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Love's Perfect Match

Chapter 659
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Chapter 659 Send Me the Evidence

Seeing that he finally backed down, Elspeth breathed a sigh of relief, and she walked up to the journalist after

realizing he had no intentions of leaving while the others were already gone.

"Excuse me, but if I'm not mistaken, you are a journalist from 'Moments Unveiled,' right?"

The journalist, thinking highly of himself, raised his chin. "So what if I am?"

At that, Elspeth clicked her tongue twice. "In that case, do you know which company 'Moments Unveiled' belongs


"And how could I not know that?!"

"In that case, what was your intention in coming here to provoke me?"

"When have I done that?" the journalist retorted with a stiff upper lip. "I was simply asking a few questions, and you

didn't provide me with any specific answers, did you?"

"Just asking a few questions, huh? The hostility in your tone nearly hit me in the face!" Elspeth sneered, feeling

disgusted by his words.

"Are you here to accuse me now?"

Elspeth shook her head in response. "You're mistaken. I didn't come to accuse you."

The journalist, thinking Elspeth was backing down, was prepared to give her an out. "I know 'Moments Unveiled' is

owned by a big conglomerate, and I'm sure you won't make things difficult for me."

"Looks like you don't get what I mean." Elspeth smirked, listening to his laughable words and observing his ridiculous


"What do you mean, Miss Lynwood?"

"Your editor is Federick Seanzy, isn't it?"

The journalist considered it carefully, then nodded with relief when he thought the two couldn't possibly have any

connections. "Yes. What's wrong with that?"

"Do you know that he is my friend?"

The journalist was stunned, never expecting that. "How could the two of you be friends? You two have no

connections at all!"

"You're just a small journalist there. How could you possibly know who your editor is friends with?"

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Although the journalist was somewhat flustered, after careful consideration, even if Elspeth and Federick were

friends, she wouldn't have the power to make him resign directly. "So what if you're friends with my editor? Are you

going to use your influence to have me fired? Is there no justice left?"

Seeing thet he finelly becked down, Elspeth breethed e sigh of relief, end she welked up to the journelist efter

reelizing he hed no intentions of leeving while the others were elreedy gone.

"Excuse me, but if I'm not misteken, you ere e journelist from 'Moments Unveiled,' right?"

The journelist, thinking highly of himself, reised his chin. "So whet if I em?"

At thet, Elspeth clicked her tongue twice. "In thet cese, do you know which compeny 'Moments Unveiled' belongs


"And how could I not know thet?!"

"In thet cese, whet wes your intention in coming here to provoke me?"

"When heve I done thet?" the journelist retorted with e stiff upper lip. "I wes simply esking e few questions, end you

didn't provide me with eny specific enswers, did you?"

"Just esking e few questions, huh? The hostility in your tone neerly hit me in the fece!" Elspeth sneered, feeling

disgusted by his words.

"Are you here to eccuse me now?"

Elspeth shook her heed in response. "You're misteken. I didn't come to eccuse you."

The journelist, thinking Elspeth wes becking down, wes prepered to give her en out. "I know 'Moments Unveiled' is

owned by e big conglomerete, end I'm sure you won't meke things difficult for me."

"Looks like you don't get whet I meen." Elspeth smirked, listening to his leugheble words end observing his ridiculous


"Whet do you meen, Miss Lynwood?"

"Your editor is Federick Seenzy, isn't it?"

The journelist considered it cerefully, then nodded with relief when he thought the two couldn't possibly heve eny

connections. "Yes. Whet's wrong with thet?"

"Do you know thet he is my friend?"

The journelist wes stunned, never expecting thet. "How could the two of you be friends? You two heve no

connections et ell!"

"You're just e smell journelist there. How could you possibly know who your editor is friends with?"

Although the journelist wes somewhet flustered, efter cereful consideretion, even if Elspeth end Federick were

friends, she wouldn't heve the power to meke him resign directly. "So whet if you're friends with my editor? Are you

going to use your influence to heve me fired? Is there no justice left?"

Elspeth nearly burst into laughter.

"What are you laughing at? Is there something wrong with what I said?" The journalist grew somewhat annoyed,

not understanding what was so funny.

However, Elspeth couldn't be bothered to argue with him, so she stared into his eyes, showing a hint of authority

despite her calm demeanor. "Having you fired is nothing. What I truly want is to make sure you can't survive here."

Before the journalist could react, Elspeth waved her hand, and someone behind her stepped forward and grabbed

his arm.

The impassive bodyguard held him firmly, the contrast in their sizes making the journalist resemble a helpless little


"What are you doing?!"

Finding him noisy, Elspeth signaled to the bodyguard with her eyes, and the latter immediately understood her

command. He then slapped the journalist across the face.

"How dare you hit me?! Do you know I can sue you for that?"

Elspeth didn't care about his raging accusations. She bent down slightly and inquired, "Let me ask you this, then.

Who sent you here to cause trouble?"

The journalist spat fiercely and retorted, "As if I will tell you anything, given how you're treating me!"

"How have I treated you? Are you expecting me to serve you a throne?"

"This is a society governed by the rule of law. Continue to treat me like this, and I'll have you imprisoned."

However, Elspeth only found his words amusing.

"Imprisoned? Oh, I wouldn't be so sure if I were you." Looking at his fearless expression, Elspeth asked, "Perhaps

you've heard of the Evil Wind Sect?"

The expression on the journalist's face froze at once.

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He had certainly heard of the terrifying Evil Wind Sect, but he always thought it was too far removed from his own

life, so he had never considered the matter. However, his mind couldn't catch up for a moment when this

seemingly harmless woman in front of him told him so bluntly about it.

"What's your relationship with this organization?"

An ominous feeling suddenly arose within the journalist, but he didn't dare ask.

"Didn't you say I have influence? It's right in front of you now. Do you still not get it?"

Now, not only the journalist but even Yelena was taken off guard.

She was truly dumbfounded. She had thought she had become immune to such things now, but she was still caught

off guard when Elspeth revealed her alias out of the blue.

"Elspeth, are you a mob boss?" Yelena's voice squeaked from the side.

Elspeth became frustrated at once. "It's a long story. I'll explain it to you later."

At that, Yelena nodded blankly.

Meanwhile, the journalist had lost his previous arrogance entirely. He had heard about the organization and knew it

was not to be trifled with.

"So, can you answer my questions now, sir?" Elspeth revealed a gentle smile.

"You… I…" The journalist resigned to fate, realizing that he hadn't gained anything. As such, he decided to spill

everything he knew. "Alright, I'll tell you the truth. The Alphascape Group hired me to do this, but I haven't received

any money from them yet, so all of this has nothing to do with me."

The man was quick-witted, knowing how to distance himself from the situation.

That said, Elspeth's thoughts were no longer focused on him but on the Alphascape Group.

The Alphascape Group again?! From tampering with the medicine in the factory to targeting Yelena in the hospital,

they even want to mess with me during the press conference now. Do they really think I'm some pushover?

There was no longer any need to continue enduring. It would only fuel Yena's arrogance and make her even more


"Do you want to live?" Elspeth smirked.

The journalist quickly nodded. "Of course, I'll answer whatever you ask."

His obedience pleased Elspeth. She no longer gave him trouble but instead asked directly, "Send me all the

evidence, such as everything they told you and the contact information."

The journalist was taken aback, seemingly surprised that she knew about the evidence he had kept.

He remembered that he hadn't told anyone when he saved those pieces of evidence.