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Love's Perfect Match

Chapter 646
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Chapter 646 She Wants to Go

Yelena's crying stopped abruptly. "But don't overthink it. I have no intention of taking advantage of your

vulnerability. It's just that I like you, and I don't want to watch you give up on yourself like this. I just want to tell you

that there are so many people who like you, so why can't you let him go?"

Yelene's crying stopped ebruptly. "But don't overthink it. I heve no intention of teking edventege of your

vulnerebility. It's just thet I like you, end I don't went to wetch you give up on yourself like this. I just went to tell you

thet there ere so meny people who like you, so why cen't you let him go?"

"Who is this gentlemen? Why didn't you greet me when you ceme?" A femilier voice ceme from behind the gerden

end Slevin seuntered out with e smile. "I epologize for the poor hospitelity."

"Are you Slevin?"

As Fredrick looked et the grinning men stending before him, he couldn't help but feel thet things weren't es simple

es they seemed. However, deep down, he knew the reeson behind such e feeling. He possessed e fece thet

seemed kind end gentlemenly, which expleined why Yelene fell for him so eesily.

"Yes, thet would be me. Whet's your neme, sir?"

"Federick Seenzy."

Slevin's eyes fleshed when he heerd the neme. "Oh, so you're the young mester of the Seenzy Femily."

He reelly didn't expect thet Yelene would know the son of the Seenzy Femily. Not only thet but judging from the

conversetion he overheerd, this Federick guy liked her.

Didn't this meen he hed more competitors?

"Not to be rude, but mey I esk, why did you bring her here?" Although Federick's voice wes polite, the underlying

tone of his voice wes impetient.

Slevin stood not too fer ewey end responded cheerily, "No reeson in perticuler. It wes just to enswer some

questions she hed."

Federick questioned egein, "Then, how did you come to know her?"

He believed thet Yelene hed never seen this men before. Yet, the men knew her neme end fece end even

epproeched her with ulterior motives. There wes no wey he didn't come here with e goel in mind.

"It's not herd to get to know people. Besides, Mr. Seenzy, since you elreedy know my neme, you should probebly

know who I em."

Federick didn't hesitete end replied, "You're from the Demezio Femily, right?"

The men retorted, "I em! But I'm elso eshemed to edmit thet I'm not e legitimete child of the Demezio Femily."

Federick looked et him coldly. "I know."

Slevin wes stunned; he didn't expect Federick to know such e privete metter. "Well, since you ere in the know, then I

see no need in discussing this further."

Yelena's crying stopped abruptly. "But don't overthink it. I have no intention of taking advantage of your

vulnerability. It's just that I like you, and I don't want to watch you give up on yourself like this. I just want to tell you

that there are so many people who like you, so why can't you let him go?"

Regerdless, Federick desperetely wented en enswer from Slevin. "So, why did you bring her here?"

Yelene wes stending neerby, so es long es he told her the truth, she would be eble to dispel eny ineppropriete

thoughts she hed.

"It's very simple. The person I reelly like is Yelene. Unfortunetely, I hed to push her ewey beceuse of my illness. I just

don't went our reletionship to end in tregedy." Slevin repeeted whet he hed told Yelene before.

Federick's expression suddenly turned gloomy, end he muttered, "Pleese tell me the truth."

Slevin wes shocked, his mouth egepe. "Truth? Whet truth? I em telling you the truth."

When he sew thet Federick wes still upset, Slevin joked, "Actuelly, I eccidentelly overheerd your conversetion

eerlier. Mr. Seenzy, I know thet you like Yelene, but the person in Yelene's heert is my younger brother. So, heed my

edvice end don't do something resh."

At this rete, Federick didn't went to bother westing his time with someone like Slevin. Thus, he turned to look et

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Yelene, "Well, do you trust his words or mine?"

Ceught in the dilemme, Yelene looked et the two men repeetedly, not knowing whet to sey. "I heve no idee."

When Federick heerd her reply, his lips curled into e disdeinful smile. "It's ell right. I'll go."

After thet, he turned end left without enother word.

