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Magic Doctor: CEO Lady’s Humble Husband (full story)

Chapter 1783
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"No, I didn't, I just --" Geng Qingshan was obviously afraid of this man and quickly


But the dark shadow said with a strange smile: "don't explain anything to me, I just want

to tell you. If your grandson continues to pursue him, then he will follow your son's

footsteps. Don't blame me for being cruel. "

"No, it won't. Ah Jie will definitely not continue to pursue. I will stop him. " Geng Qingshan

is busy.

"It seems that the relationship between Geng family and him is not bad. Geng Jie is so

close to him?" Xiang Yang looks at Geng Hua.

After hearing this, Geng Hua could not help but say: "it's really something that doesn't

know what to do. When he first came to Donghai City, he offended Xiang's family, Qin's

family and brother Zuo. He was looking for death."

When saying this, Jiang Zihui didn't dare to make a sound, worried that Zuo you knew that

the woman in his mouth was himself.

"It's a cousin of mine. He was in Donghai university a few days ago. Because of the

woman's affairs, he had a conflict with that guy and was beaten by that guy."

Zuo you shook his head and said with disdain, "if you offend me, he is not qualified."

"Why did he offend you, brother Zuo?" Xiang Yang asked.

After listening for a while, Zuo you said in a voice, "this guy, I also have some


"The one who talks wild." When Qin Zihang heard the speech, he could not help but sneer.

After hearing this, Geng Hua added: "it's really arrogant. When he came to my house the

day before yesterday, he looked down on everyone. He also said that he didn't pay

attention to the business of the Qin family."

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"That's him." Qin Ziyu nodded and then added, "that guy is very arrogant. The business

with Qin family broke up a few days ago

"Chen Fei, Longjiang city. That is, the one who killed my brother Xiang Dong? " Xiang Yang

asked in a deep voice.

Without waiting for Geng Hua to respond, Qin Ziyu sneered and said, "it's Chen Fei we met

when we went to Longjiang city."

"Geng Hua, is that your cousin! Who is the man with him? " Xiang Yang asked.

And when Chen Fei looks at Xiang Yang, Xiang Yang's eyes also look at him.

Geng Jie didn't go on, and Chen Fei knew what it meant. Obviously, the Geng family

means that Xiang Yang is a big threat to Chen Fei.

"Originally, Xiang Dong wanted to do the same thing as Xiang Yang, and then retire from

the army, but in the end -"

"he was Xiang Yang, the eldest and youngest of Xiang's family, and also Xiang Dong's

brother. Xiang Yang used to be a soldier in the army, and he retired three years later, but

he did very well in the army. I heard that he had made third-class merit, and his martial

arts strength was also very strong. "

Seeing Chen Fei's attention in the past, Geng Jie immediately introduces Chen Fei.

Men don't have the common fashion and luxury of rich and young dandies. They are just

plain clothes, with a pair of leather boots and a flat head. They are tall and straight, and

they walk in style. It gives people a different sense of oppression.

However, it is not them that attract the most attention. But walking in the middle of them,

a man with a smile, about twenty-six or twenty-seven years old.

Obviously, these people have a good identity. No wonder they attracted people's attention

as soon as they appeared.

In addition, beside them, there was a man in a long robe with a fierce breath, about 30

years old. From Geng Jie, Chen Fei learns that this man is Zuo you, the cousin of Zuo Kui,

the president of Wudao society, who was taught a lesson by Chen Fei outside Donghai

university a few days ago. He is also a close disciple of master Duan Qianshan.

At this time, Qin Zihang was also holding a young girl in her arms, who was also Chen Fei's

acquaintance, Jiang Zihui.

At the moment, in addition to the two of them, Qin Ziyu is accompanied by a young man

in his twenties. After Geng Jie's introduction, he learns that he is Qin Zihang, Qin Ziyu's

cousin, and now a member of the Qin family.

Qin Ziyu, the eldest daughter of the Qin family, and Geng Hua, the second youngest of the

Geng family.

Because among the men and women walking across the street, there are some familiar

faces of Chen Fei.

Seeing these people, Chen Fei couldn't help but shrink his pupils and his eyes narrowed


Chen Fei can't help but look at them, and then they find several young men and women


All of a sudden, the hustle and bustle of the scene quieted down, and everyone's eyes

looked in the same direction.

It wasn't until Geng Jie came that things got better. Geng Jie can ignore those, take the

initiative to hold a glass to two people toast, but attracted the attention of some people on

the field, can't help asking about the relationship between two people and Geng family.

As a result, the two people around seems particularly cold.

Also scruples the face, but also with Su Yunhai two greetings. Those who have no respect

for their feelings simply ignore them and pretend they don't know each other.

In addition, the recent collapse of his cooperation with the Qin family has gradually spread

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in Donghai city. Some businessmen who had a good relationship with him also changed

their attitude towards him.

Although Su Yunhai has been in the East China Sea for some time, he has tried his best to

make friends with some local business people. But after all, the foundation is too shallow

to know many people.However, the excitement is theirs, but it has nothing to do with Su

Yunhai and Chen Fei.

The hotel was full of people. Almost all the business tycoons of Donghai City arrived. A

group of people exchanged greetings and chatted with each other. The scene was quite


The reception time was set in the evening. Chen Fei changed his suit and entered the

hotel with Su Yunhai.

Chen Fei knew that Su Yunhai was still trying to figure out a way for the new company, so

he didn't refuse. He agreed to go to the commercial reception with Su Yunhai.

Chen Fei came back from the Geng family and stayed in the hotel for a day. The next day,

Su Yunhai asked Chen Fei if he had time and invited him to a commercial reception in

Donghai city.

But Geng Qingshan was still standing in the same place, without any action. It wasn't until

more than ten minutes later that he was paralyzed. On the face of ravine crisscross, tears

flow down silently, the cheek seems to be a lot of old.

With that, Geng Qingshan just felt a cold wind around him, and then the shadow


Hearing the words, the shadow said with a smile: "that's the best. This is my last warning

to you and your Geng family. If there is another time, I won't be lenient. "

Geng Hua quickly explained: "brother Yang, you have misunderstood this. We don't have a

good relationship with that guy? Geng Jie wanted to get close to that guy himself. When I

was at my house the day before yesterday, my grandfather was very angry about it

"So it is! Since your Geng family has nothing to do with him, let's meet him. " Xiangyang


"Go, he will go!" They agreed, and then went to Chen Fei together.