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Marry Me Quick

Chapter 217
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Chapter 217

“Are you sure it’s for me?” Su Ziyue frowned slightly. It wasn’t that she had never received flowers before, but it

was strange that someone would send her flowers all the way to Cloud Bay. There weren’t many who knew she was

living in Cloud Bay.

The guy smiled and offered her the pen. “The gentleman said that the lady receiving the flowers is gorgeous and

won’t be easily mistaken for another.”

Hearing this, Su Ziyue laughed and signed for the flowers. After signing for it, she took the box of flowers and said,

“There are many pretty women around.”

The guy was putting on his helmet as he smiled at her remarks. “Not really. That gentleman told me that I’d

recognize you when I see you.”

Uh… That mysterious? Su Ziyue was stunned for a moment before she nodded and thanked him. After she watched

him leave, she carried the box of flowers home. When she entered the villa, Qin Muchen was sitting on the couch

watching TV. His posture was upright, and his face was serious as he kept changing the channels with the remote

control. He looked like he was in a meeting.

When Su Ziyue came in, he didn’t even turn around but merely asked, “You’re back?”

“Yeah,” answered Su Ziyue as she bent down to take the leash off Beef. After that, she carried the box of flowers

toward him and saw that he was still changing the channels. Assuming that he couldn’t find the channel he wanted,

Su Ziyue asked, “What channel are you searching for?”

“Any channel.” Qin Muchen stopped changing the channels, yet he still didn’t turn to look at her.

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Su Ziyue lifted her head to look at the screen. It was showing an anime series. She looked at him in surprise. He

really isn’t searching for a particular channel… She didn’t speak another word but carried the box of flowers

upstairs. She wanted to quickly check who was the one who gifted the flowers and throw away the evidence if

needed before Qin Muchen saw it. Although she didn’t want to forgive him just yet, she didn’t want to anger him

deliberately either. She knew that Qin Muchen got jealous easily.

Back in her bedroom, she opened the box to find a bouquet of yellow roses and a large card. She blinked in

surprise. There were no names on the card. Instead, two cartoon characters were drawn on it; one was male and

the other female. The girl was angrily saying something with her arms folded, while the boy was sitting on the floor

with a regretful expression, his entire body trembling. At the side, three words were written: ‘I was wrong’. As those

were cartoon characters, their expressions were animated and adorable, so she couldn’t help but laugh.

Wait, these characters look very familiar… She searched for the meaning behind yellow roses on her phone and

immediately understood. Putting the yellow roses back into its box and covering it carefully, she hid the card on

herself and went downstairs.

In the living room, the TV channel was still the anime channel. Qin Muchen was still sitting on the couch and kept

alternating between sitting straight up and leaning back. His entire person looked anxious. Beef had also climbed

onto the couch and was staring at the TV.

Su Ziyue pretended to be calm as she walked over and sat beside Beef. The dog rolled over and snuggled into her

arms. She hugged Beef and stroked its fur. “Beef, let’s watch the anime together.”

Qin Muchen turned to look at her and glanced at Beef for a second before asking, “What did you bring home?”

“Nothing.” Su Ziyue played with Beef and kept her gaze on the TV screen.

“Don’t lie.”

“Okay.” Su Ziyue turned to look at him and said, “It’s a box of flowers. I heard that a gentleman gifted it to me. But

since I’m already married, I have to be loyal to my husband. So I’ve thrown it away.” Then, she tilted her head with

a smile. “Don’t you want to praise me?”

Praise my a*s! “I do.” Qin Muchen turned away and pursed his lips. His entire person exuded an ‘I’m-angry-so-

don’t-come-near-me’ aura.

Su Ziyue held back her laughter. It was the first time she wasn’t scared of this aura of his.

“What are you looking at?” Qin Muchen turned to look at her angrily. Then, he seemed to have remembered

something and quickly lifted Beef from her arms. Beef whimpered in anguish as Qin Muchen threw him lightly onto

the carpet. “I’m talking about you!”

Su Ziyue knew that he was venting his anger on Beef. “Go somewhere else to play.” She stroked Beef and tried to

comfort it. Then, she snuggled against Qin Muchen and said, “I guess I should just go and have a look at the box of

flowers. It’s someone’s thoughtful gesture after all…”

“Don’t you dare!” He was even more agitated.

“Then what do you want me to do? You’re angry that I threw it away, but you won’t let me take it back. What do

you want?” Su Ziyue deliberately looked upset.

Hearing that, he got up and went upstairs. Su Ziyue immediately said, “Okay! I’ve seen everything, so don’t be


“Are you fooling with me?” Qin Muchen turned and narrowed his eyes at her.

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“Don’t be mad. How would I know if it was from you? We’re living together, so if you want to give me anything, why

don’t you just give it directly to me?” She no longer seemed to be afraid of him. She tugged on his arm and pulled

out the card from her pocket. Then, she asked excitedly, “Did you draw this yourself?”

Qin Muchen snorted coldly. Seeing her sparkling eyes, he asked uneasily, “You like it?”

Su Ziyue nodded vigorously. “Yeah! Do you know how to draw headshots? Can you draw me? I want one that’s

totally adorbs!”

Qin Muchen frowned slightly. “What’s ‘adorbs’?”

“It means adorable!” She felt that she wasn’t clear, so she pointed at the cartoon characters and said, “Like this!

These two are super adorbs!”

Qin Muchen’s face darkened as he saw the card. After thinking about it for a long time, this was the only way that

he felt would work. If he gifted her expensive items or apologized verbally, it wouldn’t win her back.

“Can you draw a bigger version?”

“What are you going to do with it?” Qin Muchen asked cautiously without agreeing to it.

Su Ziyue smiled brightly and said, “I want to frame it and hang it in our bedroom!”

He was speechless.

“You’re not allowed to say no! You have to consider it seriously!” She rushed up the stairs joyfully like a little girl.

Even though Qin Muchen felt that this wasn’t the most proper solution, after seeing her so happy, he suddenly felt

that her idea of hanging the artwork in their bedroom wasn’t so bad after all. After all, nobody would go into their

bedroom other than the two of them.