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Chapter 92
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Chapter 92 Support

Gianna thought about it. “Do you really want to break up with Ben? What if he objects and

sways things in his favor?” “I’m never going to date a jerk like him even if it means my

life.” Jessica snorted. Gianna replied, “I’ll send something to you. It might be useful.” She

then sent Jessica the video where Ben and Kaylee made out in the airport.

“What is this?” Looking doubtful, Jessica clicked into it. After finishing the video, she felt

her blood running cold, like she was being thrown right into an icy pit, and she shivered in

disgust. “W-When did this happen?”

“The day we met when you bought the car,” Gianna answered. “I went to pick someone

up at the airport. He said he went on a business trip? Yeah, that’s a lie. He just came back

with Kaylee, and I saw them when I went to the restroom.” Jessica hung her head low and

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looked like she was going to cry, much to Gianna’s worry. “Oh, don’t cry. Jerks like him

aren’t worth your tears.”

“I’m not crying for him. I’m crying for myself. I can’t believe how stupid I am for trusting

this jerk for so long.” Jessica’said.

Gianna put her hand on Jessica’s shoulder. “Nobody’s perfect. I’m not trying to make you

sad here. This is just for you and your family to see him for who he is. Since we’re

humans, we’re susceptible to praise, but that doesn’t mean you can lie to yourself forever

just because he sweet talks you. Take the lesson this time and stay away from jerks after


Jessica wiped her tears and hugged Gianna. “Thank you, Gianna.” Gianna nodded. “It’s

fine. Go home now.” After they went their own ways, Gianna went out and saw Silas still

waiting in the car for her. She felt touched and quickly went to it. Since Silas was driving,

Gianna felt weird about it, but she went in anyway. “Mr. Nolan.”

Silas grunted. “When did you get to know her?”

Gianna smiled. “This morning. When I was on the way here, I saw her fighting with Ben in

the lobby. Ben refused to admit to his cheating, and he tried to abuse her, so I helped


Silas was amused. “So you were late not because of the traffic, but because you wanted to

be a hero?”

Oops. In her delight, Gianna had forgotten about their earlier meeting, so she smiled

sheepishly. “You would have helped too if you saw it.”

Silas glanced at her. “I don’t have the habit of interfering with someone else’s personal


Gianna was vexed. “I would have dissuaded them from breaking up if it’s just a normal

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fight, but Ben had crossed the moral line. He tried to justify his cheating and even abused

his fiancée! They aren’t even married yet, so imagine what would happen after they are! I

was just trying to make her see that jerk for who he is!” Gianna spoke quickly.

Her agitation surprised Silas. “I’m just trying to analyze this rationally. It’s hard to say

who’s wrong and who’s right from a simple argument.” Looking at him, Gianna said,

“You’re analyzing this? We women know who’s right instinctively! I saw that jerk making

out with Kaylee! They’ve crossed the line, and this is their fault! No way I’m letting Jessica

eat this humiliating pie!”

Silas looked at her with surprise. No wonder she’s so worked up. So kaylee’s involved.

“You did the right thing. He had chosen to take a step back. That simple sentence

managed to calm Gianna, but it made her think, Why did I get so worked up for?


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