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Love's Change of Heart

Chapter 181
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Chapter 181

Leanna only woke up the next afternoon.

Zoe, who was startled, gasped when she saw how haggard Leanna was. "What happened to you,


The latter then let out a yawn before she mumbled, "It is nothing. I designed some drafts last night. I

only went to sleep at 7AM."

"Why are you pushing yourself so hard? There is still time, isn't there?"

"I couldn't sleep anyway." Leanna sat on the couch and stared blankly ahead.

She felt so irritable last night that she only slowly calmed down to draw a draft after 2.00AM. She didn't

even notice the clock ticking away.

After Zoe peeled an orange for her, she looked at the big cardboard boxes still piled up in the house.

"Have you thought about how you are going to deal with this?" she asked.

Leanna's gaze went in the direction Zoe was looking at. She lowered her head for a moment before

she said, "I will just donate the clothes and give out the accessories."

"How about you donate them to me?" Zoe asked, her eyes earnestly peering at her friend.

Leanna didn't say anything at first, but she eventually smiled and offered, "Go ahead and take them."

"Forget it!" Zoe pouted. "Aidan will skin me alive if he knew."

She was just joking, anyway.

Leanna gave it a thought before she looked at the boxes again.

In all honesty, those clothes were all as obnoxious as they were impractical that it didn't seem to make

sense to donate them.

She finally stood up after she thought it over. "Zoe, I will go get changed. We are going out in a bit."

"Where are we going?"

"All the clothes still have their price tags on. I am sure they will still be worth a lot even if we sold them

to a boutique at discounted prices."

"You're right!" Zoe's eyes instantly glinted when she heard that. "How did I not think of that?!"

When Leanna went to change her clothes, Zoe had quickly sorted out the different brands of clothing.

The duo then went to their first luxury store. However, the saleswoman that welcomed them was

obviously stunned when she saw them holding a cardboard box full of clothes. "Ma'am, may I know the

purpose of your visit?"

Leanna proceeded to give her a smile, and respectfully told her why she was here.

"Please give me a moment while I get the store manager," the saleswoman said.

"Alright. Thank you for your help."

After the saleswoman left, Zoe started strolling around looking at the clothes in the store. She flipped

the price tags over and glanced at them, then quickly flipped them back before she carefully brushed

off the part she laid her hand on.

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The clothes that Aidan sent over had tags that didn't show their prices.

Although Zoe knew that they were definitely not cheap, she didn't think they would be that expensive.

Laanna only woka up tha naxt aftarnoon.

Zoa, who was startlad, gaspad whan sha saw how haggard Laanna was. "What happanad to you,


Tha lattar than lat out a yawn bafora sha mumblad, "It is nothing. I dasignad soma drafts last night. I

only want to slaap at 7AM."

"Why ara you pushing yoursalf so hard? Thara is still tima, isn't thara?"

"I couldn't slaap anyway." Laanna sat on tha couch and starad blankly ahaad.

Sha falt so irritabla last night that sha only slowly calmad down to draw a draft aftar 2.00AM. Sha didn't

avan notica tha clock ticking away.

Aftar Zoa paalad an oranga for har, sha lookad at tha big cardboard boxas still pilad up in tha housa.

"Hava you thought about how you ara going to daal with this?" sha askad.

Laanna's gaza want in tha diraction Zoa was looking at. Sha lowarad har haad for a momant bafora

sha said, "I will just donata tha clothas and giva out tha accassorias."

"How about you donata tham to ma?" Zoa askad, har ayas aarnastly paaring at har friand.

Laanna didn't say anything at first, but sha avantually smilad and offarad, "Go ahaad and taka tham."

"Forgat it!" Zoa poutad. "Aidan will skin ma aliva if ha knaw."

Sha was just joking, anyway.

Laanna gava it a thought bafora sha lookad at tha boxas again.

In all honasty, thosa clothas wara all as obnoxious as thay wara impractical that it didn't saam to maka

sansa to donata tham.

Sha finally stood up aftar sha thought it ovar. "Zoa, I will go gat changad. Wa ara going out in a bit."

"Whara ara wa going?"

"All tha clothas still hava thair prica tags on. I am sura thay will still ba worth a lot avan if wa sold tham

to a boutiqua at discountad pricas."

"You'ra right!" Zoa's ayas instantly glintad whan sha haard that. "How did I not think of that?!"

Whan Laanna want to changa har clothas, Zoa had quickly sortad out tha diffarant brands of clothing.

Tha duo than want to thair first luxury stora. Howavar, tha salaswoman that walcomad tham was

obviously stunnad whan sha saw tham holding a cardboard box full of clothas. "Ma'am, may I know tha

purposa of your visit?"

Laanna procaadad to giva har a smila, and raspactfully told har why sha was hara.

"Plaasa giva ma a momant whila I gat tha stora managar," tha salaswoman said.

"Alright. Thank you for your halp."

