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Married in a Flash Embarking on the Journey to Wealth

Chapter 303
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Chapter 303

Kimberly was taken aback by her colleague’s comment.

“What news?”

“Yesterday, Aurelia planned the opening banquet for One Technology, which Seacester News reported. Aurelia’s

husband, Leslie, went viral as well. It turns out he’s the developer of One Technology's new product.

“I heard that One Technology's new product is overshadowing Synder Corporation this time, and Leslie has a

promising future. Buying a diamond ring is trivial to him. Aurelia, you're really good at. keeping secrets. Your

husband not only looks handsbut is also smart and capable.”

Hearing this, Aurelia immediately explained, “We were collaborating with One Technology, so we both didn’t

disclose our relationship and had to avoid suspicion.”

Fortunately, Jason was in charge of the collaboration, avoiding unnecessary gossip.

When the conversation returned to Aurelia, Kimberly was shocked and took out her phone. After checking the

news, she realized that besides One Technology's trending new product, its developer, Leslie, had also gained


Kimberly gripped her phone tightly in frustration,

She wondered how Aurelia could find a husband better than hers. She thought she was evidently

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much better than Aurelia.

Kimberly interrupted the conversation through gritted teeth.

“So, why didn’t Leslie buy a diamond ring for his new wife if he’s that talented? Aurelia, | heard you two had a

whirlwind romance. Could it be that he simply doesn’t like you?”

Everyone fell silent, and Aurelia didn’t know how to refute it.

Kimberly was right. Leslie didn’t like her. Apart from the marriage certificate, they had nothing else to prove they

were husband and wife.

“Oh, right, there's also a cohabitation agreement,” Aurelia thought.

Kimberly chuckled in response to Aurelia’s silence.

“Oops, did | hit the nail on the head? Sorry, | didn’t expect to be right.”

Aurelia pursed her lips.

“Kimberly, | advise you against talking about others’ marital affairs. If you change your fiancé once more, we

would all have to readjust all over again.

With that, Aurelia waved with the invitation in her hand.

“Why you...”

Chapter 303



Kimberly was so angry her face turned red.

Aurelia ignored her and sat back at her desk to work.

Kimberly had no choice but to take her invitation and gift box to another department.

Just then, a colleague in the front row turned around and leaned closer to Aurelia.

“Aurelia, don’t be upset. | think your husband is great to you. IT guys like them aren’t that romantic.”

Amused, Aurelia nodded.

“Yeah, | don’t mind.”

“I know why Kimberly is trying to cross you. Her fiancé, Jason, is a 50-year-old man. He claims that his wife

passed away in his previous city, so he cto look for a new wife. We all know what he’s truly after. He wants a

wife in his city and another in a different city.”


Aurelia was shocked.

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“My relatives serve rich men in that city, and they do this all the time. So long as you don’t actually file the

marriage papers, they can host as many weddings as they want.

“Well... Does Kimberly know about this?”

“She’s no fool, so how can she not know if the paperwork was filed? She's at her wit’s end. Her uncle introduced

this man to her. This guy paid off her debt with that scum we saw last tand was willing to give her an


“On top of that, he was willing to give her a wedding. Apart from his age, there's not much else that she could be

upset about. With her reputation, no other man would want her. Many married women are itching to fight her

together right now.”

“That's true.”

Aurelia nodded.

The colleague looked at her intently.

“Aurelia, what exactly is happening between you and your husband?”

Aurelia choked, realizing that her colleague was saying all that just to probe about her private life. Chuckling, she

said, “Nothing much. I just don’t want to bring my personal life into my workplace.” This stopped her colleague

from saying anything else, and she smiled awkwardly before turning away.

Half a minute later, Aurelia spotted the scolleague gossiping with another person.

She inwardly sighed a breath of relief, feeling glad that she didn’t reveal too much or she would have been the

person others gossiped about.