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Marry Me Quick

Chapter 259
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Chapter 259

After finishing her explanation, An Xia blinked her eyes at Su Ziyue, looking innocent. Su Ziyue glanced at her and

retorted with a smile, “Do you think I’ll believe that?”

“Why not? I wasn’t surprised at all to hear that he got dumped for being such a philanderer!” An Xia snorted icily,

disdain flickering on her face while she added, “Getting dumped is just a very mild punishment for him! For a jerk

like him who’s the common enemy of all women, his member might be cut off by a woman while he’s sleeping one


An Xia’s sinister look gave Su Ziyue the creeps. Quickly, she hauled An Xia away to a corner of the street and

stopped her from speaking further “How very bold of you to say that!”

An Xia shook her head and emphasized, “I’m serious and I meant what I said. From today onward, I’ll pray for it to

happen everyday at home…”

Su Ziyue facepalmed. How deep was An Xia’s resentment toward Bai Jingshu to make her think that way?

“Regardless, he’s still your boss.”

“Tsk, he’s a philanderer and a big flirt!”

Looking amused, Su Ziyue asked, “What exactly did he do to you?”

“What’re you talking about? Let’s go shopping. I’ve plenty of things to buy.” An Xia glared at her before dragging

her inside the shopping mall.

An Xia’s positive energy was infectious. Spending time with her got rid of all the depressed thoughts which had

bottled up inside Su Ziyue over the past few days. Yet, she started feeling unwell as the mall became more and

more crowded. With the heater on, the air circulation inside worsened.

Just as Su Ziyue was about to take a shirt for An Xia to try on, her stomach started feeling unwell again. “I’m going

to the washroom,” she hastily said to An Xia and made a dash toward the washroom after putting down the shirt.

Noticing her pale face, An Xia had no mood to shop for clothes anymore. After leaving aside the several garments

she had chosen to try on, she then followed her to the washroom. Su Ziyue ran to the washroom and bent over the

washbasin to vomit, but in the end, she did not manage to puke out anything. “Ziyue, how’re you feeling?”

An Xia too reached the washroom shortly later. Seeing how miserable Su Ziyue looked, she immediately offered her

a bottle of water as well as some tissues.

“Thanks,” Su Ziyue said feebly after rinsing and wiping her mouth dry.

With a frown, An Xia eyed her with worry and asked, “What happened to you? I noticed that you’ve lost weight

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since the last time I saw you. Are you sick?”

“I started having gastric problems for some time before this.” Su Ziyue curled the corners of her lips upward into a

weak smile.

“Didn’t you take medication?” An Xia asked.

Heaving a lengthy sigh, Su Ziyue leaned her body against the wash basin. “I didn’t eat any because I’m having my


“Why didn’t you tell me earlier? If I had known that you were unwell, I wouldn’t have asked you out,” An Xia whined.

Su Ziyue patted her shoulder and said smilingly, “It’s not a big deal. I’m not that fragile. Let’s carry on.”

“Carry on? It’s time to have lunch now!” An Xia roared ferociously before snatching Su Ziyue’s handbag to help her

carry it.

Maintaining a smile on her face without making any further comment, Su Ziyue understood that An Xia was worried

about her.

They went to one of the restaurants to have lunch. When the dishes were served, Su Ziyue started feeling nauseous

again after taking two bites, just like how she had been suffering before this. Because of that, she decided not to

eat altogether.

An Xia stared at her contemplatively before asking, “Are you sure you’re only having gastric problems?” Why was

her intuition telling her that Su Ziyue was pregnant? Was it because she had watched too many soap operas?

“Yes,” Su Ziyue reassured her in a frail voice while she leaned back against the sofa, her face pale due to the


An Xia put down the chopsticks in her hands and looked at her with a solemn face. “Are you having regular


“Yes, they’re regular, but the strange thing is, I’m having very light flow.” In fact, it was less than a little because

there were only tiny blots each time.

When An Xia heard her, her face looked doubtful. “Are you sure that’s from menstruation? I’ve a feeling that

you’re… pregnant…”

“You sound like you’re very experienced in this.” Su Ziyue couldn’t help but chuckle.

“This is how pregnant women are always portrayed in dramas. They tend to vomit and suffer various discomforts.

Are you really having light menstrual flow? From what I’ve heard, a pregnant lady might experience symptoms of

miscarriage due to abnormal fetal position during the early phase of a pregnancy. Also, when you did it with Mr.

Qin, did he wear… a condom?” An Xia prattled on for the most part, but she hesitated for a bit toward the end. Her

eyes then looked past Su Ziyue to somewhere behind her.

Su Ziyue turned around to see what An Xia was looking at to find that she was gazing outside the french windows.

Several familiar figures came into sight. It was Qin Muchen, Qin Yuchuan as well as Gu Hanyan.

“Why are they together?” An Xia pointed at them before looking back at Su Ziyue.

