of medicol speciolists in white coots were hoving o heoted discussion; dressed in o block suit, Qin Muchen

stood out from the group of doctors obviously.

He wos holding o cigorette between his fingers, ond the oshtroy in front of him wos olreody filled with cigorette

butts. As he ploced on elbow on the toble, his body leoned slightly forword; his posture looked quite stiff. It wos

obvious thot he hod mointoined this position for o very long time.

He sot there with o cold look on his foce. Not knowing whot wos on his mind, the cigorette in his hond wos olreody

burning to the end; o huge pile of cigorette soot slowly occumuloted.

After o long while, Qin Muchen ploced the cigorette butt he wos holding into the oshtroy ond spoke hoorsely, “Hove

you finished the discussion?”

His voice wos not too loud, but it wos not too soft either. It wos just the right level to overshodow the speciolists’


One of the speciolists soid, “Mr. Qin, we think the second option…”

Qin Muchen glored ot him coldly. “I just wont to know if you’re done discussing. Whot I need is on operotion plon

thot is foolproof.”

He emphosized the word ‘foodproof’ with o chonge of tone.

As he finished speoking, the consultotion room fell silent. No one dored to guorontee thot the operotion would be


After oll, every surgery hod its own risks ond foilures.

As soon os he finished his sentence, Qin Muchen got up ond heoded to the restroom.

He woshed his foce with cold woter. As he looked ot his hoggord oppeoronce in the mirror, he suddenly smoshed

the mirror with his fist.

A cobweb-like crock oppeored in the mirror olmost instontly, ond blood wos flowing from his hond.


At thot moment, he heord Boi Jingshu’s voice from the outside.

Boi Jingsu rushed in immediotely ond wos shocked when he sow Qin Muchen. He strode toword his direction ond

osked, “Whot ore you doing?”

Just when the man thought that Feng Xingyan wouldn’t reply to him, Feng Xingyan said, “She is a kind-hearted

person, and she is too young to be experiencing this. Under this much psychological pressure, it is normal for her to

be so indecisive. If nobody gives her a hand, she will not be able to come out of it…”

In her heart, she was probably feeling the most sorry for Qin Muchen.

The man was slightly surprised that Feng Xingyan would explain it to him. Although he didn’t understand all of it, he

nodded still.

At night, the consultation room was brightly lit.

“I think this situation is too complicated. It is better to go with the second option.”

“I don’t agree…”

A group of medical specialists in white coats were having a heated discussion; dressed in a black suit, Qin Muchen

stood out from the group of doctors obviously.

He was holding a cigarette between his fingers, and the ashtray in front of him was already filled with cigarette

butts. As he placed an elbow on the table, his body leaned slightly forward; his posture looked quite stiff. It was

obvious that he had maintained this position for a very long time.

He sat there with a cold look on his face. Not knowing what was on his mind, the cigarette in his hand was already

burning to the end; a huge pile of cigarette soot slowly accumulated.

After a long while, Qin Muchen placed the cigarette butt he was holding into the ashtray and spoke hoarsely, “Have

you finished the discussion?”

His voice was not too loud, but it was not too soft either. It was just the right level to overshadow the specialists’


One of the specialists said, “Mr. Qin, we think the second option…”

Qin Muchen glared at him coldly. “I just want to know if you’re done discussing. What I need is an operation plan

that is foolproof.”

He emphasized the word ‘foodproof’ with a change of tone.

As he finished speaking, the consultation room fell silent. No one dared to guarantee that the operation would be


After all, every surgery had its own risks and failures.

As soon as he finished his sentence, Qin Muchen got up and headed to the restroom.

He washed his face with cold water. As he looked at his haggard appearance in the mirror, he suddenly smashed

the mirror with his fist.

A cobweb-like crack appeared in the mirror almost instantly, and blood was flowing from his hand.

Follow on Novᴇl-Onlinᴇ.cᴏm


At that moment, he heard Bai Jingshu’s voice from the outside.

Bai Jingsu rushed in immediately and was shocked when he saw Qin Muchen. He strode toward his direction and

asked, “What are you doing?”

After the company was closed for the holidays, Bai Jingshu had returned to the Bai Residence. It was only when he

heard the situation from Nan Chuan did he rush back.

Qin Muchen acted as if nothing had happened and withdrew his hand. He turned on the water tap to run his wound

under the water and asked, “Why are you here?”

Bai Jingsu replied angrily, “If I wasn’t here, you would’ve been hurting yourself!”

“I am fine, go back.” Qin Muchen turned off the water tap and looked at Bai Jingshu. “Today is New Year’s Eve, isn’t


When Bai Jingshu heard his words, he said vulgarly, “What the f*ck is New Year’s Eve when your grandfather is in

intensive care waiting for an emergency operation, while Su Ziyue is still missing? We don’t know whether she’s

alive, yet you’re here saying that you’re alright?”

Qin Muchen did not respond as he walked past him and went back to the consultation room.

When Qin Muchen returned, the group of specialists told him the plan that they had discussed.

Qin Muchen’s knitted brows softened as he voice sounded exhausted. “Please.”

The specialists were taken aback by Qin Muchen’s imploring tone. After all, Qin Muchen had been carrying a sense

of pressure around him.

With that, Qin Yuchuan was sent into the operation room.

Guarding outside the operation room, Qin Muchen lit up another cigarette.

Standing beside him, Qin Zheng knitted his brows and said, “Mister, don’t smoke so much.”

As though he did not hear Qin Zheng’s comment, Qin Mucheng continued to smoke his cigarette. Meanwhile, Bai

Jingsu came over from behind.

He had never seen Qin Muchen looking so haggard, and this was his first time seeing him like that throughout the

ten years of knowing him.

“I thought I could handle everything, but I am actually overconfident.” Qin Muchen sounded soft but hoarse at the

same time. “If I did not leave her alone, no one would’ve taken advantage of the situation; if I had more patience

with Grandpa, I would’ve noticed his deteriorating health…”

Qin Muchen continued to talk about Qin Yuchuan and Su Ziyue. Although he remained impassive, Bai Jingshu could

feel a strong sense of guilt emanating from Qin Muchen.

“You are a human, not a God. Stop…”

Bai Jingshu wanted to comfort him, but he was soon interrupted. “They were all saying I was the God of the

financial world, but in truth, I’m only a useless wimp. Grandpa is in the operation room, and I can’t do anything

about it. Not only that, I haven’t found her even after a whole day…”