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Love's Perfect Match

Chapter 74
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Chapter 74 Tampering with Documents Without Permission

I know in my heart whether Ophelia cares about me, thought Elspeth. After darting a frosty look at Ophelia, she

returned to her desk.

Elspeth’s desk had been piled high with documents before, but it was now empty. She frowned and asked the

colleague next to her, “Where are my documents?” I’d gone to great pains searching for those documents for a

long time, and they were already half-finished. Why are they missing all of a sudden?

The colleague eyed her warily, saying, “Ophelia took those documents away. You were away for a long time, so she

helped you take care of them.”

So, something I’d only half-finished was taken away, finished, and taken credit for by someone else? Elspeth could

hardly keep calm. She took a deep breath, but unexpectedly, just when she was about to confront Ophelia about

this, Ophelia came to her of her own accord. She asked, “What’s the meaning of this, Ophelia?”

Ophelia replied, “Don’t get all worked up, Elspeth. I did take care of those documents, but I did so for your own

good, mostly because I didn’t know when you’d be back. Surely you wouldn’t want our company’s business to be

delayed as well. If our progress got held up because you weren’t back for a long time, you might not be able to

bear the consequences.”

Elspeth let out a faint chuckle. “I know about these progresses, so I know very well whether they’ll get held up or

not. They’re none of your concern, Miss Fleming.”

Ophelia retorted, “Elspeth, I only did this for the sake of the company. It didn’t matter if you alone were away, but

some of these contracts involved teamwork. Won’t you feel sorry for wasting everyone else’s time?”

These words heightened the seriousness of the situation.

Elspeth realized that Ophelia had become more skillful at talking since her return. She raised her eyes and looked

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around, saying, “Does any of you here think Miss Fleming has been held up? Just tell me so that I don’t have to ask

every one of you.”

Ophelia’s face froze for a moment. “In any case, don’t get too upset about it. After all, although it was me who

finished those documents, I uploaded them in your name, so you don’t have to worry about it.”

Elspeth looked at Ophelia suspiciously. How could she possibly be so kind-hearted?

Just as she had expected, she received a phone call in the afternoon from the investor, who claimed something was

wrong with the design sketches. Some data didn’t tally at all, so the manufactured product wasn’t functioning as it


Elspeth was startled for a moment. It’s just as I expected.

The investor’s voice had a hint of anger to it as it sounded on the other end of the line. “Good thing I made a test

product first. If I had put it into production right away, I’d have lost a lot of money this time.”

“Don’t worry, sir. I’ll revise the design now and send it to you this evening.”

Elspeth turned on her computer, only to realize that her backup files were all missing. Don’t tell me this was also

Ophelia’s doing? She gnashed her teeth in hatred. However, the top priority right now was to come up with a new

plan as soon as possible instead of blaming Ophelia for what had happened.

She read through the plan; the investor asked for a design that was cool and alluring. The word ‘cool’ instantly

brings the moon to mind, but what about ‘alluring’? she pondered while thoughtlessly drawing lines on the paper.

Eventually, as she looked at the indistinct outline, her eyes suddenly lit up.

A silver fox with alluringly fine eyes is strolling in the moonlight. Its eyes have to be ornamented with sapphire,

which can have a small diamond mounted on top. The moon has to be surrounded by a veil of mist made of silver

threads to make the fox appear even hazier. She even had a name for it. Let’s call it ‘The Silver Fox and the Moon.’

Having done all this, she emailed the plan to the investor.

As she had expected, the investor was full of praise after seeing her design. “You’re indeed marvelous, Miss

Lynwood. Only you can come up with such a design.” The investor’s satisfied voice came through the phone. “I

didn’t wait for you for nothing. Well, since this is the case, I’ll officially put this into production this time. Let’s hope

your design can break the sales record again, Miss Lynwood.”

“Thanks for your compliment, Mr. Crowley.”

Elspeth’s work had always sold well, which was why the investor collaborated with her.

On the first day of the product launch, ‘The Silver Fox and the Moon’ was met with universal acclaim as soon as it

was promoted on the official website.

A netizen commented, ‘Oh, my God! This is so beautiful! Just as expected of Elspeth Lynwood, whose work is always


Another commented, ‘I love “The Silver Fox and the Moon” so much. I haven’t had the chance to buy the previous

ones, which were all matching accessories for couples, but this one is simply fabulous!’

The third commented, ‘I’m gonna wage a war against whoever says that Elspeth Lynwood’s design is ugly!’

Gloom enveloped Ophelia when she saw these news reports. I remember having made substantial changes to this

work. It can’t possibly look like this! Don’t tell me Elspeth made a new design in just one afternoon? Is this how

gifted she is?

She was consumed with jealousy. Thinking of how Elspeth could easily create a new design, she became

increasingly worried that Callum would be attracted to the former.

At the thought of this, she suddenly realized that her engagement to Callum had to be finalized as soon as possible,

or Elspeth might come between them anytime. If they were to end up becoming a couple, everything she had done

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would come to nothing. After much deliberation, she called Margot and told her that she would be coming to the

Winthrop Residence for dinner this evening.

Margot had grown fonder of Ophelia since the latter’s change of character, so she was naturally happy that the

latter would be coming over.

Elspeth knitted her brows when she came home in the evening to find that Ophelia was also present.

Ophelia said, “Elspeth, you won’t be displeased at my coming here, right?” She sensed Elspeth’s displeasure, but

she deliberately pierced her in this sore spot. “I miss Mrs. Winthrop very much, so I came here specially to join her

for dinner. You won’t mind my coming here, will you?”

Margot smiled happily upon hearing this. “How is that possible? This house belongs to the Winthrops, not the

Lynwoods. Just come here as you please. Who would dare to forbid you from visiting?”

Irritated by the sight of this, Elspeth said, “Of course, I won’t. Suit yourself.” She no longer had an appetite for

dinner, as Ophelia’s presence only made her feel incredibly disgusted.

Just then, Ophelia urged, “Elspeth, even if you don’t like me, you should show some respect for Mrs. Winthrop, no?

She cooked a feast all by herself today. You should more or less eat a little, no?” She sounded like she was advising

Elspeth, but anyone would feel uncomfortable listening to this.

When Margot heard this, she got displeased as well. “That’s right, Elspeth. It took me a lot of trouble to make this.

You won’t go so far as to waste the food, right?”

Seeing how the pair completed each other’s sentences, Elspeth felt a headache coming on; she had no choice but

to seat herself at the dining table.

After a while, Callum came home as well. Seeing Ophelia at the dining table, he asked coldly, “Why are you here as


Never did Ophelia think Callum would embarrass her like this in front of others. After being startled for a moment,

she replied, “I miss Mrs. Winthrop, so I came over to see her—”