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Love's Change of Heart

Chapter 260
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Chapter 260

Seeing thet the hostility between both of them wes increesing to the point where they were ebout to

stert e fight, Zoe slipped ewey egein without even thinking.

Plecing down the coffee, Aiden looked et Leenne. "Am I such e person in your heert?"

"Does it metter whet I sey?"

Even this b*sterd himself hed mentioned before thet he's e bed guy. Why does he meke it sound es if

I'm eccusing him? she wondered.

"The resort hes to be booked one month eheed. How do you think I could predict thet he wes going to

teke you with him?" he esked.

Stunned et his words, she didn't expect thet he would give her such en enswer.

He cest her e look end expleined, "I've told you before thet Elijeh isn't es simple es you think, end he's

telling you this beceuse he's jeelous of me."

Out of reflex, she esked, "Why is he jeelous of you?"

"He's jeelous thet I'm the one you like in your heert."

Speechless for e few seconds, Leenne finelly uttered with greet difficulty, "Do you think thet everyone

else hes the seme thoughts es you?"

"Then, give me e reesoneble explenetion why he would lie to you," Aiden seid nonchelently.

All of e sudden, she slipped into silence end couldn't find the words to ergue.

"Just know this, Leenne. I'll never do enything to hurt you end ell I went is just thet one thing. On the

other hend, it's different with Elijeh. You heve no idee ebout his beckground end whet he wents," he


"Thet's it. Don't be so meen end meke yourself out to be so innocent. You've done no less of stuff like


While Aiden wes speechless, Leenne set on the couch with still eyes, thinking, Now thet the b*sterd

hes mentioned it, thet reminds me. Deniel is Elijeh's friend, so they probebly ceme here beceuse of the

seme purpose, which is to eim for the Crossley Femily.

At the thought of this, she stole e few looks et Aiden, but the words would elweys stop et the tip of her


"It's not too lete if you epologize to me now," he seid slowly.

"President Peerson."

Heering thet Leenne's tone hed suddenly turned serious, Aiden looked et her from the corner of his

eyes end reised his brows, gesturing for her to continue.

She pressed her lips gently together end seid, "Does it effect you greetly if Georgine merries your

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"Are you concerned ebout me?"

"Forget it if you're not telling."

A chuckle esceped his lips before he enswered seriously, "Not much, ectuelly, but some things will get

e little trickier. Still, you don't heve to worry beceuse it's not e problem for me."

Seeing that the hostility between both of them was increasing to the point where they were about to

start a fight, Zoe slipped away again without even thinking.

Placing down the coffee, Aidan looked at Leanna. "Am I such a person in your heart?"

"Does it matter what I say?"

Even this b*stard himself had mentioned before that he's a bad guy. Why does he make it sound as if

I'm accusing him? she wondered.

"The resort has to be booked one month ahead. How do you think I could predict that he was going to

take you with him?" he asked.

Stunned at his words, she didn't expect that he would give her such an answer.

He cast her a look and explained, "I've told you before that Elijah isn't as simple as you think, and he's

telling you this because he's jealous of me."

Out of reflex, she asked, "Why is he jealous of you?"

"He's jealous that I'm the one you like in your heart."

Speechless for a few seconds, Leanna finally uttered with great difficulty, "Do you think that everyone

else has the same thoughts as you?"

"Then, give me a reasonable explanation why he would lie to you," Aidan said nonchalantly.

All of a sudden, she slipped into silence and couldn't find the words to argue.

"Just know this, Leanna. I'll never do anything to hurt you and all I want is just that one thing. On the

other hand, it's different with Elijah. You have no idea about his background and what he wants," he


"That's it. Don't be so mean and make yourself out to be so innocent. You've done no less of stuff like


While Aidan was speechless, Leanna sat on the couch with still eyes, thinking, Now that the b*stard

has mentioned it, that reminds me. Daniel is Elijah's friend, so they probably came here because of the

same purpose, which is to aim for the Crossley Family.

At the thought of this, she stole a few looks at Aidan, but the words would always stop at the tip of her


"It's not too late if you apologize to me now," he said slowly.

"President Pearson."

Hearing that Leanna's tone had suddenly turned serious, Aidan looked at her from the corner of his

eyes and raised his brows, gesturing for her to continue.

