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Loving my Rejected Luna

Chapter 107
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Heather came down from the cab in front of Levi’s Villa and saw Daniel leaning against his car, waiting for her. He

was dressed in a black suit and he looked absolutely delicious.

She paid the cab driver then walked up to him. As soon as he noticed her, he walked up to her with a smile.

“You came,” She shrugged.

“I do live here so I was bound to come anyway. Can we leave now?” He nodded then they walked back to the car

and he opened her door for her. She knew he was trying to impress her but she was just shocked to see Daniel be a


He climbed into his side then smiled at her before starting the car and driving away.

“So how was your day? Did you do anything eventful?” He questioned as he drove and she sighed.

“You do know I was with Liam right? I feel so bad that I had to leave him to go on a date with you. This won’t be

happening again, you know” Daniel smiled.

“It will all be worth it, trust me” She scoffed.

“Worth it, how? I’m sure I’m going to regret my decision before the days run out” Daniel sighed.

“Why are you being mean to me? I just want to make it up to you and show that I love you but you’re making it

hard on me” She turned to him with a raised eyebrow.

“What were you expecting? That I’d welcome you with open arms? You hurt me, Daniel in more ways that you know

and you’re going to do more than just saying you love me to change that” He sighed.

“I’m sorry, I just… I’m not good with words, so I just wanted to show you instead do you’d believe me” She stared at

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him for a while but didn’t say anything.

When they got to the venue, Heather was surprised by it. She had expected them to go to a restaurant or

something but they were at the movies?

“We are going to watch a movie?” She questioned as he took her hand.

“Yes love. Don’t you like movies?” She nodded.

“I do but I… I didn’t think we’d be coming to the movies” He chuckled.

“Don’t worry, love, okay?” She sighed then walked in with her. The place wasn’t really full compared to how It was

anytime she came here with Kiara.

She furrowed her eyebrows when Daniel just walked past the counter and didn’t bother to get them tickets or

something to eat during the movie.

“Erm… Daniel? Where are we going? And about popcorn?” She questioned and he paused before turning to her

with a smile.

“We don’t need tickets for this because the movie is about us” She furrowed her eyebrows but before she could

question him, he walked into the theater. She followed him and gasped when she saw the inside.

They were the only ones in the theater and there were balloons and flowers everywhere. It was beautiful!

“What’s all this?” She questioned as she walked down to the front and saw the snack bar by the side.

“Our very own movie. Sit, let the movie begin” She furrowed her eyebrows but sat down beside him as she stared

at the big screen.

She suddenly gasped when her picture showed up on the big screen. She was bending over a lake and staring at

her reflection, giggling and laughing because of something Daniel had said. She was completely oblivious to him

taking a video of her.

“You… I didn’t even know you were taking a video of me at that time” She muttered with her eyes glued to the


“I found my old phone that I used when we were dating and when I turned it on, it was full with your pictures and

videos. I remember always taking pictures of you unaware or taking videos of you unaware because I just loved

doing that then I would watch them at night with a smile on my face. I don’t know how I forgot all about this but I

was literally obsessed with you. Anytime we would separate to go meet our family, you would be the only one on

my mind and I’d be counting down the hours before I could see you again” She was crying full blown now as she

listened to Daniel’s voice and watched the video.

The video now showing on the screen was of them laying on the bed and she was smiling and laughing at him while

he filmed out. Inside the video, he uttered the word ‘I love you’ several times and even placed a kiss on her lips and

a bright smile appeared on her face. It has been so long since she smiled like that.

“If we were so in love and you loved me so much, why did you…. Why did you make me reject you? Why did you tell

me you fell out of love?” He sighed as he clenched his fist.

“At a point, I did stop loving you because I was falling in love with someone else” She turned to him and she prayed

he wasn’t about to say who she thought he was going to say.

“And who might that be?” He sighed.

“I didn’t know when the feelings started and trust me, I tried pushing it aside because I knew it was wrong but I

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just… I just couldn’t and….”

“You fell in love with Kiara? My best friend? Your best friend’s woman?” She asked in disbelief. He had been in love

with Kiara? He immediately grabbed her hand when he saw the shock on her face.

“You have to believe me, I was shocked as well when I figured it out. I didn’t want to like her so I tried forgetting

about her and focusing on you but she always came around me and Liam because of Zane and she was smart and

sweet to us. I… know it’s wrong and I didn’t want to ever say it out because I knew you were going to get hurt by

this but… I’ve decided to come clean” She scoffed as she stood up from the chair.

“The worst thing a man can ever do to me is be in love with my best friend. How could you? How could you?” She

was utterly shocked. She had never expected such words to come out of Daniel’s mouth.

He immediately stood up and grabbed her hand.

“Please don’t be mad at me and I swear, I don’t love her anymore, I love you and I always loved you” She snatched

her hand out of his and sneered.

“Don’t ever reach out to me again, I do not want to see your face” Before he could stop her, she ran out of the

theater and didn’t stop running till she couldn’t feel his presence anymore before she dialed Liam’s number.

He picked on the first ring and when he heard her crying, he immediately asked her what was wrong?

“Please come pick me up, I don’t know where I am” She murmured as tears flowed down her cheeks.

“On your location, I’ll be right there” As promised, after some minutes, Liam’s car pulled up in front of her and he

got out. She ran up to him and wrapped her arms around him as she cried on his chest.

“Are you okay?” Without answering, she smashed her lips on his. She had to forget About Daniel and the only way

to do that was to move on.

“Make love to me, Liam”