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Chapter 105
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Chapter 105 A Secret Kept

South shook his leg smugly. He could feel his father’s delight going off the charts. “Are we

going to visit Great-grandpa then?” Silas nodded. “Yes.” They exited the KFC restaurant

and went into the car. Silas kept looking at his son through the rear-view mirror, and the

more he looked, the cuter South became. No wonder 1 like him so much. There were

already clues that told him this though. When South went to Nolan Residence last time, he

called Merlin ‘Great-grandpa,’ and the first time Silas went to his house, South gave him

an apple. Both of them eschewed spicy hot pot, and when Gianna said South’s father had

passed, the boy spewed his water out. Silas never expected the woman he wanted to find

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was right around the corner, and she had his kid. South’s right. I let too many clues pass

by me too easily. South grinned, and he thought Silas would have a hard time sleeping

tonight. Once they came to Nolan Residence, they went straight to Merlin’s bedroom.

Merlin was shocked, for he didn’t expect South to come again today, so he called out

happily, “Come here, South.”

South went over, smiling. “Great-grandpa.” Merlin’s beard was twitching with delight.

“How come you’re together with Silas?” South looked at Silas. “Uncle Silas came to pick

me up.” Merlin looked at Silas too, and he noticed Silas looked unusually happy today.

Silas was usually inscrutable, but he was all smiles today. “Something good happened?”

Silas wanted to tell him, but because he promised South to keep this a secret, he bit his

tongue. “Nothing. South told me a good joke.” Merlin looked at South. “Oh? And what

might it be?” A joke? Yeah right. Just great, Daddy. Luckily, he had a treasure trove of

jokes, so he pulled one out. “There’s this one time someone asked the Internet which

summer camp she should send her child to. Everyone gave her good ideas, but she

refused them. Well, that’s confusing, but then she added that she’s an anti-vaxxer, so her

son wasn’t vaccinated. Then get this: someone gave the perfect answer. You know what

he said?” South paused for dramatic effect, and Silas and Merlin shook their heads. “He

said, ‘Yeah, there’s a perfect summer camp for your kid. It’s called the cemetery.” Both of

them guffawed at the punchline. “Oh my god, he killed her!” Merlin’s beard was almost

dancing with delight, and South grinned. “One . more game, South. I’m going to win this

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time.” “Sure.” South nodded. They set the chess board, and Silas stayed with them,

though he didn’t feel bored. Instead, he felt content, like he was reliving his childhood.

When he played chess with Merlin, Merlin would always hold back, though sometimes he

would let loose so Silas would want to get even. Now, Merlin was doing the same thing to

South. The scene almost made him tear up. Grandpa, he’s my son and your great-

grandson. Silas and South stayed at the residence until one before they left. Merlin

stopped Silas and whispered, “Did you read the file I sent you, Rocky?” “I did.” Silas was

surprised. “Read it closely.” Merlin frowned.

That caught Silas by surprise, so he grunted, though he was perplexed. On the way home,

he still thought about that cryptic message his grandfather left him. “What’s your plan?”

South quipped. Silas was surprised, and his mind lagged for a bit. “What?”


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