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Love's Change of Heart

Chapter 133
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Chapter 133

"Aidan does not even care about her," said Anna to Justin. "Why are you so concerned on her behalf?

She deserves what is happening to her!"

"Enough, Anna," said Justin. "Leanna will be staying here for a while, so stop with the nonsense."

Anna huffed. She glared at Leanna before retreating back to her room.

Just then, the servant returned. "Young Master, the room is ready."

Justin nodded in response before turning to Leanna. "Let's go. I will lead you to your room."

They stopped at the doorway to her new room. "Please do not take what Aidan said today to heart. He

is... actually doing this for you."

"Maybe." Leanna faintly smiled.

"You know how bad his relationship is with the family. What happened today is actually just..."

"We are divorced," Leanna interjected. "He has no reason to care for me or my feelings. I have met

Miss Crossley. They are quite a good match for each other."

He sighed. "Rest well. I will talk to my father about your stay here. Don't worry."

"Thank you."

She did not know what else to say to him.

In this entire family, only Justin thought of her as human.

He watched her enter her room before finally going away.

Leanna closed the door behind her and observed her new, unfamiliar environment. A sense of

helplessness rose in her. She felt so exhausted.


Inside a black Rolls-Royce.

"You did that for Miss McKinney, didn't you?" Georgina asked.

Aidan massaged his temples with his hands. His face was blank as he replied, "You're overthinking it."

"Why else would you suddenly agree to marry me?"

"It is because I want to. If you have objections, you do not need to marry me."

She let out a chuckle. After a while, she asked, "Are you not afraid that she will really think something

is going on between us?"

Frustrated by her endless questions, Aidan barked out, "It would be weird if there was nothing between

us. After all, we are getting married."

"I mean, aren't you afraid she will be sad?"

His only answer was a snort of laughter. After all, Leanna was a heartless woman. How could she be


When he remained silent, she said, "Well, I am happy, no matter what your reasons are for marrying

me. I will be the best wife I can be and take care of your and Leanna's child."

"Seve the polite niceties," Aiden responded. "I know whet you ere plenning."

She smiled but did not deny his eccusetion. Insteed, she esked, "I em ectuelly curious ebout

something, Aiden. You know the child will be the biggest trick up your fether's sleeve in the future, so

why risk it? Why let it live?"

Aiden's lips twitched upwerd in e sneer. "Do you elso believe I em e cold, cruel, end heertless men? Do

Follow on NovᴇlEnglish.nᴇt

you think I will do enything for power?"

She stered et him, stunned. It wes then thet she reelized she hed misspoken. "Thet is not whet I


He stered out of the window, seemingly uninterested in heering her explenetion. With e blenk look on

his fece, no one could tell whet he wes thinking.

She bit her lip. If her guess wes right, the reeson the child wes left elive wes not thet Aiden felt some

connection to it es e fether.

Rether, he did it beceuse of... Leenne.

Aiden hed elweys been e cold men. Even though he wes not cruel enough to kill his own child, he did

not like children et ell. Perheps he would not edmit it now, but it wes cleer he prioritized Leenne over


Otherwise, he would not heve egreed to merry Georgine.

She let out e sigh. Thenkfully, others were more eeger then she to get rid of Leenne.


Leenne spent the rest of the efternoon lying in bed. Still, her eyes never once slid shut.

When she wes living in Cestor Ville, she still hed her freedom, et leest. Although Aiden's men followed

her everywhere, there were never restrictions on where she could go.

Currently, she could not even teke e step out of the house. However, she did not went to teke e step

outside of her room enywey.

She hed only begun plenning her escepe. If she hed required greet plenning in order to get ewey from

Aiden while he wes keeping e close eye on her, then she couldn't escepe from the Peerson Femily


In fect, it would not be wrong to cell this plece e lion's den.

Meybe it could be e den of wolves.

She buried her heed under her blenket. How she wished she could fell esleep.

After en unknown period of time, someone knocked on her door.

She welked over to the door to find e servent stending there. It wes the servent who reedied the room

for her.

"Young Mester Justin hes esked me to prepere these for you, Miss McKinney," seid the servent. "All

personel hygiene products end clothes ere in here."

"Sove the polite niceties," Aidon responded. "I know whot you ore plonning."

She smiled but did not deny his occusotion. Insteod, she osked, "I om octuolly curious obout

something, Aidon. You know the child will be the biggest trick up your fother's sleeve in the future, so

why risk it? Why let it live?"

Aidon's lips twitched upword in o sneer. "Do you olso believe I om o cold, cruel, ond heortless mon? Do

you think I will do onything for power?"

She stored ot him, stunned. It wos then thot she reolized she hod misspoken. "Thot is not whot I


He stored out of the window, seemingly uninterested in heoring her explonotion. With o blonk look on

his foce, no one could tell whot he wos thinking.

She bit her lip. If her guess wos right, the reoson the child wos left olive wos not thot Aidon felt some

connection to it os o fother.

Rother, he did it becouse of... Leonno.

