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Marry Me Quick

Chapter 200
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Chapter 200

Qin Muchen seized the collar of a man who was lying on the ground. “Tell me, who sent you guys here?”

Just as Su Ziyue was about to get back into the car, she suddenly noticed the glint of something silvery out of the

corner of her eye.

The shine had come from somewhere on the body of the man who was grabbed by Qin Muchen.

After taking a closer look at him, her eyes widened as she realized the glint came from a knife!

She pushed the door open to get out of the car, but before she could warn Qin Muchen, that man had already lifted

the knife and was about to stab Qin Muchen.

Having no time to consider her options, Su Ziyue lunged toward Qin Muchen.

Qin Muchen had noticed her when she was getting out of the car just now. Just as he was about to turn around to

check on her, he saw her diving in his direction, and he instinctively extended his arm to catch her.

In the next instant, the sound of a knife piercing through fabric and stabbing into flesh was heard.

As a man who was usually calm and composed, Qin Muchen’s voice quivered when he shouted the moment he saw

the knife in her back. “Su Ziyue!”

A trace of triumphant joy flickered in the eyes of the man who had stabbed Su Ziyue when he saw that he had

managed to stab someone with his knife. Then, he endured the pain in his body and got to his feet.

Staring at Su Ziyue dazedly, Qin Muchen placed his hands on her back, not daring to touch the knife in her back.

She was in so much pain that she could not even utter a word, and all color drained from her face in an instant.

Tightly, she clutched Qin Muchen’s body as she looked up at him. “Are… you alright…” she spoke laboriously

because of the intense pain.

“Stop talking… Let’s head to the hospital…” Qin Muchen’s hoarse voice sounded like he was muttering to himself

because it was barely audible.

He maintained the same posture to keep her in his arms, his body tense, but he did not dare to relax his muscles.

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A few guys who had been knocked out by Qin Muchen just now had already gotten back to their feet at the

moment. Noticing that Qin Muchen was sitting immobile on the ground with Su Ziyue in his arms, they thought it

was their chance to hurt him.

Just as they were about to launch another attack, several cars suddenly pulled up, and a bunch of guys came out.

As it was obvious that those guys who were advancing on them were Qin Muchen’s men, they had no choice but to

dismiss the idea of attacking Qin Muchen again and started dragging their injured buddies back to their cars.

They had indeed been paid to punish Qin Muchen, but their employer had not informed them of how well their

target was physically trained. They came as a group of more than ten, but now, only a few of them were left


When Nan Chuan alighted his car and saw the bunch of guys who were slumped on the ground, he was secretly

impressed by how skilful his boss still was at fighting.

Yet, when he got closer and saw Qin Muchen sitting dazedly on the ground with Su Ziyue, whose back had been

stabbed by a knife, in his arms, his expression changed drastically.

He turned around and yelled at his men, “Beat them to death and leave one, and make sure he still can speak!”

He grew up as an orphan and had befriended Qin Muchen when he was very young. Both of them were no

pushovers because they had had plenty of experience getting involved in fights during their teenage years.

After giving out his instructions, Nan Chuan then dashed over to his boss and called him, “Mr. Qin?”

It was only then did Qin Muchen come back to his senses. He turned around to glance at Nan Chuan before he

carefully lifted Su Ziyue and carried her back to the car.

Nan Chuan followed behind him, and he was sensible enough to take the driver’s seat without being told to do so.

As he had been working for Qin Muchen for a very long time, he had built a good rapport with his boss.

After carrying Su Ziyue into the car, Qin Muchen carefully held her in his arms and gently stroked her hair.

“Qin Muchen…” she called out his name in a haze, extreme pain coursing through her body. She lay in his arms, her

front facing him.

“I’m here,” he responded to her with a soft voice, his hand still stroking her hair.

As soon as Su Ziyue heard him, her voice turned croaky as she moaned, “It hurts…” The pain was so unbearable

that she did not even feel like opening her eyes, and her voice was feeble.

Qin Muchen’s body jerked immediately after he heard her complaint, and he started exuding a dark and icy aura.

He then thundered at Nan Chuan, who was driving in the front seat, “Didn’t you hear her? Drive faster!”

Shuddering, Nan Chuan quickly adjusted his posture and accelerated.

Su Ziyue, who was still hanging on to her very last bit of consciousness, knew that Qin Muchen was yelling at Nan

Chuan again.

In her eyes, Nan Chuan was a very dedicated employee because he had not taken a single day off for the past

three years.

She mumbled, “Don’t… yell at… Nan…”

Although she was speaking in bits and pieces, Qin Muchen still understood what she was saying.

He used an extremely mellow and gentle voice when he talked to Su Ziyue, a stark contrast compared to his roar at

Nan Chuan. “Okay, I’m not yelling at him. I’ll do everything you say.”

Feeling panic-stricken deep down inside, he grabbed her hands and pulled them to his lips to give them a peck.

“Don’t be scared. We’ll reach the hospital soon.”

“I’m not scared…” Su Ziyue said in a soft voice. Curling the corners of her lips upward with much effort, she added

with a slight trace of joy in her voice, “I know that you won’t let anything happen to me.”

She had no idea where her confidence came from, but she just knew it for some reason.

Qin Muchen seemed to have answered her, but she could not hear him clearly. She twitched her fingers in an

attempt to hold his hands. “Why are your hands shaking…”

And she lost consciousness right after saying that.

Follow on Novᴇl-Onlinᴇ.cᴏm

Startled, Qin Muchen denied, “I’m not shaking.”

Yet, she was not responding to him.

His hands started trembling even more vigorously after that.

After a second of silence, he howled at Nan Chuan, “Drive faster!”

Feeling his chest tighten after being yelled at by Qin Muchen, Nan Chuan was forced to bring up the speed of the

car again.

It was when he finally reached the hospital after exceeding the speed limit throughout the entire journey did he

remember that he had actually examined Su Ziyue’s wound earlier, and it was not that serious.

In the end, he was turned into a bundle of nerves for no reason at all because of his boss.

While Su Ziyue was in the surgery room, Nan Chuan accompanied Qin Muchen to wait outside.

Sitting on the bench, he shook his head at the sight of Qin Muchen pacing back and forth. Then, he fished out a

pack of cigarettes and offered it to him. “Mr. Qin, do you want to take a puff?”

He knew that Qin Muchen was in fact a heavy smoker, but he had cut down ever since he married Su Ziyue.

Yet, he would still smoke whenever something was bothering him.

Also, Nan Chuan knew that everytime Qin Muchen felt troubled, it was related to Su Ziyue, because nothing work-

related was challenging enough to make him feel that way.

Prior to this, he had always seen Qin Muchen as an invincible presence who had no weakness.

Yet, looking at how flustered his boss appeared now, Nan Chuan suddenly realized he was just a normal human too.

Qin Muchen took the packet of cigarettes from him and only managed to calm down slightly after smoking three in

a row.

Just as he was about to take the fourth, he threw it away when he thought of Su Ziyue.

Wiping his face roughly with his hands to wake himself up, his handsome face still looked slightly shaken, but his

voice had already returned to its usual calmness. “Do this yourself—check who hired those guys and tell me as

soon as you find something.”

In response to Qin Muchen’s instruction, Nan Chuan put on a somber look and responded, “I’ll do it now.”