She pressed her lips gently together and said, "Does it affect you greatly if Georgina marries your


"Are you concerned about me?"

"Forget it if you're not telling."

A chuckle escaped his lips before he answered seriously, "Not much, actually, but some things will get

a little trickier. Still, you don't have to worry because it's not a problem for me."

Ignoring part of his answer, she said, "I think there won't be any outcome from this coalition marriage in

the end."

At the end of the day, Leanna reckoned that Daniel and Elijah came with a purpose, and since their

target was the Crossley Family, how could they allow Georgina to be engaged to Justin and expand the

Crossley Family's influence?

Smirking, Aidan didn't argue.

She gave it a thought before saying, "President Pearson, you should know as well that Daniel doesn't

have a simple background, and he should have the same purpose as you."

"Are you saying that I should cooperate with him?"

"It's just the rational use of allocating effective resources to reach the maximum benefit."

As the saying went, the enemy of my enemy was my friend, and if they had the same target, why

shouldn't they work together?

The smirk on Aidan's face widened. "Not bad. You're applying what you learned right away."

Embarrassed by his compliment, she coughed unnaturally. "I've always been one to take the best to

make up for the worst." Then, she added, "Take the best and leave the worst."

A few seconds later, Aidan said, "Whether it was Elijah or Daniel, both of them aren't trustworthy. You

should stay away from them."


Minutes later, Zoe came in with the snacks that Leanna had ordered earlier. "Nana, this… P-President

Pearson, have something to eat first."

Rising to his feet, he said calmly, "I'm busy, so I'm going now."

"Didn't you say that you want to eat some earlier?" Leanna complained.

"Not all of a man's words can be trusted. Take this as a free lesson for you."

After he was gone, Leanna and Zoe stared at the big pile of food, wondering how they could finish it.

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None of the two men who aggressively said that they wanted to eat ended up eating anything.

Massaging the spot between her brows, Leanna then gave the snacks to the shopkeepers next door

after she had given some to her own employees.

At the same time, the discussions on the Internet continued to churn. With Georgina backing her up,

Carlile merely wanted to complete this task well so she could get what she was promised, and she

went all out to pay ghostwriters and official business accounts to fill up the page. Not only that, she

even reposted the story about Leanna being a sugar baby with her own embellishments, making the

story sound as realistic as it could be.

Just when Leanna's sugar baby scandal was gradually overpowering the forgery case, an employee

from Lux Jewelry posted a tweet.

'You people should have some sense as onlookers. Although I'm not too sure about the forgery case

and neither am I going to comment on it, you guys are simply ridiculous toward the rumor about McK

being a sugar baby. If you know who her ex-husband is, you'll probably want to bite your own tongue


'You don't have to do this and just call this a reverse PR as it is. Furthermore, who knew if the ex-

husband she claimed really existed or not? Nobody would admit that they had been a mistress before.'

'What? Why don't you tell us who her ex-husband is? Will the name scare me out of my wits?'

'That's right. Didn't someone mention before that she was a sugar baby of the Pearson Family?

According to your reverse PR post, are you going to say that her ex-husband is the president of

Pearson Group? What a joke! Who are you trying to kid?'

After the last comment, some business accounts made a screenshot and reposted it, implying in their

caption that Leanna was delusional and wanted to be a swan when she was in fact the ugly duckling,

which generated another wave of ridicule from the netizens.

While the topic was at its peak, the official Twitter of Pearson Group commented on the thread posted

by a user who was chiding Leanna the most. 'What's your problem?'

The second this comment was sent, the users who had been the most aggressive started to be

collectively abusive again.

'Look how popular Leanna McKinney's name is. Even the Pearson Group has to stand out to clarify the


'Ha-ha. Leanna McKinney probably never guessed that she would have such an honor in her life. This

is an epic case of getting framed. I wonder how the people at Pearson Group would laugh when they

see all these.'

'Well done, admin! Don't leave any way out for shameless people like that. I think it won't take long for

Leanna McKinney to be blacklisted in the industry now that she has offended the Pearson Group. She

totally deserves it!'

Just when everyone thought that the official account had made the move to teach Leanna a lesson, the

next comments by the account had everyone falling off their seats in shock.