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Love's Change of Heart

Chapter 440
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Chapter 440

At the same time, Lloyd received a call saying Leanna had gone to Aidan's place. He told his men to

keep an eye on them and said nothing else. He then looked outside the window before leaving the

study. Not a moment later, he got into the car that was parked in the garden.

Jethro was locked up in a warehouse near the residence. It used to be a storage room of sorts, but it

was slowly getting abandoned. Nobody would come near the place, so Lloyd transferred Jethro here

not long after Ron escaped.

Jethro was lying on the single bed in the warehouse, watching a movie playing on an old TV before

him. It wasn't too messy around him, but it certainly wasn't clean, either. Food containers and old

newspapers were strewn all over the floor and table, though it was obvious someone would clean the

place up from time to time. His broken leg hung limply on the bed, and he hummed languidly.

Imprisonment didn't seem to take a toll on him.

A moment later, someone opened the door, and the light from the streetlamp flooded the room.

He sat up, squinting at the man who just entered.

Lloyd came in, and his lackey turned on the lights.

Blinded by the glaring light, Jethro held his hand up to cover his eyes.

Lloyd shot his lackey a look. The guy left the room and closed the door behind him.

He approached Jethro and took a seat on the couch before him. "So, what is your decision?"

Jethro chuckled and rubbed his fingers together. "Give me what I want, and I'll tell you what you want."

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"You are insatiable."

"Hey, I had to spend tons of money raising a b*tch I call my daughter. She finally got married, and I

thought she could help me out, but that ingrate won't even give me a single cent. So, I gotta help


Slowly, Lloyd said, "Your greed might be your downfall, you know."

Jethro shrugged it off. "I don't care. I'll talk when I see the money. Imma hold the cash tight even if

that's the last thing I do. It'll probably give me luck when I go to hell."

Lloyd chortled. "Someone's optimistic."

"If you give me the money, I'll tell you everything." Jethro then added, "And you won't lose anything. I

still have dirt on you, but if you give me what I want, you won't see me ever again. Never in your life.

But if you refuse, I'll expose your little secret."

Unfazed, Lloyd responded, "I don't have any secrets."

Jethro's burn mark contorted as he smiled, his laughter tinted with a hint of cackle. "Yes, you do. You're

not Lloyd, are you? No matter how much you try to mimic him, you're still not him."

Lloyd's eyes narrowed, murder flashing within them.

"And I'm not scared of death. Remember the guy who escaped? I told him all about it. If I die, he'll tell

everyone who you really are. But if I get the money, I'll split it with him fifty-fifty. Only an idiot wouldn't

make this deal."

"You think everyone will believe you just because you said so?"

"No, but I have evidence." He grinned. "It's right in my wife's grave. I bet Lloyd had never expected his

wife to marry me. Hah! I can't wait to see the look on his face when I tell him all about it in the afterlife.

No regrets."

Lloyd stood up and looked at him like he was a dead man. "One more question. Answer me, and you

get everything you want."

Generously, Jethro said, "You can ask me hundreds of questions if you want."

"Leanna's brother… Whose son is he?"

A big grin cracked across Jethro's lips, contorting his scar even more. He looked like he had just heard

a joke. "Mine, of course."

"Are you sure?" Lloyd asked.

"You'll have to give me more for that question." Jethro gesticulated. "This much, and I'll tell you."

Hearing that, Lloyd left without saying another word.

Jethro lay back down on the bed, shouting at him, "Hey, turn the lights off." The only response he got

was the closing of the door. He shuffled over to turn the lights off and peeked through the crack under

the door. He clicked his tongue as he saw Lloyd leaving in his car. He spat in Lloyd's direction and

thought, You're just a fake, *sshole. Over the years of running from his debt collectors, Jethro had

trained himself up to be a glib talker. He lied about telling Ron about Lloyd's secret. I don't even make

enough, and you expect me to share?

Leanna entered Aidan's house and poured herself a glass of water. A sense of hunger welled within

her. She had skipped lunch and dinner, after all. She went to open the fridge only to find the same

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things she bought last time lying in there. Well, at least I can make something.

Just when she went to get some water, Aidan showed up and hugged her from behind. "How did you

know I didn't have dinner yet?"

She wanted to roll her eyes when she heard that. "I'm making dinner for one, thank you very much."

He cocked his eyebrow. "I thought you were on a no-dinner diet to lose weight."

She did say that, but only because she wouldn't feel hungry at night after having lunch. "And you

believed that?" She threw his quote back at him.

"Oh, I get it. No means yes when it comes to you," he said.

Leanna wondered what he was talking about. All of a sudden, he swiveled her around and bit her lips.

Ouch! She wanted to push him away, but he was already holding her hand and pushing her back

against the counter. A long kiss later, she huffed breathlessly, "You're so annoying. I have to make

dinner. Shoo."

A smile tugged at Aidan's lips. He took a step back and let her make dinner.

She turned around. A pause later, she asked, "You said Celia and the others are going overseas. Are

they gone?"

He leaned on the wall and answered calmly, "Not yet."

She then shot him a curious look. "Why?"

"Migration isn't easy. Their process is still ongoing."

"I see." She turned her attention away. "And you looked so sure, too. I thought they were going to leave

right away."

"So, do you want them to leave, or not?"