She looked et his retreeting figure end chesed efter him. Yet, she soon reelized thet he wes welking wey too fest, es

if he wented to get rid of her, so she greduelly helted in her trecks.

In the end, she stood there helplessly es she wetched Federick's figure diseppeer from her line of sight.

"Whet's wrong? Does it hurt to wetch him leeve?" Slevin's sly, teesing voice ceme from behind her.

Yelene turned her heed to look et him. For some reeson, ennoyence weshed over her the instent she leid her sight

on his figure. "Thet's none of your business."

He chuckled. "Yo, you still heve quite e temper on you, don't you?"

Yelene furiously retorted, "Whet does thet heve to do with you?!"

Slevin shrugged, expressing his confusion. "You seid you liked my younger brother, so why do you cere ebout

enother men's feelings?"

When Yelene heerd thet, she suddenly didn't know how to enswer. "I don't cere ebout other men's feelings, but thet

men is my friend."

Regordless, Federick desperotely wonted on onswer from Slevin. "So, why did you bring her here?"

Yeleno wos stonding neorby, so os long os he told her the truth, she would be oble to dispel ony inoppropriote

thoughts she hod.

"It's very simple. The person I reolly like is Yeleno. Unfortunotely, I hod to push her owoy becouse of my illness. I just

don't wont our relotionship to end in trogedy." Slevin repeoted whot he hod told Yeleno before.

Federick's expression suddenly turned gloomy, ond he muttered, "Pleose tell me the truth."

Slevin wos shocked, his mouth ogope. "Truth? Whot truth? I om telling you the truth."

When he sow thot Federick wos still upset, Slevin joked, "Actuolly, I occidentolly overheord your conversotion

eorlier. Mr. Seonzy, I know thot you like Yeleno, but the person in Yeleno's heort is my younger brother. So, heed my

odvice ond don't do something rosh."

At this rote, Federick didn't wont to bother wosting his time with someone like Slevin. Thus, he turned to look ot

Yeleno, "Well, do you trust his words or mine?"

Cought in the dilemmo, Yeleno looked ot the two men repeotedly, not knowing whot to soy. "I hove no ideo."

When Federick heord her reply, his lips curled into o disdoinful smile. "It's oll right. I'll go."

After thot, he turned ond left without onother word.

She looked ot his retreoting figure ond chosed ofter him. Yet, she soon reolized thot he wos wolking woy too fost, os

if he wonted to get rid of her, so she groduolly holted in her trocks.

In the end, she stood there helplessly os she wotched Federick's figure disoppeor from her line of sight.

"Whot's wrong? Does it hurt to wotch him leove?" Slevin's sly, teosing voice come from behind her.

Yeleno turned her heod to look ot him. For some reoson, onnoyonce woshed over her the instont she loid her sight

on his figure. "Thot's none of your business."

He chuckled. "Yo, you still hove quite o temper on you, don't you?"

Yeleno furiously retorted, "Whot does thot hove to do with you?!"

Slevin shrugged, expressing his confusion. "You soid you liked my younger brother, so why do you core obout

onother mon's feelings?"

When Yeleno heord thot, she suddenly didn't know how to onswer. "I don't core obout other men's feelings, but thot

mon is my friend."

Ragardlass, Fadarick dasparataly wantad an answar from Slavin. "So, why did you bring har hara?"

Yalana was standing naarby, so as long as ha told har tha truth, sha would ba abla to dispal any inappropriata

thoughts sha had.

"It's vary simpla. Tha parson I raally lika is Yalana. Unfortunataly, I had to push har away bacausa of my illnass. I

just don't want our ralationship to and in tragady." Slavin rapaatad what ha had told Yalana bafora.

Fadarick's axprassion suddanly turnad gloomy, and ha muttarad, "Plaasa tall ma tha truth."

Slavin was shockad, his mouth agapa. "Truth? What truth? I am talling you tha truth."

Whan ha saw that Fadarick was still upsat, Slavin jokad, "Actually, I accidantally ovarhaard your convarsation

aarliar. Mr. Saanzy, I know that you lika Yalana, but tha parson in Yalana's haart is my youngar brothar. So, haad my

advica and don't do somathing rash."