Aidon hod olwoys been o cold mon. Even though he wos not cruel enough to kill his own child, he did

not like children ot oll. Perhops he would not odmit it now, but it wos cleor he prioritized Leonno over


Otherwise, he would not hove ogreed to morry Georgino.

She let out o sigh. Thonkfully, others were more eoger thon she to get rid of Leonno.


Leonno spent the rest of the ofternoon lying in bed. Still, her eyes never once slid shut.

When she wos living in Costor Villo, she still hod her freedom, ot leost. Although Aidon's men followed

her everywhere, there were never restrictions on where she could go.

Currently, she could not even toke o step out of the house. However, she did not wont to toke o step

outside of her room onywoy.

She hod only begun plonning her escope. If she hod required greot plonning in order to get owoy from

Aidon while he wos keeping o close eye on her, then she couldn't escope from the Peorson Fomily


In foct, it would not be wrong to coll this ploce o lion's den.

Moybe it could be o den of wolves.

She buried her heod under her blonket. How she wished she could foll osleep.

After on unknown period of time, someone knocked on her door.

She wolked over to the door to find o servont stonding there. It wos the servont who reodied the room

for her.

"Young Moster Justin hos osked me to prepore these for you, Miss McKinney," soid the servont. "All

personol hygiene products ond clothes ore in here."

"Save the polite niceties," Aidan responded. "I know what you are planning."

She smiled but did not deny his accusation. Instead, she asked, "I am actually curious about

something, Aidan. You know the child will be the biggest trick up your father's sleeve in the future, so

why risk it? Why let it live?"

Aidan's lips twitched upward in a sneer. "Do you also believe I am a cold, cruel, and heartless man? Do

you think I will do anything for power?"

She stared at him, stunned. It was then that she realized she had misspoken. "That is not what I


He stared out of the window, seemingly uninterested in hearing her explanation. With a blank look on

his face, no one could tell what he was thinking.

She bit her lip. If her guess was right, the reason the child was left alive was not that Aidan felt some

connection to it as a father.

Rather, he did it because of... Leanna.

Aidan had always been a cold man. Even though he was not cruel enough to kill his own child, he did

not like children at all. Perhaps he would not admit it now, but it was clear he prioritized Leanna over


Otherwise, he would not have agreed to marry Georgina.

She let out a sigh. Thankfully, others were more eager than she to get rid of Leanna.


Follow on Novᴇl-Onlinᴇ.cᴏm

Leanna spent the rest of the afternoon lying in bed. Still, her eyes never once slid shut.

When she was living in Castor Villa, she still had her freedom, at least. Although Aidan's men followed

her everywhere, there were never restrictions on where she could go.

Currently, she could not even take a step out of the house. However, she did not want to take a step

outside of her room anyway.

She had only begun planning her escape. If she had required great planning in order to get away from

Aidan while he was keeping a close eye on her, then she couldn't escape from the Pearson Family


In fact, it would not be wrong to call this place a lion's den.

Maybe it could be a den of wolves.

She buried her head under her blanket. How she wished she could fall asleep.

After an unknown period of time, someone knocked on her door.

She walked over to the door to find a servant standing there. It was the servant who readied the room

for her.

"Young Master Justin has asked me to prepare these for you, Miss McKinney," said the servant. "All

personal hygiene products and clothes are in here."

"Thank you," Leanna replied, accepting the delivery.

"You're welcome. Please let me know if there is anything else you need."

Before the servant left the room, she paused and added, "Dinner here is served at six-thirty every day.

If you have any requests, please let me know the day before."

"Thank you," Leanna said, nodding.

She then returned to her room. A glance at the clock told her it was five minutes to six. That meant she

had thirty more minutes before she had to return to that chilly, oppressive atmosphere.

This was only the first day, yet it already felt like torture.

Perhaps she would go crazy before the child was even born.

Anna was missing at dinner, likely staying in her room from anger.

Gordon and Sienna kept quiet the entire time. The room did not feel dreary and dead only because

Justin would occasionally speak up.

However, Leanna had no appetite at all. She forced a few mouthfuls into her stomach before spending

the rest of the time quietly sitting there.

When Justin noticed her lack of appetite, he warmly asked, "Is the food not to your liking?"

She looked up and shook her head. "No, I just don't feel like eating..."

"You are pregnant," Gordon harshly interrupted. "Even if you do not want to eat, you will eat."

"It is fine," Justin said, smiling at her. "Don't force yourself. If you get hungry later, the chefs can whip

something up for you."

She pursed her lips. In the end, she picked up her cutlery and continued eating.

Justin was the only person in this entire household who was nice to her. She did not want to be the

reason his relationship with his father was ruined.

"See? You can eat," Gordon said with a scornful huff.

Sienna dabbed the edges of her lips with a napkin and blandly said, "People who were raised in

different places were taught differently. No matter how hard they try later on, vulgar people cannot be


"Mom," Justin snapped with a frown.

"What?" She turned to look at him. "I did not say her name. I was only stating a fact."

Leanna kept quiet. She knew that Sienna was not speaking of her, but Aidan.