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Magic Doctor: CEO Lady’s Humble Husband (full story)

Chapter 368
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Chapter 368

After breakfast, the two of them went out. Even though BigBrother Gu had sent people to search for

Jeremy Lin, theydidnotwant to rely on others. Fade Chen and Quin Lin also wanderedaround the town,

searching for Jeremy However, they didn't findany trace of Jeremy in their journey. Instead, they sawa

lot of businessmen from the investment team. Among them, therewerealso some businessmen they

had met yesterday in the car. However, Fade and Quin had disguised themselves on purposetoday,

and their movements were very swift. They left without waiting for anyone to notice them. As a result,

they did not attractany attention from the crowd. They searched for the whole morning. Then, they had

a casual lunch at a small restaurant outside at noon. They still couldn't find any clues. In the afternoon,

the two of them went to the other side of town, but there werestill no clues. The locals who saw the

picture said that the cluesinthepicture were really limited, In addition to that, there were alot of scenery

that looked similar in Fuma Town, so it was almost impossible for them to determine the exact location

of the photo. Time passed and it was evening. Quin couldn't help but feel alittle depressed. After all,

there was only one day left. If shecouldn't find Jeremy, she was afraid that her brother wouldbekilled.

Just as Quin was feeling disappointed, Fade's cell phonerang. When he saw the caller ID, he realized

that it was a call fromBig Brother Gu. He was suddenly in high spirits as he pickedupthe phone and

said, "Big Brother Gu!" Big Brother Gu's excitedvoice was heard on the other end of the phone. "Mr.

Chen, wefound the location. We found the clues to the location." "Really?Where is the location?" Fade

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asked excitedly. Big Brother Gusaid, "The location is at the foot of Fuma Mountain, at the westernpart

of our town. It is a small village at the foot of the mountain. Thespecific location should be one of the

houses of that village." "Mr. Chen, are you free? Let's meet up. I will bring someone toinformyou on this

matter personally," Big Brother Gu said. "I'mfree, Fade said. "Big Brother Gu, where are you? Let's

meet up,"headded. Big Brother Gu said, "We're at a hotel anyway. Whydon'twe look for a hotel to meet

up and talk while we have a meal?" "Well, okay!" Fade said. "I'm not familiar with the town. BigBrother

Gu, where is the hotel? Let us go there now, he added. Big Brother Gu said, "The Sky Hotel isn't bad at

all. We'll just meet there." "Okay. See you later!" Fade said. "Okay, see youlater" Big Brother Gu said

and then hung up the phone. Quin lookedat Fade with excitement and asked nervously, "Did Big

Brother Gufind any clues?" Fade nodded and said with a smile, "We havesome clues. Let's go to the

Sky Hotel to meet him. We'll chat withhim while eating." While speaking, Fade displayed the

maponhisphone and found the location of the hotel. It was not far away, justtwo streets away. Fade and

Quin walked over quickly. Theyarrived at the entrance of the hotel. It was a five-story buildingwith a

combination of restaurants and accommodations. Thedecorations were magnificent, and this hotel

could be regardedasthe highest-ranking hotel in town. Usually, the business of thishotel was not good.

However, during this period of time, it wasmuch more crowded due to the investment teamof

businessmen. The hotel was full with people and there were not many emptyseats. Fade and Quin

went in quickly and chose seats by thewindow. They ordered some tea and waited for Big Brother

Gu'sarrival. Just as the two of them were taking a sip of tea, a groupof people walked in. Fade glanced

at them and discovered that mostof them were wearing suits and leather shoes. They were also

carrying briefcases. It seemed to him that they were membersof the investment team. When they came

in and sat down, the soundof a clear voice was heard. "Brother and sister, hello! I didn't expect to meet

you here again." Hearing the voice, Fade andQuinturned their heads and saw a young short-haired girl

walkingoutof the group. It was Eileen Yao, whom they had met in the car previously. "Eileen, nice to

see you," Fade and Quin greetedher. Eileen smiled and came over. She lowered her voice andsaid,

"Brother, sister. Both of you got off the car and left at that time. Later, the police arrived. The people in

the car told themabout you, and the police are still looking for you everywhere." Hearingherwords, Fade

knew that Eileen was trying to remind himtobealert, so he smiled and said, "We had something to do at

that time, sowe left in advance. When everything is done, we will talktothepolice. It will not be a

problem." Eileen heard Fade's words, andshe smiled brightly as she said, "That's good! Brother

andsister, I thought that you were members of another investigationteam, but now it seems to me that

that is not the case." Quin wasalsovery fond of Eileen. She smiled and said, "My name is Quin. Thisis

my husband, Fade. We are here to look for our relatives." "Oh!" Eileen pouted and smiled sweetly.

"Sister Lin and Brother Chenare a perfect match indeed! A Hero and a beauty,"she said. Hearing this,

Fade couldn't help but give Eileen an encouraginglook. "Young girl, you are good with your words,"he

said. Then, heasked casually, "That Marco guy didn't harass you, did he?" Ashementioned Marco Ji,

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Eileen pouted. Her small nose became wrinkled and she said, "Hmph, I have cut off all contact

withhimalready. He still wanted to pester me, but I amnowwithmyfather's team, and he has no chance

to communicate withme." "Well, it's good that he didn't harass you." Fade said andnodded.

At this time, another pair of businessmen in suits and tiescamein. Apparently, they were also members

of another investigationteam. Among members of this investigation team, Fade andtheothers spotted

Marco. At this time, this guy was wearing aformal suit, a shirt, and a tie. He was dressed quite properly,

andhelooked like a an elite businessman. Of course, if everyone knewhow ugly and weak he looked in

the car at that time they wouldnot like him. The more one looked at him, the more

disgustingandhypocritical he would seem to others. Eileen couldn't helpbut snort coldly when she saw

Marco. She turned her head awayanddidn't want to look at that guy anymore. At this time, Marco,

whowas sitting with his companions, also spotted Eileen, Fade, andQuin. Suddenly, his face turned

cold and he clenched his fists. When Marco's partners around his age saw this, they couldnot help but

ask, "What's wrong, Marco?" Marco tilted his headandshook his head, saying, "Nothing." However,

when his companions noticed Eileen, they said, "Marco, isn't that your fiancee Eileen? Call her to come

here and let's have a meal together!" These people were also very close to Eileen, andMarcohad the

intention of pursuing her. Therefore, his companionsdirectly termed Eileen as Marco's fiancee. As soon

as theyfinished speaking, his companions immediately turned their heads to look at him. They started

to disturb and mock him. "Yeah, Marco, ask Eileen to have a meal with us!" "We brothers alsowantto

meet our future sister-in-law. Let's get to knoweachother." "Marco, what's wrong? Are you shy? You

don't usually behavelike this." His surrounding companions were lively, but Marco'sface became

gloomier. Finally, some of his companions felt that Marco was behaving in an unusual way and asked,

"Marco, youlook so pale. What's wrong? Did you two have a conflict?".