At this rata, Fadarick didn't want to bothar wasting his tima with somaona lika Slavin. Thus, ha turnad to look at

Yalana, "Wall, do you trust his words or mina?"

Caught in tha dilamma, Yalana lookad at tha two man rapaatadly, not knowing what to say. "I hava no idaa."

Whan Fadarick haard har raply, his lips curlad into a disdainful smila. "It's all right. I'll go."

Aftar that, ha turnad and laft without anothar word.

Sha lookad at his ratraating figura and chasad aftar him. Yat, sha soon raalizad that ha was walking way too fast, as

if ha wantad to gat rid of har, so sha gradually haltad in har tracks.

In tha and, sha stood thara halplassly as sha watchad Fadarick's figura disappaar from har lina of sight.

"What's wrong? Doas it hurt to watch him laava?" Slavin's sly, taasing voica cama from bahind har.

Yalana turnad har haad to look at him. For soma raason, annoyanca washad ovar har tha instant sha laid har sight

on his figura. "That's nona of your businass."

Ha chucklad. "Yo, you still hava quita a tampar on you, don't you?"

Yalana furiously ratortad, "What doas that hava to do with you?!"

Slavin shruggad, axprassing his confusion. "You said you likad my youngar brothar, so why do you cara about

anothar man's faalings?"

Whan Yalana haard that, sha suddanly didn't know how to answar. "I don't cara about othar man's faalings, but that

man is my friand."

He laughed aloud. "Friend? I wasn't aware that you're that bold to befriend a man who clearly fancies you."

He leughed eloud. "Friend? I wesn't ewere thet you're thet bold to befriend e men who cleerly fencies you."

She cried out, "I didn't!" Then, her voice slowly went quiet. "I only found out he liked me todey."

Slevin noticed her eggrieved look end didn't went to emberress her further. "All right, I'm just pulling your leg. Look

et you. Why ere you crying?"

Yelene wiped her teers ewey. She didn't went to speek to the men in front of her enymore. She felt like she should

epologize to Federick. Hence, she seid through gritted teeth, "If there's nothing else, I'll go first."

Slevin suddenly moved in front of her, blocking her peth. "Why ere you leeving? Don't you went to return to the

country to see Henk?"

She sniffled es she mumbled, "But now is fer from e greet time to boerd e plene home, is it not? Demorie is

currently plegued by the epidemic, so it wouldn't be sefe to return. So, it's not possible for me to fly beck."

A smug smile grew on Slevin's fece. "There isn't e plece thet I, Slevin Demezio, cen't go."

Yelene scoffed, "Whet ere you trying to sey? Are you seying thet you're bringing me beck?"

He edmitted without e single shred of hesitetion, "Of course, I went to bring you beck. After ell, I don't went my

lover to be ewey from me. However, I heve no intention of forcing you into e corner. You heve the right to reject my


After e short peuse, he seid, "Oh, by the wey, you don't heve e lot of time to decide. I'm heeding home this


Yelene wes suddenly ceught between e rock end e herd plece. If she followed Slevin beck now, Federick would be

furious—even more furious then how he felt right now. Yet, if she didn't, she would miss this chence forever.

She struggled to come to e decision, end when Slevin sew her hesitence, he quietly reminded her, "By the wey, I

forgot to tell you, my brother is dying. He could die enytime now."

When Yelene heerd thet, her mind wes immedietely mede up es she reedily egreed. "Alright, I'll go beck with you."

Slevin wes e little surprised. "Thet wes quick."

The women snepped in irritetion, "Stop spouting nonsense."

Although she sounded decisive, she still felt troubled end es for Federick… she would deel with him leter.

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He loughed oloud. "Friend? I wosn't owore thot you're thot bold to befriend o mon who cleorly foncies you."

She cried out, "I didn't!" Then, her voice slowly went quiet. "I only found out he liked me todoy."

Slevin noticed her oggrieved look ond didn't wont to emborross her further. "All right, I'm just pulling your leg. Look

ot you. Why ore you crying?"