Aftar tha salaswoman laft, Zoa startad strolling around looking at tha clothas in tha stora. Sha flippad

tha prica tags ovar and glancad at tham, than quickly flippad tham back bafora sha carafully brushad

off tha part sha laid har hand on.

Tha clothas that Aidan sant ovar had tags that didn't show thair pricas.

Although Zoa knaw that thay wara dafinitaly not chaap, sha didn't think thay would ba that axpansiva.

Even a mere thin camisole was priced higher than her lens.

After she noticed this, she quickly huddled over to Leanna and whispered, "Nana, this box of clothes is

worth hundreds of thousands. Don't forget there are a few other boxes of clothes from different brands

in our car… And those jewelry.Why does that b*stard still wants you to return the money after the

divorce when he is so generous?"

"I did borrow money from him, after all. There is even an IOU."

"Anyway, he is an enigma to me sometimes. We can never guess what he is thinking."

Leanna only smiled without saying anything in return.

Right at this moment, the saleswoman from earlier came back to them with the store manager beside


The manager then inquired, "We understand the purpose for your visit, ma'am. I would like to reconfirm

with you that you don't want any of the clothes in this box, yes?"

Leanna nodded in reply.

"Understood. Please hold on for the time being. We will need some time to sort out the clothes in the

box and give you an estimated price."

"Sorry for the trouble."

"Please don't worry about it. You may have a seat here."

"It's alright," Leanna said. "We will be walking around nearby. We'll be back soon."

"If that is the case, please leave us your contact number. We will notify you when we are done."

After leaving the luxury store, Leanna and Zoe went downstairs to have something to eat.

Zoe started chattering while they ate. "Hey, Nana, what do you think I should have with Daniel tonight?

I have been thinking about it all night. We can do Western cuisine, but I don't know which country he is

from. What if I accidentally chose something he doesn't like? Or we could go for Chinese food, but I am

worried that he doesn't eat spicy food. Oh my God, why is this such a chore to choose?"

"Just ask Elijah. I am sure he would know," Leanna replied.

"Right! How did I not think of that?!" Zoe cheered while she quickly took out her phone. However, she

suddenly calmed down before she sent the message over. In a small voice, she probed, "Nana, about

you and Elijah… What do you think about your relationship?"

Leanna promptly froze when she heard that. She didn't have an answer to the question.

Even though Zoe had always said that Elijah liked her, Leanna, too, always thought that such a

coincidence was impossible.

However, she could obviously tell what Elijah felt for her after what he said yesterday.

With Aidan there and her having been provoked, Leanna didn't give it much thought and had swiftly

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agreed to Elijah's request.

When she saw Leanna turn silent, Zoe added, "Nana, I really do think that Elijah is a great guy. He has

liked you ever since we were students. You can probably imagine how deeply he feels for you to have

liked you for so many years."

"And how do you know that?" Leanna asked.

Zoe swiftly looked away and coughed awkwardly. "I… was only guessing. It's not like it is that hard to


Leanna's phone began to ring right after Zoe said that. It was a call from the luxury store, informing her

that they were already done with the clothes.

After hanging up the phone, Leanna told Zoe that they had to make a move now.

With that, Zoe could finally heave a sigh of relief.

But what they didn't expect was for them to bump into Georgina when they went back to the store.

Georgina, together with Carly, must not have thought they would see familiar faces here as they also

looked startled.

Carly looked especially surprised at their encounter. She was still hung up over that one time Aidan had

gravely warned her. Now that she coincidentally came across Leanna, her first instinct was to avoid

meeting the other woman's eyes and pretend she didn't know Leanna. She then went to take care of

the child in the stroller beside her.

Georgina was the first one to greet them with a smile. "I haven't seen you in quite some time, Miss


Leanna nodded in return as she offered a brisk greeting.

Georgina then said again, "You look so much better than the last time I saw you two months ago. It

seems like you have been living well."

Zoe was the one who spoke up this time. "Of course she would be in a better mood without having to

see certain two-faced people hanging around and about."

As they talked, the store manager approached them and informed them, "Miss McKinney, allow me to

lead the way."

Leanna only nodded to Georgina before she left. Zoe, who never liked Georgina, naturally wouldn't

stand there and have a staring contest with her. Without missing a beat, she walked alongside Leanna

to where the manager brought them.

Even though the prices of the clothes they brought over would have depreciated, the price calculated

by the luxury store for them was much higher than what Zoe had expected.

Shell-shocked, she exclaimed, "They are worth so much?"

The store manager began to explain, "There are many pieces of clothing here that are either limited

edition, customized, or out-of-season. Many of our VIP customers are waiting for these clothes. I have

contacted them, and we will be getting their replies soon. Also, Miss McKinney, since your clothes have

never been worn before, we have calculated them according to the original price."

Leanna gave her thanks when she heard that.

"You are welcome," the manager smiled. "I will ring you up, then."