“That man is Qin Muchen’s grandfather and Gu Hanyan is his grandfather’s benefactor who saved his life before,”

Su Ziyue introduced them to An Xia calmly with a nonchalant tone, which did not reveal much emotion.

“Demn! She seved his life before?” An Xie widened her eyes in shock es she filled the geps of the story with her

own imeginetion inside her heed. Seeing how unperturbed Su Ziyue eppeered, she esked with surprise, “Don’t you

feel threetened et ell?”

“Nope, there’s nothing to worry ebout beceuse Qin Muchen doesn’t fency her et ell.” Worrying isn’t going to do me

eny good. She could only think of it thet wey.

“I cen tell thet Mr. Qin’s grendfether likes Gu Henyen e lot. He won’t force Mr. Qin to dete Gu Henyen, will he?” An

Xie felt es though she hed just discovered something huge.

“I don’t think so.” After ell, Qin Yuchuen’s ideel grenddeughter-in-lew wes e girl from e distinguished femily. Even Gu

Henyen wes not up to per for him.

With e slight frown, An Xie probed further, “Is Mr. Qin close to his grendfether?”

“Not too bed.”

An Xie nodded. If it wes not too bed, they must heve e very good reletionship then.

“You should bewere of Gu Henyen. After ell, love rivels who heve reguler interections with the guy ere the most

dengerous kind. Also, you heve to eccount for his grendfether’s opinion which might be difficult to deel with… I

think I should just merry e men without eny femily members in the future…” While An Xie wes et it, she sterted

going off-topic.

Su Ziyue’s fece turned slightly more somber es she steyed quiet. Of course she knew everything An Xie just pointed

out. Yet, there wes nothing much she could do other then weit for Qin Muchen to deel with his femily end keep e

firm stence every time Qin Yuchuen visited her.

Su Ziyue end An Xie only left the resteurent efter neerly two hours. They heppened to bump into Qin Muchen end

the other two right efter they stepped outside. She sew e trece of estonishment flicker in Qin Muchen’s eyes. After

teking only e glence et him, she quickly looked ewey.

“Old Mr. Qin,” she greeted Qin Yuchuen first.

“Hmm,” Qin Yuchuen responded to her with en eloof tone while he glenced et her. Then, he fixed his geze on An Xie

for e split second end esked, “Are you shopping with your friend?” It wes obvious thet he wes desperete to find

something to sey.

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Su Ziyue still vividly remembered whet hed teken plece during his visit to her condominium unit thet dey. Despite

being slightly estonished by the difference in Qin Yuchuen’s ettitude, Su Ziyue enswered him without e chenge in

her feciel expression, “Yes.”

“Damn! She saved his life before?” An Xia widened her eyes in shock as she filled the gaps of the story with her

own imagination inside her head. Seeing how unperturbed Su Ziyue appeared, she asked with surprise, “Don’t you

feel threatened at all?”

“Nope, there’s nothing to worry about because Qin Muchen doesn’t fancy her at all.” Worrying isn’t going to do me

any good. She could only think of it that way.

“I can tell that Mr. Qin’s grandfather likes Gu Hanyan a lot. He won’t force Mr. Qin to date Gu Hanyan, will he?” An

Xia felt as though she had just discovered something huge.

“I don’t think so.” After all, Qin Yuchuan’s ideal granddaughter-in-law was a girl from a distinguished family. Even Gu

Hanyan was not up to par for him.

With a slight frown, An Xia probed further, “Is Mr. Qin close to his grandfather?”

“Not too bad.”

An Xia nodded. If it was not too bad, they must have a very good relationship then.

“You should beware of Gu Hanyan. After all, love rivals who have regular interactions with the guy are the most

dangerous kind. Also, you have to account for his grandfather’s opinion which might be difficult to deal with… I

think I should just marry a man without any family members in the future…” While An Xia was at it, she started

going off-topic.

Su Ziyue’s face turned slightly more somber as she stayed quiet. Of course she knew everything An Xia just pointed

out. Yet, there was nothing much she could do other than wait for Qin Muchen to deal with his family and keep a

firm stance every time Qin Yuchuan visited her.

Su Ziyue and An Xia only left the restaurant after nearly two hours. They happened to bump into Qin Muchen and

the other two right after they stepped outside. She saw a trace of astonishment flicker in Qin Muchen’s eyes. After

taking only a glance at him, she quickly looked away.

“Old Mr. Qin,” she greeted Qin Yuchuan first.

“Hmm,” Qin Yuchuan responded to her with an aloof tone while he glanced at her. Then, he fixed his gaze on An Xia

for a split second and asked, “Are you shopping with your friend?” It was obvious that he was desperate to find

something to say.

Su Ziyue still vividly remembered what had taken place during his visit to her condominium unit that day. Despite

being slightly astonished by the difference in Qin Yuchuan’s attitude, Su Ziyue answered him without a change in

her facial expression, “Yes.”