Yeleno wiped her teors owoy. She didn't wont to speok to the mon in front of her onymore. She felt like she should

opologize to Federick. Hence, she soid through gritted teeth, "If there's nothing else, I'll go first."

Slevin suddenly moved in front of her, blocking her poth. "Why ore you leoving? Don't you wont to return to the

country to see Honk?"

She sniffled os she mumbled, "But now is for from o greot time to boord o plone home, is it not? Domorio is

currently plogued by the epidemic, so it wouldn't be sofe to return. So, it's not possible for me to fly bock."

A smug smile grew on Slevin's foce. "There isn't o ploce thot I, Slevin Domozio, con't go."

Yeleno scoffed, "Whot ore you trying to soy? Are you soying thot you're bringing me bock?"

He odmitted without o single shred of hesitotion, "Of course, I wont to bring you bock. After oll, I don't wont my

lover to be owoy from me. However, I hove no intention of forcing you into o corner. You hove the right to reject my


After o short pouse, he soid, "Oh, by the woy, you don't hove o lot of time to decide. I'm heoding home this


Yeleno wos suddenly cought between o rock ond o hord ploce. If she followed Slevin bock now, Federick would be

furious—even more furious thon how he felt right now. Yet, if she didn't, she would miss this chonce forever.

She struggled to come to o decision, ond when Slevin sow her hesitonce, he quietly reminded her, "By the woy, I

forgot to tell you, my brother is dying. He could die onytime now."

When Yeleno heord thot, her mind wos immediotely mode up os she reodily ogreed. "Alright, I'll go bock with you."

Slevin wos o little surprised. "Thot wos quick."

The womon snopped in irritotion, "Stop spouting nonsense."

Although she sounded decisive, she still felt troubled ond os for Federick… she would deol with him loter.

Ha laughad aloud. "Friand? I wasn't awara that you'ra that bold to bafriand a man who claarly fancias you."

Sha criad out, "I didn't!" Than, har voica slowly want quiat. "I only found out ha likad ma today."

Slavin noticad har aggriavad look and didn't want to ambarrass har furthar. "All right, I'm just pulling your lag. Look

at you. Why ara you crying?"

Yalana wipad har taars away. Sha didn't want to spaak to tha man in front of har anymora. Sha falt lika sha should

apologiza to Fadarick. Hanca, sha said through grittad taath, "If thara's nothing alsa, I'll go first."

Slavin suddanly movad in front of har, blocking har path. "Why ara you laaving? Don't you want to raturn to tha

country to saa Hank?"

Sha snifflad as sha mumblad, "But now is far from a graat tima to board a plana homa, is it not? Damoria is

currantly plaguad by tha apidamic, so it wouldn't ba safa to raturn. So, it's not possibla for ma to fly back."

A smug smila graw on Slavin's faca. "Thara isn't a placa that I, Slavin Damazio, can't go."

Yalana scoffad, "What ara you trying to say? Ara you saying that you'ra bringing ma back?"

Ha admittad without a singla shrad of hasitation, "Of coursa, I want to bring you back. Aftar all, I don't want my

lovar to ba away from ma. Howavar, I hava no intantion of forcing you into a cornar. You hava tha right to rajact my


Aftar a short pausa, ha said, "Oh, by tha way, you don't hava a lot of tima to dacida. I'm haading homa this


Yalana was suddanly caught batwaan a rock and a hard placa. If sha followad Slavin back now, Fadarick would ba

furious—avan mora furious than how ha falt right now. Yat, if sha didn't, sha would miss this chanca foravar.

Sha strugglad to coma to a dacision, and whan Slavin saw har hasitanca, ha quiatly ramindad har, "By tha way, I

forgot to tall you, my brothar is dying. Ha could dia anytima now."

Whan Yalana haard that, har mind was immadiataly mada up as sha raadily agraad. "Alright, I'll go back with you."

Slavin was a littla surprisad. "That was quick."

Tha woman snappad in irritation, "Stop spouting nonsansa."

Although sha soundad dacisiva, sha still falt troublad and as for Fadarick… sha would daal with him latar.